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Bøker lese i tjue nitten

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Her var det en liste til, prøver meg på denne også.

The 52 topics for the 2019 reading challenge:

A book that was nominated for or won an award in a genre you enjoy
A book with one of the 5 W's in the title (Who, What, Where, When, Why) - LEST
A book where the author’s name contains A, T, and Y
A book with a criminal character (i.e. assassin, pirate, thief, robber, scoundrel etc) - LEST
A book by Shakespeare or inspired by Shakespeare
A book with a dual timeline
2 books related to the same topic, genre, or theme: Book #1 - LEST
2 books related to the same topic, genre, or theme: Book #2 - LEST
A book from one of the top 5 money making genres (romance/erotica, crime/mystery, religious/inspirational, science fiction/fantasy or horror) - LEST
A book featuring an historical figure
A book related to one of the 12 Zodiac Chinese Animals (title, cover, subject) - LEST
A book about reading, books or an author/writer - LEST
A book that is included on a New York Public Library Staff Picks list
A book with a title, subtitle or cover relating to an astronomical term
A book by an author from a Mediterranean country or set in a Mediterranean country
A book told from multiple perspectives
A speculative fiction (i.e. fantasy, scifi, horror, dystopia) - LEST
A book related to one of the elements on the periodic table of elements
A book by an author who has more than one book on your TBR
A book featuring indigenous people of a country - LEST
A book from one of the polarizing or close call votes
A book with a number in the title or on the cover - LEST
4 books inspired by the wedding rhyme: Book #1 Something Old - LEST
4 books inspired by the wedding rhyme: Book #2 Something New - LEST
4 books inspired by the wedding rhyme: Book #3 Something Borrowed - LEST
4 books inspired by the wedding rhyme: Book #4 Something Blue
A book off of the 1001 books to read before you die list
A book related to something cold (i.e. theme, title, author, cover, etc.)
A book published before 1950 - LEST
A book featuring an elderly character
A children’s classic you’ve never read - LEST
A book with more than 500 pages
A book you have owned for at least a year, but have not read yet - LEST
A book with a person's name in the title - LEST
A psychological thriller
A book featured on an NPR Best Books of the Year list - LEST
A book set in a school or university
A book not written in traditional novel format (poetry, essay, epistolary, graphic novel, etc) - LEST
A book with a strong sense of place or where the author brings the location/setting to life
A book you stumbled upon
A book from the 2018 GR Choice Awards
A book with a monster or "monstrous" character - LEST
A book related to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) [fiction or nonfiction]
A book related in some way to a tv show/series or movie you enjoyed (same topic, same era, book appeared in the show/movie, etc.) - LEST
A multi-generational saga
A book with a (mostly) black cover - LEST
A book related to food (i.e. title, cover, plot, etc.) - LEST
A book that was a finalist or winner for the National Book Award for any year
A book written by a Far East Asian author or set in a Far East Asian country
A book that includes a journey (physical, health, or spiritual) - LEST
A book published in 2019 - LEST
A book with a weird or intriguing title - LEST

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Siden det nå bare er en måned igjen av 2018 er det på tide med en liste for 2019 som jeg bl a kan flytte over bibliotekbøkene og andre som jeg ikke blir ferdig med i år.

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Popsugar Reading Challenge 2019

