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Familen Morel bor i kullgruvedistriktet i Nottinghamshire. Tilværelsen er konfliktfylt, og hustruens forakt for ektemannen gjør at hun etterhvert ofrer all sin tid og all sin kjærlighet på barna, spesielt de to sønnene. Guttene knytter seg sterkt til moren, men hennes kjærlighet skal vise seg å være altfor dominerende, noe som får tragiske følger når de som voksne skal forholde seg til andre kvinner.
Forlag Aschehoug
Utgivelsesår 2004
Format Innbundet
ISBN13 9788203208027
EAN 9788203208027
Serie Aschehoug tradisjon
Omtalt tid 1900-tallet 1800-tallet
Språk Bokmål
Sider 612
Utgave 1
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[...] it was one of those still moments when the small frets vanish, and the beauty of things stands out, and she had the peace and strength to see herself.
They felt small, half afraid, childish and wondering, like Adam and Eve when they lost their innocence and realised the magnificence of the power which drove them out of Paradise and across the great night and the great day of humanity.
He loved the Lincolnshire coast, and she loved the sea. In the early morning they often went out together to bathe. The grey of the dawn, the far, desolate reaches of the fenland smitten with winter, the sea-meadows rank with herbage, were stark enough to rejoice his soul. As they stepped on to the highroad from their plank bridge, and looked round at the endless monotony of levels, the land a little darker than the sky, the sea sounding small beyond the sandhills, his heart filled strong with the sweeping relentlessness of life.
He never forgot seeing her as she lay naked on the bed, when he was unfastening his collar. First he saw only her beauty, and was blind with it. She had the most beautiful hips he had ever imagined. He stood unable to move or speak, looking at her, and threw off his things. And then, as he went forward to her, her hands lifted in a little pleading movement, and he looked at her face, and stopped. Her big brown eyes were watching him, still and resigned and loving; she lay as if she had given herself up to sacrifice: there was her body for him; but the look at the back of her eyes, like a creature awaiting immolation, arrested him, and all his blood fell back.
He toasted his bacon on a fork and caught the drops of fat on his bread; then he put the rasher on his thick slice of bread, and cut off chunks with a clasp-knife, poured his tea into his saucer, and was happy.
They had met, and included in their meeting the thrust of the manifold grass stems, the cry of the peewit, the wheel of the stars.
All the while, the peewits were screaming in the field. When he came to, he wondered what was near his eyes, curving and strong with life in the dark, and what voice it was speaking. Then he realised it was the grass, and the peewit was calling. The warmth was Clara's breathing heaving. He lifted his head and looked into her eyes. They were dark and shining and strange, life wild at the source staring into his life, stranger to him, yet meeting him. And he put his face down on her throat, afraid. What was she. A strong, strange, wild life, that breathed with his in the darkness through this hour. It was all so much bigger than themselves, that he was hushed. They had met, and including in their meeting the thrust of the manifold grass stems, the cry of the peewit, the wheel of the stars.
Newsweek har laget en metaliste av bl.a. Modern Library, the New York Public Library, St. John's College reading list, Oprahs liste. En spennende liste som kanskje kan være rettesnor for hva man skal komme seg gjennom av klassikere. Listen finnes her: http://www.newsweek.com/id/204478.
Fra www.bokklubben.no:
På initiativ fra De norske Bokklubbene deltok 100 verdenskjente forfattere fra 54 land i en avstemning der alle fikk stemme på ti skjønnlitterære verk. De 100 bøkene som totalt fikk flest stemmer, utgjør Verdensbiblioteket."
Her var det noen verker jeg har lest, en del verker jeg kjenner til, og en del jeg ikke kjente til fra før, og gjennomgangen av disse bøkene gjorde meg mer nysgjerrig på litteratur fra flere steder i verden og lyst til å utvide horisonten enda mer. Livet er for kort... ;-)
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Doris Lessing
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I år vil jeg for første gang forsøke å planlegge hva jeg skal lese av prosa. Jeg har derfor laget en foreløpig liste som antagelig kommer til å utvides. Hittil har jeg kun listet opp klassisk litteratur, men jeg kommer i tillegg til å lese et par samtidsromaner. Jeg trenger imidlertid noe mere tid til å finne ut hvilke det skal bli. Jeg tar gjerne imot anbefalinger. Jeg har i tankene å prøve meg på Knausgård.
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