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«En slags bokklubb» er en lavterskelbokklubb på FB som administreres av Siri Vilberg

Leseliste for 2024:

📗 Januar: Frankenstein av Mary Shelley
📗 Februar: Søstrene av Jonas Hassem Khemiri
📗 Mars: Penger på lomma av Asta Olivia Nordenhof
📗 Juli: Diskomus på venteværelset av Kamilla Danielsen
📗 August: Twilight (deltar ikke)

Leseliste for 2023: ikke deltatt

Leseliste for 2022:
📗 Januar: Tingenes Tilstand av Sandra Lillebø
📗 Mai/juni: Paradis av Abdulrazak Gurnah

Leselista for 2021:
📗 Januar: Fugletribunalet av Agnes Ravatn
📗 Februar: Rasismens poetikk av Guro Sibeko
📗 Mars: Menn vi høstet av Jesmyn Ward
📗 April: (Homo sapienne av Niviaq Korneliussen⁣): Avbrøt
📗 Mai: Min historie av Michelle Obama
📗 Juni: Men du ser ikke syk ut av Ragnhild Holmås
📗 Juli: Hendelser ved vann av Kerstin Ekman
📗 August: "Jeg vil våkne til verden" - Karoline Brændjord (DIKT)
📗 September: Om skjønnhet av Zadie Smith
📗 Oktober: ("Trollbundet" av Margit Sandemo): Ønsker ikke delta
📗 November: Våke over dem som sover av Sigbjørn Skåden
📗 Desember: Lesefri

Leselista for 2020:
📗 Januar: Agnes Ravatn: Dei sju dørene
📗 Februar: Mariana Enriquez: Ting vi mistet i brannen
📗 Mars: Ocean Vuong: På jorda er vi glimtvis vakre
📗 April: Marit Eikemo: Hardanger
📗 Mai: Valeria Luiselli: Arkiv over bortkomne barn
📗 Juni: Nina Lykke: Full spredning
📗 Juli: Allmenn teori om glemsel av José Eduardo Agualusa)
📗 August: Min søster er seriemorder av Oyinkan Braithwaite)
📗 September: Powwow av Tommy Orange
📗 Oktober: Tvillingenes dagbok av Agota Kristof
📗 November: (Girl, Woman, Other av Bernardine Evaristo) Avbrøt
📗 Lesefri

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Det du må lese – Aschehougs lesesirkel

Aschehoug arrangerer flere leseutfordringer i løpet av 2019-2020:

Lesing sommeren 2019:
Macbeth av Jo Nesbø
Dronen av Unni Lindell,
Motiv X av Ahnhem med flere

Våren 2020 leste vi 6 stemmer på Instagram
Sommeren 2020: Seksukerslesing med blant annet bøker av Jo Nesbø og Jussi Adler-Olsen. Høsten 2020 kom det nye bøker å lese.

