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Hamish Hamilton 2017 Heftet

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Longlisted for the Man Booker Prize 2017. A breathtakingly inventive new novel from the Man Booker-shortlisted and Baileys Prize-winning author of How to be both Autumn. Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness. That's what it felt like for Keats in 1819.How about Autumn 2016? Daniel is a century old. Elisabeth, born in 1984, has her eye on the future. The United Kingdom is in pieces, divided by a historic once-in-a-generation summer.Love is won, love is lost. Hope is hand in hand with hopelessness. The seasons roll round, as ever.Ali Smith's new novel is a meditation on a world growing ever more bordered and exclusive, on what richness and worth are, on what harvest means. This first in a seasonal quartet casts an eye over our own time. Who are we? What are we made of? Shakespearian jeu d'esprit, Keatsian melancholy, the sheer bright energy of 1960s Pop art: the centuries cast their eyes over our own history-making. Here's where we're living. Here's time at its most contemporaneous and its most cyclic. From the imagination of the peerless Ali Smith comes a shape-shifting series, wide-ranging in timescale and light-footed through histories, and a story about ageing and time and love and stories themselves. Here comes Autumn.


Forlag Hamish Hamilton

Utgivelsesår 2017

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780241207017

EAN 9780241207017

Serie Seasonal quartet (1)

Omtalt tid 2010-2019

Språk Engelsk

Sider 272

Utgave 1

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Høst. Ali Smith
Denne boka handler om ei ung jente sitt forhold til sin nabo, en eldre mann, i små vinduer i oppveksten - og da får man skrevet inn veldig mye egentlig.
Veldig, veldig godt språk, med mange morsomme nyanser.
Karakterene var spennende, og spenningen mellom dem, og andre spenninger, holdt meg i boka - selv om jeg også kjedet meg litt, her og der.
Forfatteren skal skrive om flere årstider, tre til, og jeg blir nok med henne.

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Veldig gode karakterer. Smith har også evnen til å la situasjonene disse havner i fortelle om tiden de lever i. Dermed føles ikke Brexit som et påklistret påfunn, men noe som har en faktisk påvirkning og en egen kunstnerisk verdi.

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Elisabeth vokser opp sammen med moren, som skal vise seg å være noe uansvarlig og fordømmende. De blir etterhvert kjent med naboen, Daniel Gluck. Han er godt over åtti, og Elisabeth bare et barn på 8-9 år. De blir gode venner, da moren bruker han som barnevakt både titt og ofte. For det meste går de tur, og snakker om alt mellom himmel og jord.
Som voksen besøker Elisabeth Daniel, som nå er over hundre, men han er på vei mot dødsriket, og sover for det meste.
Av og til får vi være med ham i drømmene, og tilbake til fortiden, men det er Elisabeths historie vi følger mest.
Det hoppes stadig i tid, men det er lett å følge hendelsene. Mye humor, og lekenhet.

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Fascinerende bok - annerledes. Lettlest selv om den også bød på tilstrekkelig motstand.

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Always be reading something, he said. Even when we're not physically reading. How else will we read the world? Think of it as a constant.

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Time travel is real, Daniel said. We do it all the time. Moment to moment, minute to minute.

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The pauses are a precise language, more a language than actual language is, Elisabeth thinks.

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We have to hope, Daniel was saying, that the people who love us and who know us a little bit will in the end have seen us truly. In the end, not much else matters.

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All across the country, people felt it was the wrong thing. All across the country, people felt it was the right thing. All across the country, people felt they'd really lost. All across the country, people felt they'd really won. All across the country, people felt they'd done the right thing and other people had done the wrong thing. All across the country, people looked up Google: what is EU? All across the country, people looked up Google: move to Scotland. All across the country, people looked up Google: Irish Passport Applications. All across the country, people called each other cunts. All across the country, people felt unsafe. All across the country, people were laughing their heads off. All across the country, people felt legitimized. All across the country, people felt bereaved and shocked. All across the country, people felt righteous. All across the country, people felt sick. All across the country, people felt history at their shoulder. All across the country, people felt history meant nothing. All across the country, people felt like they counted for nothing. All across the country, people had pinned their hopes on it. All across the country, people waved flags in the rain. All across the country, people drew swastika graffiti. All across the country, people threatened other people. All across the country, people told people to leave. All across the country, the media was insane. All across the country, politicians lied. All across the country, politicians fell apart. All across the country, politicians vanished. All across the country, promises vanished. All across the country, social media did the job. All across the country, things got nasty. All across the country, nobody spoke about it. All across the country, nobody spoke about anything else. All across the country, racist bile was general. All across the country, people said it wasn't that they didn't like immigrants. All across the country, people said it was about control. All across the country, everything changed overnight. All across the country, the haves and the have nots stayed the same. All across the country, the usual tiny per cent of the people made their money out of the usual huge per cent of the people. All across the country, money money money money. All across the country, no money no money no money no money.

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