Mommy Mannegren
2020 Reading Challenge
52 Books in 52 Weeks: mangla én bok her.
1. A book with the letter “W” in the title: «Przewalskis hest»
2. A hardcover: Zeyn Joukhadar - "Et kart av salt og stjerner"
3. By an indigenous author: Tommy Orange - "There there" (norsk tittel Powwow)
4. Set in winter: Naomi Novik - "Spinning silver"
5. A character who is a senior: Kathy Reichs - «Bones never lie» (moren til Brennan)
6. Written in the 1970’s: Carl Sagan - "Cosmos" (trolig, gitt ut i 1980)
7. An author local to you: Lars Saabye Christensen - "Byens spor"
8. Orange on the cover: Fredrik Backman - "Bjørnstad"
9. Set in space: Aliette Bodard - «On A Red Station, Drifting»
10. A bestseller: Jo Nesbø - "Kniv"
11. A book that leaves you thinking: Fredrik Backman - "Vi mot dere"
12. A “guilty pleasure”: Kathy Reichs - "Bones are forever"
13. Written by a female author: Erin Morgenstern - "The starless sea"
14. Book in a series: Robin Hobb - "Royal Assassin"
15. Book with romance: Agatha Christie - "Den åpne graven"
16. Borrowed from a friend: Sally Rooney - "Normal people"
17. Written by more than one author; Amir Levine; Rachel Heller - "Attached"
18. Published in 2020: Emma Lord - «Tweet Cute»
19. A Stephen King novel: Stephen King - «The stand»
20. An author whose last name starts with the same initial as yours: Leigh Bardugo - "Ninth house"
21. Written by a blogger or journalist: Rebecca Skloot - "The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks"
22. A character that frustrates you: Kathy Reichs - "Bones never lie" (Slidell, Brennan selv i blant)
23. Title beginning with A: Agatha Christie - "And Then There Were None"
24. Title beginning with B: Maja Lunde - "Blå"
25. Title beginning with C: Sayaka Murata - "Convenience Store Woman"
26. A strong “friendship” theme: Shobha Rao - "Girls burn brighter"
27. A comic book: Lise Myhre: «Nemi - Skumle damen»
28. Literary Fiction: Toni Morrison - "Beloved"
29. An award-winning novel: Taylor Jenkins Reid - "Daisy Jones & The Six" (Goodreads award best historical fiction, Glass bell award for fiction)
30. A book with recipes inside: Elizabeth Acevedo - "With the fire on high"
31. A book featuring royalty: Diana Gabaldon - «Dragonfly in Amber»
32. A spy novel: Brandon Sanderson - "Mistborn"
33. A book containing poetry: Diana Gabaldon - "Drums of autumn"
34. A book with illustrations: Lisa Aisato - «Livet - illustrert»
35. An author’s debut book: Alex Michaelides - "The silent patient"
36. Written in first person: Ransom Riggs - «Miss Peregrine’s home for peculiar children»
37. A book featuring the medical profession: Jodi Picoult - "A spark of light
38. Set in the future: Frank Herbert: - "Dune Messiah"
39. A book used in a celebrity book club: Delia Owens "Where the crawdads sing" (Reese's book club)
40. A book on the Mensa reading list for grades 9-12
41. Published when you were 20: Kij Johnson - "The cat who walked a thousand miles"
42. Reuse a prompt from a past year; Blake Crouch - "Dark Matter" (prompt: featuring time travel)
43. Set in a country you’ve never visited before: Kathy Reichs - "Bones of the lost" (USA og Afghanistan)
44. “Recommended” to you by Amazon: Samantha Shannon - «Priory of the orange tree»
45. A book that cost you less than $5: Andrzej Sapkowski - "The last wish"
46. By an author used in an earlier category: Lars Saabye Christensen - "Byens spor: Maj"
47. Story takes place on a form of transportation; Diana Gabaldon - "Voyager" (a bit of a stretch, men mye av handlinga foregår på skip)
48. Character who wears glasses: Abbi Waxman - "The bookish life of Nina Hill"
49. About a World Leader: Frank Herbert - "Dune" (Muad'Dib blir leder for planeten Arrakis)
50. An author you previously disliked: Suzanna Clarke - «Piranesi»
51. A genre you don’t normally care for: Bram Stoker - "Dracula"
52. A book with a Foreword: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - "The adventures of Sherlock Holmes" (Audible-versjonen, med forord av Stephen Fry)
A book that's published in 2020: Susanna Clarke - "Piranesi"
A book by a trans or nonbinary author: Zeyn Joukhadar - «Et kart av salt og stjerner»
A book with a great first line: Fredrik Backman - "Bjørnstad". Linja er: "Sent en kveld i slutten av mars tok en tenåring en dobbeltløpet hagle i hånden, gikk rett ut i skogen, satte våpenet mot et menneskes panne og trakk av."