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Mommy Mannegren

2020 Reading Challenge
52 Books in 52 Weeks: mangla én bok her.

1. A book with the letter “W” in the title: «Przewalskis hest»
2. A hardcover: Zeyn Joukhadar - "Et kart av salt og stjerner"
3. By an indigenous author: Tommy Orange - "There there" (norsk tittel Powwow)
4. Set in winter: Naomi Novik - "Spinning silver"
5. A character who is a senior: Kathy Reichs - «Bones never lie» (moren til Brennan)
6. Written in the 1970’s: Carl Sagan - "Cosmos" (trolig, gitt ut i 1980)
7. An author local to you: Lars Saabye Christensen - "Byens spor"
8. Orange on the cover: Fredrik Backman - "Bjørnstad"
9. Set in space: Aliette Bodard - «On A Red Station, Drifting»
10. A bestseller: Jo Nesbø - "Kniv"
11. A book that leaves you thinking: Fredrik Backman - "Vi mot dere"
12. A “guilty pleasure”: Kathy Reichs - "Bones are forever"
13. Written by a female author: Erin Morgenstern - "The starless sea"
14. Book in a series: Robin Hobb - "Royal Assassin"
15. Book with romance: Agatha Christie - "Den åpne graven"
16. Borrowed from a friend: Sally Rooney - "Normal people"
17. Written by more than one author; Amir Levine; Rachel Heller - "Attached"
18. Published in 2020: Emma Lord - «Tweet Cute»
19. A Stephen King novel: Stephen King - «The stand»
20. An author whose last name starts with the same initial as yours: Leigh Bardugo - "Ninth house"
21. Written by a blogger or journalist: Rebecca Skloot - "The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks"
22. A character that frustrates you: Kathy Reichs - "Bones never lie" (Slidell, Brennan selv i blant)
23. Title beginning with A: Agatha Christie - "And Then There Were None"
24. Title beginning with B: Maja Lunde - "Blå"
25. Title beginning with C: Sayaka Murata - "Convenience Store Woman"
26. A strong “friendship” theme: Shobha Rao - "Girls burn brighter"
27. A comic book: Lise Myhre: «Nemi - Skumle damen»
28. Literary Fiction: Toni Morrison - "Beloved"
29. An award-winning novel: Taylor Jenkins Reid - "Daisy Jones & The Six" (Goodreads award best historical fiction, Glass bell award for fiction)
30. A book with recipes inside: Elizabeth Acevedo - "With the fire on high"
31. A book featuring royalty: Diana Gabaldon - «Dragonfly in Amber»
32. A spy novel: Brandon Sanderson - "Mistborn"
33. A book containing poetry: Diana Gabaldon - "Drums of autumn"
34. A book with illustrations: Lisa Aisato - «Livet - illustrert»
35. An author’s debut book: Alex Michaelides - "The silent patient"
36. Written in first person: Ransom Riggs - «Miss Peregrine’s home for peculiar children»
37. A book featuring the medical profession: Jodi Picoult - "A spark of light
38. Set in the future: Frank Herbert: - "Dune Messiah"
39. A book used in a celebrity book club: Delia Owens "Where the crawdads sing" (Reese's book club)
40. A book on the Mensa reading list for grades 9-12
41. Published when you were 20: Kij Johnson - "The cat who walked a thousand miles"
42. Reuse a prompt from a past year; Blake Crouch - "Dark Matter" (prompt: featuring time travel)
43. Set in a country you’ve never visited before: Kathy Reichs - "Bones of the lost" (USA og Afghanistan)
44. “Recommended” to you by Amazon: Samantha Shannon - «Priory of the orange tree»
45. A book that cost you less than $5: Andrzej Sapkowski - "The last wish"
46. By an author used in an earlier category: Lars Saabye Christensen - "Byens spor: Maj"
47. Story takes place on a form of transportation; Diana Gabaldon - "Voyager" (a bit of a stretch, men mye av handlinga foregår på skip)
48. Character who wears glasses: Abbi Waxman - "The bookish life of Nina Hill"
49. About a World Leader: Frank Herbert - "Dune" (Muad'Dib blir leder for planeten Arrakis)
50. An author you previously disliked: Suzanna Clarke - «Piranesi»
51. A genre you don’t normally care for: Bram Stoker - "Dracula"
52. A book with a Foreword: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - "The adventures of Sherlock Holmes" (Audible-versjonen, med forord av Stephen Fry)

