A book becoming a movie in 2019: Neil Gaiman og Terry Pratchett - "Good Omens" (ble riktignok TV-serie, ikke film, men det er jo slik det fungerer i dag)
A book that makes you nostalgic: J. K. Rowling - «Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince»
A book written by a musician (fiction or non-fiction)
A book you think should be turned into a movie: Leigh Bardugo - "Crooked kingdom"
A book with at least one million ratings on Goodreads: J. K. Rowling - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"
A book with a plant in the title or on the cover: Lisa Aisato - "Livet - illustrert"
A reread of a favorite book: Philip Pullman - "The subtle knife"
A book about a hobby: Klaus Hagerup og Lisa Aisato - "Jenta som ville redde bøkene"
A book you meant to read in 2018: N. K. Jemisin - "The Obelisk Gate"
A book with “pop”, “sugar” or “challenge” in the title
A book with an item of clothing or accessory on the cover: Neal Shusterman - «Scythe»
A book inspired by mythology, legend, or folklore: Diana Gabaldon - "Outlander"
A book published posthumously: Robert Jordan / Brandon Sanderson: "A Memory of light" (RJ døde før denne siste og et par av de andre bøkene i hans monumentale serie Wheel of time" var ferdigstilt. Han hadde dog skrevet en god del notater og også fortalt sin kone hva som skjedde med flere av karakterene, dette ble utgangspunktet for Sandersons ferdigstillelse)
A book you see someone reading on TV or in a movie: Madeleine L’Engle - «A wrinkle in time» (leses av karakteren Sawyer i TV-serien LOST)
A retelling of a classic
A book with a question in the title
A book set on a college or university campus: Sarah J. Maas - "Tower of Dawn" (Torre Cesme er en utdanningsinstitusjon for healere)
A book about someone with a superpower: Sarah J. Maas - «Empire of storms»
A book told from multiple character POVs: Ursula le Guin - «Left hand of darkness»
A book set in space: Stanislaw Lem - "The star diaries"
A book by two female authors: Maja Lunde og Lisa Aisato - "Snøsøsteren"
A book with a title that contains “salty,” “sweet,” “bitter,” or “spicy”
A book set in Scandinavia: Lars Mytting - "Søsterklokkene"
A book that takes place in a single day: Dag Solstad - "Genanse og verdighet"
A debut novel: Gail Honeyman - "Eleanor Oliphant har det helt fint" (2017)
A book that’s published in 2019: Bård Borch Michalsen - "Verbene som beveger verden"
A book featuring an extinct or imaginary creature: Kelly Barnhill - "The girl who drank the moon"
A book recommended by a celebrity you admire
A book with “love” in the title
A book featuring an amateur detective: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - "A study in Scarlet" (denne vil nok en del være uenige i, Holmes er tross alt "consulting detective" men har ingen formell kompetanse innen feltet såvidt man finner ut)
Abook about a family: Jan Roar Leikvoll - "Fiolinane"
A book written by an author from Asia, Africa, or South-America: Mohsin Hamid - "The reluctant fundamentalist"
A book with a zodiac sign or astrology term in the title:
A book that includes a wedding: Lian Hearn - "I lys av månen'
A book by an author whose first and last names start with the same letter: Philip Pullman - «The Amber Spyglass»
A ghost story: Charles Dickens - "A Christmas carol"
A book with a two-word title: Jo Walton - "Among others"
A novel based on a true story: Kathy Reichs - "Flash and bones"
A book revolving around a puzzle or game
Your favorite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge: Leigh Bardugo - Six of Crows (prompt: "A book involving a heist" from 2018)

A “cli-fi” (climate fiction) book: Tahereh Mafi - "Shatter me"
A “choose-your-own-adventure” book
An “own voices” book: Johannes Anyuru - «De kommer til å drukne i sine mødres tårer»
Reading a book during the season it is set in: Emil André Erstad - "Hareides fall - trettiseks dager som endra norsk politikk"
A LitRPG book
A book with no chapters / unusual chapter headings / unconventionally numbered chapters: Terry Pratchett - "The colour of magic"
Two books that share the same title (1)
Two books that share the same title (2)
A book that has inspired a common phrase or idiom (e.g. Big Brother from “1984”)
A book set in an abbey. Cloister, monastery, vicarage, or convent: Philip Pullman - «La Belle Sauvage - Støvets bok 1» (ikke hele boka)

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