A book about a book club: Will Schwalbe . "The end of your life book club"
A book set in a city that has hosted the Olympics: Lars Saabye Christensen - "Byens spor" (Oslo)
A bildungsroman: Sally Rooney - «Normal people»
The first book you touch on a shelf with your eyes closed: Lise Myhre - «Nemi - Skumle Damen»
A book with an upside down image on the cover: Max Gladstone og Amal El-Mohtar - «This is how you lose the time war»
A book with a map: Robin Hobb - "Royal assasin"
A book recommended by your favorite blog/podcast/online book club: Jim Butcher - "Storm front"
An anthology: "The long list anthology: More stories from the Hugo award nominations list" (David Steffen, red.)
A book that passes the Bechdel test: Leigh Bardugo - "Ninth house"
A book with the same title as a show/TV show but is unrelated to it: Blake Crouch - "Dark Matter"
A book by an author with flora or fauna in their name: Jay Kristoff - "Nevernight"
A book about or involving social media: Emma Lord - «Tweet Cute»
A book that has a book on the cover: Abbi Waxman - "The bookish life of Nina Hill"
A medical thriller: Jodi Picoult - "A spark of light" (muligens litt tvilsom, men er en thriller satt til en medisinsk praksis (abortklinikk)
A book with a made-up language: Andrzej Sapkowski - "The last wish"
A book set in a country that starts with C: Margaret Atwood - «Alias Grace» (Canada)
A book you picked because the title caught your attention; Shobha Rao - "Girls burn brighter"
A book published the month of your birthday: Steven Erikson - «Gardens of the moon»
A book by or about a woman in STEM: Rebecca Skloot - "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks"
A book that won an award in 2019: Taylor Jenkins Reid - "Daisy Jones & The Six"
A book on a subject you know nothing about: Amir Levine og Rachel Heller - "Attached" (visste ingenting om tilknytningspsykologi før dette)
A book with only words on the cover, no images: Jo Nesbø - "Kniv"
A book with a pun in the title: Kathy Reichs - "Bones are forever"
A book featuring one of the seven deadly sins: Diana Gabaldon - «Voyager» (lust, jealousy)
A book with a robot, cyborg, or AI: China Mieville - "Embassytown"
A book with a bird on the cover: William Shaw - "The birdwatcher"
A fiction or nonfiction book about a world leader: Frank Herbert - "Dune" (Muad'Dib er verdensleder på Arrakis)
A book with bronze, silver, or gold in the title: Naomi Novik - "Spinning silver"
A book by a WOC: Toni Morrison - "Beloved"
A book with at least four stars on Goodreads: Diana Gabaldon - «Dragonfly in amber»
A book you meant to read in 2019: Robert Jordan/Brandon Sanderson - "A memory of light"
A book with a three word title: Kathy Reichs - "Bones never lie"
A book with a pink cover: Delia Owens - "Where the crawdads sing"
A Western: Stephen King - "The gunslinger"
A book by or about a journalist: Jonas Hartford Sundquist - Upublisert manus/hemmelig (jeg er beta-leser)
Read a banned book during Banned Book Week: Bram Stoker - «Dracula»
Your favorite prompt from a past Popsugar challenge: A book with an LBTQ+ protagonist (2018): Erin Morgenstern - "The starless sea"
Advanced - a book written by an author in their 20's: Samantha Shannon - "Priory of the orange tree"
Advanced - a book with 20 or twenty in the title: Jules Verne - "20,000 leagues under the sea"
Advanced - a book with a character who has a vision impairment or enhancement: Frank Herbert - "Dune messiah"
Advanced - a book set in Japan: Kij Johnson - "The cat who walked a thousand miles"
Advanced - a book set in the 1920's: Agatha Christie - «Den åpne graven»
Advanced - a book by an author who has written more than 20 books: Agatha Christie - "And then there were none"
Advanced - a book with more than 20 letters in the title: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - "The adventures of Sherlock Holmes"
Advanced - a book published in the 20th century: Stephen King - "The Stand"
Advanced - a book from a series with more than 20 books: Kathy Reichs - "Bones of the lost" (litt juks ettersom bok nummer 20 kommer til neste år. Men flere novellaer er skrevet i samme serie/univers også)
Advanced - a book with a character in their 20's: Diana Gabaldon - «Drums of autumn» (blant annet: Brianna, Roger, Stephen Bonnet)
I år skal jeg lese de bøkene jeg har lyst til å lese, og se enten mens jeg leser dem eller etterpå om de passer til et punkt. Kun bøker i 'leser' hylla.
