Eg for min del synest det er synd at terningen ikkje har lågare tal enn 1 når eg skal vurdere boka.
Jo, i Les Misérables bruker Hugo ein liten, konkret episode frå julirevolusjonen. Stor litteratur, dette - og interessant med parallellar mellom desse to store.
Ser det nå. Prøvde på en bok jeg hadde i samlingen og da går det ikke..
[...] Den store nådeløse synd, - det er at myrde kærlighedslivet i et menneske.
Livet er ikke altid det dyreste.
Årene har taget hårdt og høstligt på mig, Borkman.
Vi har bedraget hinanden gensidig altså. Og kanske bedraget os selv - begge to.
Men er da ikke det i grunden venskab, John Gabriel?
Og Lillevi har teke eit prisverdig initiativ for å få informasjon om filmatiseringar av romanane til Dickens: Her er tipsa.
Sir Leicester is twenty years, full measure, older than my Lady. He will never see sixty-five again, nor perhaps sixty-six, nor yet sixty-seven. He has a twist of the gout now and then and walks a little stiffly. He is of a worthy presence, with his light-grey hair and whiskers, his fine shirt-frill, his pure-white waistcoat, and his blue coat with bright buttons always buttoned. He is ceremonious, stately, most polite on every occasion to my Lady, and holds her personal attractions in the highest estimation. His gallantry to my Lady, which has never changed since he courted her, is the one little touch of romantic fancy in him.
Indeed, he married her for love. A whisper still goes about that she had not even family; howbeit, Sir Leicester had so much family that perhaps he had enough and could dispense with any more. But she had beauty, pride, ambition, insolent resolve, and sense enough to portion out a legion of fine ladies. Wealth and station, added to these, soon floated her upward, and for years now my Lady Dedlock has been at the centre of the fashionable intelligence and at the top of the fashionable tree.
Prøvde det nå, men fant ingen andre utgaver. "Revejakta" prvde jeg på..
Så rart – eg hadde akkurat lese ein artikkel i sommarnummeret av The Dickensian 2012 om korleis Charles Dickens høyrde om og brukte ei historie om kannibalisme – i Bleak House da eg las i Kirsti Jaregs Øyene i vest om korleis Dickens seinare skreiv eit essay i magasinet sitt, Household Words, om ei anna historie om kannibalisme.
Så rart – eg hadde akkurat lese ein artikkel i sommarnummeret av The Dickensian 2012 om korleis Charles Dickens høyrde om og brukte ei historie om kannibalisme – i Bleak House - da eg, eit kvarter seinare, las i Kirsti Jaregs Øyene i vest om korleis Dickens seinare skreiv eit essay i magasinet sitt, Household Words, om ei anna historie om kannibalisme.
Så rart – eg hadde akkurat lese ein artikkel i sommarnummeret av The Dickensian 2012 om korleis Charles Dickens høyrde om og brukte ei historie om kannibalisme – i Bleak House - da eg, eit kvarter seinare, las i Kirsti Jaregs Øyene i vest om korleis Dickens seinare skreiv eit essay i magasinet sitt, Household Words, om ei anna historie om kannibalisme.
Mr. Murdstone took no heed of me when I went into the parlour where he was, but sat by the fireside, weeping silently, and pondering in his elbow-chair. Miss Murdstone, who was busy at her writing-desk, which was covered with letters and papers, gave me her cold finger-nails, and asked me, in an iron whisper, if I had been measured for my mourning.
I said: 'Yes.'
'And your shirts,' said Miss Murdstone; 'have you brought 'em home?'
'Yes, ma'am. I have brought home all my clothes.'
This was all the consolation that her firmness administered to me. I do not doubt that she had a choice pleasure in exhibiting what she called her self-command, and her firmness, and her strength of mind, and her common sense, and the whole diabolical catalogue of her unamiable qualities, on such an occasion. She was particularly proud of her turn for business; and she showed it now in reducing everything to pen and ink, and being moved by nothing. All the rest of that day, and from morning to night afterwards, she sat at that desk, scratching composedly with a hard pen, speaking in the same imperturbable whisper to everybody; never relaxing a muscle of her face, or softening a tone of her voice, or appearing with an atom of her dress astray.
Men det infameste da, John Gabriel?
BORKMAN med eftertryk
Det infameste er vens misbrug af vens tillid.
Ja, rart med all denne reklamen som popper opp alle steder. Derfor bruker jeg Bokelskeresiden når jeg spiller kort (hjerter) på internett. Snart det eneste som er rolig..
Tidligere når man skulle legge til en bok i samlingen, kunne man velge heftet, innb,osv, fra et sted. Det kan man ikke lenger. Hadde vært kjekt å fått den muligheten tilbake..
De har den også hos Adlibris til 79.-
Er det virkelig slike menn dere kvinnelige lesere er på jakt etter?
Jo,Hemmingway var i en bar og gjorde et sådant veddemål: Jeg kan skrive en fullgod novelle på bare 6 ord. Og vant veddemålet med.."For sale: baby shoes,never worn."