Dyremodeller viser at selv om du fødes vaginalt og utvikler en rik tarmbakterieflora de første leveårene, vil antibiotikabehandling eller andre faktorer som svekker tarmbakteriefloraen i oppveksten, kunne øke sårbarheten for angst og uro samt svekke konsentrasjon og hukommelse.
Takk for at du tok deg tid til å svare!
God helg!
Alltid kjekt med nye bøker!
Hvor kjøper du bøker fra England?
Hva er det svenske boksalget? Har ikke hørt om det før. Er det bøker på svensk?
Jeg har laget et kort til onkelen min som nå nylig dessverre har fått bekreftet at han har kreft.
Jeg er ikke noe god på ord, så jeg hadde trengt litt hjelp. Om du har en oppmuntrende tekst eller et dikt eller noe som jeg kan ha inni kortet, hadde jeg satt STOR pris på det!
Takk til alle som vil hjelpe meg!
If I want things to change, I can't just sit around wishing they would change. I have to make them change.
When you're in the middle of a situation, sometimes it's hard to see how things really are.
I believe in making the best of even the worst situation. I mean, you have to, don't you? There's no point being negative about things you can't change, you only make them worse.
I could handle it - after all, rejection is part of the creative process; as painful as it is necessary for true growth and greatness ...
Disse koselige små julebøkene leste vi høyt foran juletreet og peisen for ekstra kos.
Her er bøkene jeg leste i 2019, kanskje også noen lydbøker.
Bare fordervelse, styr unna!
News reporter: Do you feel worried? Do you fear for your safty?
Me: You know, I'm glad you asked me that. Maybe I should be scared right now, but I honestly think the people writing these letters need to be pitted more than feard. It's been my experience that people who are most afraid are the ones who hide behind mean and threatening words.
Was he going to kiss her?
Oh god, did she have goulash breath?
Never mind. He had it, too.
Did she want him to kiss her?
"You really think joy is easier to come by than pain? Wich have you had more of?"
But the hardest thing is something I didn't expect - seeing people I used to know, people I grew up with, and knowing that while I sat in my house, they got older and went to school and made friends and had lives. It's like I'm the only one who stopped
The only difficult thing was that she knew there was only one Sam and he was not hers. She'd always thought she could live without a man, easily. This man, though, she was not so sure she could live without.
Prisen vi betaler for å leve lenger, er dårligere livskvalitet de siste leveårene.