Viser 121 til 130 av 607 lister

Oppveksthistorier fra virkeligheten.

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1. Classic fantasy: Robin Hobb - "Assasin´s Apprentice"
2. Magic school: J. K. Rowling - "Harry Potter And the Half-blood Prince"
3. Necromancers
4. PTSD: Tahereh Mafi - "Shatter me"
5. Dragons
6. Fairytale (retelling)
7. Grimdark: Jan Roar Leikvoll - «Fiolinane»
8. Ghosts: Charles Dickens - "A Christmas carol"
9. Uncommon fantasy creatures: Terry Pratchett - "The light fantastic" (example: druids and trolls rarely appear in books, the sentient Luggage, and so forth)
10. Shapeshifters: Sarah J. Maas - "Empire of storms"
11. Gods: Terry Pratchett - "The colour of magic"
12. Animal companions: Philip Pullman - "The Amber Spyglass"
13. Maternal heritage
14. Set in our world: J. K. Rowling - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"
15. Witches: Kelly Barnhill - "The girl who drank the moon"
16. Magical Law Enforcement: Ben Aaronovitch - "Rivers of London"
17. Thief: Leigh Bardugo - "Six of crows"
18. Pirates
19. Portal Fantasy: Philip Pullman - "The Subtle Knife"
20. Warrior: Lian Hearn - "I lys av månen"


1. On a different planet: Ursula le Guin - "Left hand of darkness"
2. Utopia: Ursula le Guin - "The dispossessed"
3. Space ship: Stanislaw Lem - "The star diaries"
4. Steampunk
5. Time Travel: Diana Gabaldon - "Outlander"
6. Artificial Intelligence pov
7. Proto Sci-fi
8. Hive
9. Alien
10. Virtual reality
11. Super powers: Jessica Townsend - "Wundersmith: The Calling of Morrigan Crow"
12. Science
13. Replicate
14. Space colonization
15. Mecha
16. Space creatures/beasts
17. Teleportation: Madeleine L´engle - "A wrinkle in time"
18. Space western
19. The moon: N. K. Jemisin - "Stone sky"
20. Invasion

1. Satire: Terry Pratchett og Neil Gaiman - «Good Omens»
2. Under 500 pages: Dag Solstad - "Genanse og verdighet" (eller må det også være fantasy i denne kategorien?)
3. Over 800 pages: Sarah J. Maas - "Kingdom of Ash"
4. Novella: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - "A study in scarlet"
5. Finish a series: Lian Hearn - "Barn av Otori" "
6. Mental health: Gail Honeyman - "Eleanor Oliphant har det helt fint"
7. Disability
8. Published before 1991: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - "The Sign of the Four"
9. Set in Africa
10. Library: Sarah J. Maas - "Tower of Dawn"
11. By a woman of color: N. S. Jemisin - "The obelisk gate"
12. One word title: Neil Shusterman - "Scythe"

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1. Book published in 2019: Emil André Erstad - "Hareides fall - trettiseks dager som endra norsk politikk"

2. Author you’ve never heard of: Jo Walton - "Amongst others"

3. A book you’ve read before: Philip Pullman - "The Subtle Knife"

4. Book with a strong female lead: Sarah J. Maas - "Queen of shadows"

  1. A play

  2. A book set in Southern USA: Jesmyn Ward - "Det som reddes kan"

  3. A memoir on someone you admire

8. Set in the Victorian Era: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - "A story of four"

  1. Character with career you wish you had

10. A plant on the cover: Lisa Aisato - "Livet - illustrert"

11. Published the year you graduated school: Jan Roar Leikvoll - «Fiolinane» (2010)

12. A graphic novel: Maja Lunde og Lisa Aisato - "Snøsøsteren"

  1. Featuring music

14. An ugly cover: Terry Pratchett - "The light fantastic"

15. A teen as the main character: Madeleine L´engle - "A wrinkle in time"

16. The re-telling of a well-known story: Hans Olav Lahlum - "De fems tegn" (skriver i forordet at boka er inspirert av/bevisst ligner på "The sign of the four" av Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, men denne er satt i en mer moderne setting)

17. Set during a holiday: Charles Dickens - “A Christmas carol”

18. Book picked out by someone else: Dag Solstad - "Genanse og verdighet" (plukket ut av bibliotekaren som anbefalt + påpekt av to bokelskere som første Solstad-bok jeg burde lese)

