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Toby Dobbs er mislykket poet og eier av et stort viktoriansk hus i London. Rommene i huset leier han ut til fem sårt trengende kunstnersjeler som alle nyter godt av Tobys kjærlighet og omsorg. Men når ulykken inntreffer i hans eget liv og han mottar et uventet brev i posten, må leieboerne klare seg selv. Det er lettere sagt enn gjort, og Toby ber naboen Leah Pilgrim om å hjelpe til. Boka handler om fem mennesker i krise, om to menneskers kjærlighet og om å realisere uoppfylte drømmer.
Omtale fra forlaget
Leah and Toby have lived across the street from one another for years without meeting ... and Leah has been itching to peek behind the front door of Toby's eccentric house, always packed to the rafters with weird and wonderful tenants. When fate finally lets her in, Leah finds that Toby needs her as much as she is surprised to realize she might need him. Sometimes life needs a helping hand and with a sprinkle of romance and their own special magic, Toby and Leah's dreams show the glimmer of a chance of coming true.31 Dream Street is a wonderfully warm and insightful novel that will capture the imagination and soothe the soul.
Utgivelsesår 2008
Format Heftet
ISBN13 9780141012209
EAN 9780141012209
Omtalt sted London
Språk Engelsk
Utgave 1
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The world was full of fit women; it was like a long roll of wallpaper with a pretty print on it. They all merged into one, but sometimes a girl jumped out of the wallpaper. Sometimes you thought about a fit girl after you'd stopped looking at her; sometimes you wondered about her when she wasn't there; sometimes you just wanted to stand and stare for as long as you liked, drinking in every last bit of her so you had some to take home with you. And when that happened you knew you were on to something special.
"Clothes, to me, are like paint to an artist or words to a writer."
My life was as grey as it gets. As grey as clouds, as grey as pigeons, as grey as concrete. And then, well, you came along. And made everything Technicolor.
He didn't have a type. He knew what he liked when he saw it.
That was a good day that was, the day we met.
It was time for her to go. And, more importantly, it was time for him to stop loving her. He just wished someone could show him how.
"Are you serious?"
You're one of those people, I reckon, one of those people who'd be good at anything they put their mind to.
There were no "mistakes" in life - just a series of random decisions that led to a series of random outcomes, good and bad.
Ei liste bestående av bøker jeg har lest i 2017.