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Hele lista
A book that's published in 2020: Susanna Clarke - "Piranesi"
A book by a trans or nonbinary author: Zeyn Joukhadar - «Et kart av salt og stjerner»
A book with a great first line: Fredrik Backman - "Bjørnstad". Linja er: "Sent en kveld i slutten av mars tok en tenåring en dobbeltløpet hagle i hånden, gikk rett ut i skogen, satte våpenet mot et menneskes panne og trakk av."
A book about a book club: Will Schwalbe . "The end of your life book club"
A book set in a city that has hosted the Olympics: Lars Saabye Christensen - "Byens spor" (Oslo)
A bildungsroman: Sally Rooney - «Normal people»
The first book you touch on a shelf with your eyes closed: Lise Myhre - «Nemi - Skumle Damen»
A book with an upside down image on the cover: Max Gladstone og Amal El-Mohtar - «This is how you lose the time war»
A book with a map: Robin Hobb - "Royal assasin"
A book recommended by your favorite blog/podcast/online book club: Jim Butcher - "Storm front"
An anthology: "The long list anthology: More stories from the Hugo award nominations list" (David Steffen, red.)
A book that passes the Bechdel test: Leigh Bardugo - "Ninth house"
A book with the same title as a show/TV show but is unrelated to it: Blake Crouch - "Dark Matter"
A book by an author with flora or fauna in their name: Jay Kristoff - "Nevernight"
A book about or involving social media: Emma Lord - «Tweet Cute»
A book that has a book on the cover: Abbi Waxman - "The bookish life of Nina Hill"
A medical thriller: Jodi Picoult - "A spark of light" (muligens litt tvilsom, men er en thriller satt til en medisinsk praksis (abortklinikk)
A book with a made-up language: Andrzej Sapkowski - "The last wish"
A book set in a country that starts with C: Margaret Atwood - «Alias Grace» (Canada)
A book you picked because the title caught your attention; Shobha Rao - "Girls burn brighter"
A book published the month of your birthday: Steven Erikson - «Gardens of the moon»
A book by or about a woman in STEM: Rebecca Skloot - "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks"
A book that won an award in 2019: Taylor Jenkins Reid - "Daisy Jones & The Six"
A book on a subject you know nothing about: Amir Levine og Rachel Heller - "Attached" (visste ingenting om tilknytningspsykologi før dette)
A book with only words on the cover, no images: Jo Nesbø - "Kniv"
A book with a pun in the title: Kathy Reichs - "Bones are forever"
A book featuring one of the seven deadly sins: Diana Gabaldon - «Voyager» (lust, jealousy)
A book with a robot, cyborg, or AI: China Mieville - "Embassytown"
A book with a bird on the cover: William Shaw - "The birdwatcher"
A fiction or nonfiction book about a world leader: Frank Herbert - "Dune" (Muad'Dib er verdensleder på Arrakis)
A book with bronze, silver, or gold in the title: Naomi Novik - "Spinning silver"
A book by a WOC: Toni Morrison - "Beloved"
A book with at least four stars on Goodreads: Diana Gabaldon - «Dragonfly in amber»
A book you meant to read in 2019: Robert Jordan/Brandon Sanderson - "A memory of light"
A book with a three word title: Kathy Reichs - "Bones never lie"
A book with a pink cover: Delia Owens - "Where the crawdads sing"
A Western: Stephen King - "The gunslinger"
A book by or about a journalist: Jonas Hartford Sundquist - Upublisert manus/hemmelig (jeg er beta-leser)
Read a banned book during Banned Book Week: Bram Stoker - «Dracula»
Your favorite prompt from a past Popsugar challenge: A book with an LBTQ+ protagonist (2018): Erin Morgenstern - "The starless sea"

Advanced - a book written by an author in their 20's: Samantha Shannon - "Priory of the orange tree"
Advanced - a book with 20 or twenty in the title: Jules Verne - "20,000 leagues under the sea"
Advanced - a book with a character who has a vision impairment or enhancement: Frank Herbert - "Dune messiah"
Advanced - a book set in Japan: Kij Johnson - "The cat who walked a thousand miles"
Advanced - a book set in the 1920's: Agatha Christie - «Den åpne graven»
Advanced - a book by an author who has written more than 20 books: Agatha Christie - "And then there were none"
Advanced - a book with more than 20 letters in the title: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - "The adventures of Sherlock Holmes"
Advanced - a book published in the 20th century: Stephen King - "The Stand"
Advanced - a book from a series with more than 20 books: Kathy Reichs - "Bones of the lost" (litt juks ettersom bok nummer 20 kommer til neste år. Men flere novellaer er skrevet i samme serie/univers også)
Advanced - a book with a character in their 20's: Diana Gabaldon - «Drums of autumn» (blant annet: Brianna, Roger, Stephen Bonnet)

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Bøker jeg har lest i 2020

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Liste over bøker i utfordringen.

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Sist sett

Therese HolmEgil StangelandMads Leonard HolvikBård StøreKirsten LundHilde H HelsethEster STor Arne DahlsveinTine SundalEirin EftevandDinaAnn Helen ETanteMamiePiippokattaIngunn SEivind  VaksvikOddvarGLilleviTotoromarvikkisSigrid Blytt TøsdalIreneleserJulie StensethVibekeSynnøve H HoelHeidiPer LundTurid KjendlieMariannelittymseAnne Berit GrønbechHanneMcHempettIngvild SAlice NordliNorahChristofferBeathe SolbergBea