  1. Gothic Fiction novel

20. A book about time-travel: Diana Gabaldon - "Outlander"

21. A title starting with the letter “J”: Klaus Hagerup og Lisa Aisato - "Jenta som ville redde bøkene"

22. Fantasy novel: Jessica Townsend - "Wundersmith - the calling of Morrigan Crow"

  1. True crime novel

  2. A self-published book

25. The name of a color in the title: Sarah J. Maas - "Kingdom of ash"

26. A one word title: Neil Shusterman - "Scythe"

  1. A book that makes you mad

28. A book that discusses mental health: Gail Honeyman - "Eleanor Oliphant har det helt fint"

29. A book published by HarperCollins: Tahareh Mafi - "Shatter me"

30. An author who uses initials: J. K. Rowling - "Harry Potter And the Half-Blood prince"

31. A book that everyone’s talking about: N. K. Jemisin - "The stone sky"

  1. A western

33. A book about a cult: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - "A study in scarlet"

  1. Nominated for (but didn’t win) the 2018 Goodreads choice awards

35. A sports related book: Kathy Reichs - "Flash and bones"

36. A humorous novel: Neil Gaiman og Terry Pratchett - "Good Omens"

  1. Set in South America

38. An allegorical book: N. K. Jemisin - "The obelisk gate" (hele serien er allegorisk og handler om rasisme og diskriminering)

39. Military Related: fiction or non-fiction: Sarah J. Maas - "Tower of dawn"

40. A character that is an immigrant: Johannes Anyuru - "De kommer til å drukne i sine mødres tårer"

  1. A book suggested by someone else in the challenge

  2. A family member’s favourite book

43. A children’s book: Philip Pullman - "The book of Dust - La belle sauvage"

44. An author who uses a pseudonym: Lian Hearn - «Barn av otori»

45. A “beach read”: Kathy Reichs - "Spider bones"

  1. The first book you see in a bookstore / library

47. Set in a country you’ve visited: J. K. Rowling - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"

48. Set in a post-apocalyptic world: N. K. Jemisin - "The Obelisk Gate"

49. A speed read: Terry Pratchett - "The colour of magic"

50. A fairy tale: Kelly Barnhill - "The girl who drank the Moon"

  1. A book about organized crime / the mob

52. An audiobook: Charles Dickens - “A Christmas carol” (har lest denne to ganger i år, mener derfor den kan gå to ganger på lista)

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Ungdomsbøker med ulike psykiske lidelser som tema

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Forslag til klassebesøk.

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Ny leseutfordring for Juni - Juli - August


  • Good as gold - Read a book that won a Goodreads Choice Award
  • The book is better - Read a book being adapted for TV or film this year
  • Short & sweet - Read a book with less than 100 pages (or a book you can finish in one sitting) Lest
  • On the bandwagon - Read one of the "most read" books right now on Goodreads
  • Actually want to read - Read a book that's been on your Want to Read shelf for more than a year Lest
  • Not from around here - Read a book set in a different culture from your own Lest
  • In the friend zone - Read a book that a friend has recommended Lest
  • It takes two - Read a coauthored book Lest
  • Wheel of format - Read a book in a format that you don't normally read in (a graphic novel, poetry, a play, an audiobook, etc)
  • New voices - Read a debut novel
  • Past love - Reread a book you loved when you where younger
  • Armchair traveler - Read a book set in a destination you want to visit Lest


  • Stay awhile - Read a book with more than 500 pages
  • Stranger than fiction - Read a nonfiction book published this year
  • Tongue-tied - Read a translated book
  • No place like home - Read a book that appears in your Goodreads newsfeed
  • Continental drift - Read a book set on every continent
  • Genre explorer - Read a book from a genre you've never read before
  • Reading roulette - Read the third book you see on your Want to Read shelf
  • Primary reading - Read a book with a number or color in the title
  • Back to school - Read a book about a subject you don't know much about Lest

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Forslag til bøker vi kan snakke om i bokklubben.

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Om hvor vanskelig det kan være å finne seg selv og å finne sin plass.

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Poesi fra unge kvinnelige stemmer.

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Bøker til hjelp og trøst for foreldre.

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Marianne MRonnyToneGunillaJulie StensethBjørg L.Fride LindsethBjørg Marit TinholtÅsmund ÅdnøyIngeborg GTine SundalHarald KMads Leonard Holvikella76marvikkisNina M. Haugan FinnsonYvonne JohannesenAnniken BjørneslittymseOdd HebækKirsten LundGrete AmundsenAnne Berit GrønbechHilde H HelsethLailaReadninggirl30mgeBirkaNadira SunsetCatrine Olsen ArnesenHelen SkogEllen E. MartolEgil StangelandBjørn SturødTanteMamieJ FIngvild SOlePiippokattaGro