Omtale fra Den Norske Bokdatabasen
Volume 1: The tempest. Two gentlemen of Verona. The merry wiwes of Windsor. Measure for measure. The comedy of Errors. Volume 2: Much ado about nothing. Love's labour's lost. A midsummer-night's dream. The merchant of Venice. Volume 3: As you like it. The taming of the shrew. All's well that ends well. Twelfth night. Volume 4: The winther's tale. Pericles, Prince of Tyle. King John. King Richard II. Volume 5: King Henry IV, part I. King Henry IV, part II. King Henry V. King Henry VI, part V. Volume 6: King Henry VI, part I. King Henry VI, part II. King Henry VIII. King Henry III. Volume 7: Troilus and Cressida. Coriolanus. Titus Andronicus. Romeo and Juliet. Volume 8: Timon of Athens. Julius Caesar. Macbeth. Hamlet. Volume 9: King Lear. Othello. Antony and Cleopatra. Volume 10: Cymbeline. Venus and Adonis. The rape of Lucrece. Sonnets. A lover's complaint. The passionate pilgrim. Sonnets to sundry notes of music. The phoenix and the turtle. Glossary.
Omtale fra forlaget
Volume 1: The tempest. Two gentlemen of Verona. The merry wiwes of Windsor. Measure for measure. The comedy of Errors. Volume 2: Much ado about nothing. Love's labour's lost. A midsummer-night's dream. The merchant of Venice. Volume 3: As you like it. The taming of the shrew. All's well that ends well. Twelfth night. Volume 4: The winther's tale. Pericles, Prince of Tyle. King John. King Richard II. Volume 5: King Henry IV, part I. King Henry IV, part II. King Henry V. King Henry VI, part V. Volume 6: King Henry VI, part I. King Henry VI, part II. King Henry VIII. King Henry III. Volume 7: Troilus and Cressida. Coriolanus. Titus Andronicus. Romeo and Juliet. Volume 8: Timon of Athens. Julius Caesar. Macbeth. Hamlet. Volume 9: King Lear. Othello. Antony and Cleopatra. Volume 10: Cymbeline. Venus and Adonis. The rape of Lucrece. Sonnets. A lover's complaint. The passionate pilgrim. Sonnets to sundry notes of music. The phoenix and the turtle. Glossary.
Forlag Robert Frederick
Utgivelsesår 2004
Format Innbundet
ISBN13 9780755416820
EAN 9780755416820
Språk Engelsk
Utgave 1
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O, teach me how I should forget to think.
These our actors, as I foretold you, were all spirits, and are melted into thin air, and, like the baseless fabric of this vision, the cloud-capp'd towers, the gorgeous palaces, the solemn temples, the great globe itself, yea, all wich it inherit, shall dissolve, and like this insubstantial pageant faded, leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff as dreams are made on; and our little life is rounded by a sleep. -- Prospero til Ferdinand i The Tempest (1611), akt 4 scene 1
Romeo: (...) Here's much to do with hate, but more with love
O, that your frowns would teach my smiles such skill!
O hell! to choose love by another's eyes!
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Som følge av at antall bøker for slike lister er begrenset til hundre, har jeg delt opp "The Aristocratic Age" i to bolker. I denne beveger vi oss fra tidlig Italiensk renessanse til den engelske barokken. God fornøyelse!
Bloom skriver om "The Aristocratic Age" (år 1321-1832):
- - - It is a span of five hundred years from Dante's Divine Comedy through Goethe's Faust, Part Two [1321-1832], an era that gives us a huge body of reading in five major literatures: Italian, Spanish, English, French, and German. In this and in the remaining lists, I sometimes do not mention individual works by a canonical master, and in other instances I attempt to call attention to authors and books that I consider canonical but rather neglected. From this list onward, many good writers who are not quite central are omitted.
Dette er min midlertidige liste, men den endrer seg nok litt i løpet av året:
1. En bok utgitt i 2018: Simon Stranger, Leksikon om lys og mørke
2. En bok skrevet av en forfatter med et navn på A: Arne Dahl, "Åpen sjø"
3. En bok med handling et sted du har reist: Tore Renberg, Vi ses i morgen
4. En bok du leste og likte som barn: Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finn
5. En bok skrevet av sør-am. forf.: Juan Vásquez, Lyden av ting som faller.
6. En bok med flere fortellere: Nicola Yoon, The sun is also a star
7. En bok på nynorsk: Carl Frode Tiller, Innsirkling 2
8. En bok med handling i fremtiden: T. Ajtmatov, "Og dagen varer lenge enn et århundre"
9. En bok med gull på omslaget: William Shakespeare: MacBeth
10. En bok som har vunnet Brageprisen: Carl Frode Tiller, Innsirkling
11. En bok m. pronomen i tittel: Tor Bringsværd, "Når du minst venter det"
12. En debutbok: Karin Fossum, Evas Øyne"