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2008 Innbundet

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Nederlenderen Hans van der Broeck bor sammen med si engelske kone på Manhattan da New York rammes av terrorangrepet 11. september 2001. Kona flytter tilbake til London sammen med sønnen deres, og her innleder hun snart et forhold til en ny mann. Hans bestemmer seg for å ta opp igjen sin gamle interesse for cricket, men han oppdager snart at cricket i New York ikke er det samme som barndommens uskyldige sport. Hans er den eneste hvite mannen i dette miljøet, og spillet blir utøvd i rufsete parker av innvandrere fra Asia og de vestindiske øyene og lyssky typer som Chuck Ramkinsson. Da liket av Chuck blir funnet i en av New Yorks kanaler i 2006, blir Hans tvunget til å tenke tilbake på vennskapet med denne mannen.

Omtale fra forlaget

In early 2006, Chuck Ramkissoon is found dead at the bottom of a New York canal. In London, a Dutch banker named Hans van den Broek hears the news, and remembers his unlikely friendship with Chuck and the off-kilter New York in which it flourished: the New York of 9/11, the powercut and the Iraq war. Those years were difficult for Hans - his English wife Rachel left with their son after the attack, as if that event revealed the cracks and silences in their marriage, and he spent two strange years in the Chelsea Hotel, passing stranger evenings with the eccentric residents. Lost in a country he'd regarded as his new home, Hans sought comfort in a most alien place - the thriving but almost invisible world of New York cricket, in which immigrants from Asia and the West Indies play a beautiful, mystifying game on the city's most marginal parks. It was during these games that Hans befriended Chuck Ramkissoon, who dreamed of establishing the city's first proper cricket field. Over the course of a summer, Hans grew to share Chuck's dream and Chuck's sense of American possibility - until he began to glimpse the darker meaning of his new friend's activities and ambitions...'
Netherland' is a novel of belonging and not belonging, and the uneasy state in between. It is a novel of a marriage foundering and recuperating, and of the shallows and depths of male friendship. With it, Joseph O'Neill has taken the anxieties and uncertainties of our new century and fashioned a work of extraordinary beauty and brilliance.


Utgivelsesår 2008

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780007269068

EAN 9780007269068

Omtalt tid 2000-2009

Omtalt sted New York

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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Sorgarbeid og cricket blant innvandrere i New York.

I likhet med DeLillos Underworld og Hustvedts Sorrows of an American, spiller New York City en stor rolle i denne sammensatte romanen om en utvandrer av nederlandsk opprinnelse som opplever ekteskapelige problemer i kjølvannet av 11. september. For å trøste seg søker han selskap med for det meste karibiske innvandrere som deler hans lidenskap for cricket, en gruppe som blant annet omfatter en con-mann fra Trinidad. Mens Hustvedt og DeLillo tar for seg livet i NYC som en kontrast til andre deler av USA, setter O'Neill, som selv er irsk, byen i internasjonalt perspektiv og sammenligner den med London og Haag.

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Who has the courage to set right those misperceptions that bring us love?

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Much of the subsequent days and nights was spent in an agony of emotions and options and discussions. It is truly a terrible thing when questions of love and family and home are no longer answerable.

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How many of us are completely free of such scenarios? Who hasn't known, a little shamefully, the joys they bring? I suspect that what keeps us harmless from them is not, as many seem to believe, the maintenance of a strict frontier between the kingdoms of the fanciful and the actual, but the contrary: the permitting of a benign annexation of the latter by the former, so that our daily motions always cast a secondary other-worldly shadow and, at those moments when we feel inclined to turn from the more plausible and hurtful meanings of things, we soothingly find ourselves attached to a companion far-fetched sense of the world and our place in it.

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I was thinking of the miserable apprehensions we have of even those existences that matter most to us. To witness a life, even in love - even with a camera - was to witness a monstrous crime without noticing the particulars required for justice.

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But in the taxi home, there's an epilogue of sorts: my wife, mooning our of the window at rainy Regent's Park, says, 'God, do you remember those sirens?' and, still looking away, she reaches for my hand and squeezes it.

Strange, how such a moment grows in value over a marriage's course. We gratefully pocket each of them, these sidewalk pennies, and run with them to the bank as if creditors were banging on the door. Which they are, one comes to realise.

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En flom av faktalitteratur søker å forklare hva som skiller europeere og amerikanere. En annen stor kategori handler om hvordan immigranter tilpasser seg sine nye omgivelser i Nord-Amerika. Bøkene på denne listen handler derimot om mer flyktige møter og kulturkollisjoner mellom europeere og amerikanere. Flere av romanene finnes i norsk utgave. (Skrevet 27.8.24).

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