En leseutfordring med 25 bøker på Facebook
Bok anbefalt av ditt lokale bibliotek/ bokhandel
Afrikansk forfatter
Bok du hadde tenkt å lese i 2019
Russisk klassiker
Favorittbok fra da du var barn/ ungdom
Bok du ikke klarte legge fra deg
Bok av forfatter som har skrevet mer enn 20 bøker
Bok som ikke har en lykkelig slutt
En fantasyroman
Bok med terningkast seks på coveret
Bok om psykisk helse
Bok som inneholder et oppdiktet språk
En vinterbok
Bok om skeiv kjærlighet
I år skal jeg lese de bøkene jeg har lyst til å lese, og se enten mens jeg leser dem eller etterpå om de passer til et punkt. Kun bøker i 'leser' hylla.
A book with a title that doesn't contain the letters A, T or Y
A book by an author whose last name is one syllable
A book that you are prompted to read because of something you read in 2019
A book set in a place or time that you wouldn't want to live
The first book in a series that you have not started
A book with a mode of transportation on the cover
A book set in the southern hemisphere
A book with a two-word title where the first word is "The"
A book that can be read in a day
A book that is between 400-600 pages
A book originally published in a year that is a prime number - 1979
A book that is a collaboration between 2 or more people
A prompt from a previous Around the Year in 52 Books challenge
A book by an author on the Abe List of 100 Essential Female Writers
A book set in a rural or sparsely populated area
A book with a neurodiverse character
A book by an author you've only read once before
A fantasy book
The 20th book [on your TBR, in a series, by an author, on a list, etc.
A book related to Maximilian Hell, the noted astronomer and Jesuit Priest who was born in 1720
A book with the major theme of survival
A book featuring an LGBTQIA+ character or by an LGBTQIA+ author
A book with an emotion in the title
A book related to the arts
A book from the 2019 Goodreads Choice Awards
A history or historical fiction
A book by an Australian, Canadian or New Zealand author
An underrated book, a hidden gem or a lesser known book
A book from the New York Times '100 Notable Books' list for any year
A book inspired by a leading news story
A book related to the 2020 Olympic Summer Games in Japan
A book about a non-traditional family
A book from a genre or sub genre that starts with a letter in your name
A book with a geometric pattern or element on the cover
A book from your TBR/wishlist that you don't recognize, recall putting there, or put there on a whim
Two books that are related to each other as a pair of binary opposites: Book #1
Two books that are related to each other as a pair of binary opposites: Book #2
A book by an author whose real name(s) you're not quite sure how to pronounce
A book with a place name in the title
A mystery
A book that was nominated for one of the ‘10 Most Coveted Literary Prizes in the World’ (link)
A book related to one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse #1
A book related to one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse #2
A book related to witches
A book by the same author who wrote one of your best reads in 2019 or 2018
A book about an event or era in history taken from the Billy Joel song "We Didn't Start the Fire"
A classic book you've always meant to read
A book published in 2020
A book that fits a prompt from the list of suggestions that didn't win - 'A book set on an Island'
A book with a silhouette on the cover
A book with an "-ing" word in the title
A book related to time
I år skal jeg lese de bøkene jeg har lyst til å lese, og se enten mens jeg leser dem eller etterpå om de passer til et punkt. Kun bøker i 'leser' hylla.
I år skal jeg lese de bøkene jeg har lyst til å lese, og se enten mens jeg leser dem eller etterpå om de passer til et punkt. Kun bøker i 'leser' hylla.