Så nettopp av denne var lagt ut, iår legger jeg til forslag og bestemmer meg for hvilke etterhvert som jeg leser dem.
Har valgt med ut 30 bøker som jeg vet jeg skal lese iår, resten er forslag hvis jeg ikke kommer over noen andre underveis. De 8 øverste på lista er bøker jeg har lånt på div bibliotek som jeg leser først.
A book made into a movie you've already seen
True crime - LEST
The next book in a series you started - LEST
A book involving a heist
Nordic noir
A novel based on a real person - LEST
A book set in a country that fascinates you
A book with a time of day in the title - LEST
A book about a villain or antihero
A book about death or grief - LEST
A book with a female author who uses a male pseudonym
A book with an LGBTO+ protagonist/
A book that is also a stage play or musical
A book by an author of a different ethnicity than you
A book about feminism 1 - LEST
A book about feminism 2 - LEST
A book about mental health
A book you borrowed or that was given to you as a gift - LEST
A book by two authors - LEST
A book about or involving a sport - LEST
A book by a local author - LEST
A book with your favorite color in the title
A book with alliteration in the title - LEST
A book about time travel
A book with a weather element in the title - LEST
A book set at sea
A book with an animal in the title - LEST
A book set on a different planet
A book with song lyrics in the title
A book about or set on Halloween
A book with characters who are twins
A book mentioned in another book - LEST
A book from a celebrity book club
A childhood classic you've never read - LEST
A book that's published in 2018 - LEST
A past Goodreads Choice Awards winner
A book set in the decade you were born - LEST
A book you ment to read in 2017 but didn't get to - LEST
A book with an ugly cover
A book that involves a bookstore or library
Your favorite prompt from the 2015, 2016 or 2017 Popsugar Reading Challenges - LEST
A bestseller from the year you graduated high school
A cyberpunk book
A book that was being read by a stranger in a public place
A book tied to your ancestry
A book with a fruit or vegetable in the title
An allegory
A book by an author with the same first or last name as you - LEST
A microhistory
A book about a problem facing society today
A book recommended by someone else taking the Popsugar Reading Challenge
Bøker med en farge i tittelen. Jeg har ikke tatt med bøker der fargen er inni et lengre ord.
Kom gjerne med flere bøker.
Siden jeg til en hver tid har ca 40 bøker i leser nå er det på tide med en ny liste, da del 1 er så og si full (99 bøker).
Jeg fant denne i skranken når jeg var på Strömstad bibliotek idag, den består av 5x5 ruter, man skal lese 5 i rad for bingo, skal leveres inn senest 1. September og kan vinne en bok. Dvs den går over Juni - Juli - August. Skal prøve meg på den, kan hende at noen av bøkene er de samme som på leseutfordringen.
Er virkelig den beste måten å vekke interesse for populærvitenskapelige bøker innen naturvitenskap eller medisin å finne på en «fengende» tittel på rim?
Prøver meg på Popsugar 2017 Reading Challenge. Selv om det er noen punkter jeg kommer til å ha vanskeligheter med å finne bøker i. Legger inn bøker etterhvert som jeg finner dem:)
A Book Recommended by a Librarian
A Book that's been on your TBR (to be read) List for way too long
A Book of Letters
An Audiobook
A Book by a Person of Color
A Book with one of the Seasons in the Title
A Book that is a Story within a Story
A Book with Multiple Authors
An Espionage Thriller
A Book with a Cat on the Cover
A Book by an Author who uses a Pseudonym
A Bestseller from a Genre you don't Normally read
A Book by or about a person who has a disability
A Book Involving Travel
A book with a subtitle
A Book Involving a Mythical Creature
A book that's published in 2017
A Book you've read before that never fails to make you smile
A Book about Food
A Book with Career Advice
A Book from a Nonhuman Perspective
A Steampunk Novel
A Book with a red spine
A Book set in the Wildeness
A Book you loved as a Child
A Book by an Author from a Country you've Never Visited
A Book with a title that's a Character's Name
A Novel set during Wartime
A Book with an Unreliable Narrator
A Book with Pictures
A Book where the main Character is a Different Ethnicity than you
A Book about an interesting Woman
A Book set in two Different Time Periods
A Book with a Month or a Day of the Week in the Title
A Book set in a Hotel
A Book written by someone you Admire
A Book that's becomming a Movie in 2017
A Book set around a holiday other than Christmas
The First Book in a Series you haven't read before
A Book you bought on a Trip
A Book recommended by an Author you love
A Bestseller from 2016
A Book with a Family-Member term in the Title
A Book that takes place over a character's Lifespan
A Book about an immigrant or refugee
A Book from a genre/subgenre that you've never heard of
A Book with an Eccentric Character
A Book that's more than 800 pages
A Book you got from a used book sale
A Book that's been Mentioned in another Book
A Book about a Difficult Topic
A Book based on Mythology
Med et nytt år og et nytt forsøk på å komme gjennom hele lista, klarte ca 11 i 2015, klarte 21 ifjor, og satser på flere i år. Bruker den engelske utgaven av lista.
Mai - er gjennom 17 punkt så langt og leser på to til nå!
September - har ikke lest noe større fra lista i sommer, kun 22 punkt så langt.
2017 Reading Challenge