  1. A book becoming a movie in 2019
  2. A book that makes you nostalgic - LEST
  3. A book written by a musician (fiction or non-fiction)
  4. A book you think should be turned into a movie
  5. A book with at least one million ratings on Goodreads
  6. A book with a plant in the title or on the cover - LEST
  7. A reread of a favorite book
  8. A book about a hobby - LEST
  9. A book you meant to read in 2018 - LEST
  10. A book with “pop”, “sugar” or “challenge” in the title
  11. A book with an item of clothing or accessory on the cover - LEST
  12. A book inspired by mythology, legend, or folklore - LEST
  13. A book published posthumously
  14. A book you see someone reading on TV or in a movie
  15. A retelling of a classic
  16. A book with a question in the title 1 - LEST
    A book with a question in the title 2 - LEST
  17. A book sent on a college or university campus
  18. A book about someone with a superpower
  19. A book told from multiple character POVs
  20. A book set in space
  21. A book by two female authors - LEST
  22. A book with a title that contains “salty,” “sweet,” “bitter,” or “spicy” - LEST
  23. A book set in Scandinavia - LEST
  24. A book that takes place in a single day
  25. A debut novel
  26. A book that’s published in 2019 - LEST
  27. A book featuring an extinct or imaginary creature - LEST
  28. A book recommended by a celebrity you admire
  29. A book with “love” in the title
  30. A book featuring an amateur detective - LEST
  31. A book about a family - LEST
  32. A book written by an author from Asia, Africa, or South-America
  33. A book with a zodiac sign or astrology term in the title - LEST
  34. A book that includes a wedding
  35. A book by an author whose first and last names start with the same letter
  36. A ghost story
  37. A book with a two-word title
  38. A novel based on a true story
  39. A book revolving around a puzzle or game
  40. Your favorite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge


  1. A “cli-fi” (climate fiction) book
  2. A “choose-your-own-adventure” book
  3. An “own voices” book - LEST
  4. Reading a book during the season it is set in
  5. A LitRPG book
  6. A book with no chapters / unusual chapter headings / unconventionally numbered chapters
  7. Two books that share the same title (1)
  8. Two books that share the same title (2)
  9. A book that has inspired a common phrase or idiom (e.g. Big Brother from “1984”)
  10. A book set in an abbey. Cloister, monastery, vicarage, or convent

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Bøkene på denne lista dekker en periode i Vest-Europa på 300 år fra begynnelsen av 1500-tallet til slutten av 1700-tallet. Mye har preg av framveksten av individualisme, rasjonalisme og samfunnskritikk. Forfatterne jeg har lest i det siste driver gjøn med det meste, men pakker gjerne - av forsiktighetshensyn - satiren sin inn i fantasifulle utopier, en tidlig form for science fiction. Men her er også bøker som innvarsler et mer humant, tolerant syn på tilværelsen. Forfatterne på 1700-tallet legger gjerne vekt på betydningen av et fantasi- og følelelsliv som ikke lar seg innordne strenge rasjonalitetspåbud. Med andre ord begynnelsen på romantikken.

Nederst på lista finnes en rekke faktabøker som jeg synes har vært nyttige for å se forfatterne og deres bøker i sammenheng med tiden de er skrevet i. Her får du også forklaringen på at det er temmelig tynt med med nordiske forfattere på leselisten min. Holberg og Wessel kommer kanskje med ved et seinere høve. (Skrevet 14.7.2019, redigert 18.2.2023).

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Skjønnlitteratur, sakprosa og barnebøker som hovedsakelig handler om grenselosene.
Kom gjerne med tips om andre bøker.

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Fant denne leseutfordringenen sist jeg var innom på biblioteket, men denne er det ingen gevinst på. Det hadde heller ikke noen dato, jeg ringte og spurte, men siden det var ingen premie kunne jeg velge selv. Derfor velger jeg Juni - Juli - August, da kan jeg bruke noen av de jeg allerede har lest.

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Fortsettelse av forrige liste som ble full ...

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Flere leste bøker iår. Etter å ha lest IKON boka om Virginia Woolf lånte jeg 10 til i serien, og skal se etter de 2 siste på HA bib imorgen (skrevet 25. Juni)

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Sist sett

Nina M. Haugan FinnsonYvonne JohannesenAnniken BjørneslittymseOdd HebækKirsten LundMads Leonard HolvikGrete AmundsenAnne Berit GrønbechJulie StensethBjørg L.Hilde H HelsethLailaReadninggirl30mgeBirkaNadira SunsetIngeborg GCatrine Olsen ArnesenÅsmund ÅdnøyHelen SkogEllen E. MartolEgil StangelandBjørn SturødTanteMamieJ FIngvild SOlePiippokattaGroTone SundlandAvaIreneleserBertymarvikkisHarald KKjell F TislevollChristofferKaramasov11Eivind  Vaksvik