"Scientific societies are as yet in their infancy."
It is possible nowadays for a government to be
very much more oppressive than any government could be
before there was scientific technique.
Propaganda makes persuasion easier for the government;
public ownership of halls and paper makes counterpropaganda
more difficult;
and the effectiveness of modern armaments
makes popular risings impossible.
No revolution can succeed in a modern country unless it has
the support of at least a considerable section of the armed
But the armed forces can be kept loyal by being given a higher
standard of life than that of the average worker,
and this is made easier by every step in the degradation
of ordinary labor.
Thus the very evils of the system help to give it stability.
Apart from external pressure, there is no reason why such a
regime should not last for a very long time.
Scientific societies are as yet in their infancy.
It may be worth while to spend a few moments in speculating
as to possible future developments
of those that are oligarchies.
It is to be expected that advances in physiology and
psychology will give governments much more control over
individual mentality
than they now have even in totalitarian countries.
Fichte laid it down that education should aim at
destroying free will,
so that, after pupils have left school,
they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives,
of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters
would have wished.
But in his day this was an unattainable ideal:
what he regarded as the best system in existence
produced Karl Marx.
In future such failures are not likely to occur
where there is dictatorship.
Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine,
from a very early age, to produce the sort of character
and the sort of beliefs that the authorities
consider desirable,
and any serious criticism of the powers that be
will become psychologically impossible.
Even if all are miserable,
all will believe themselves happy, because the government
will tell them that they are so.
A totalitarian government with a scientific bent might do
things that to us would seem horrifying.
The Nazis were more scientific than the present rulers of Russia,
and were more inclined towards the sort of atrocities
I have in mind. They were said - I do not know with what truth -
to use prisoners in concentration camps as material
for all kinds of experiments, some involving death
after much pain.
If they had survived, they would probably have soon taken to
scientific breeding.
Any nation which adopts this practice will,
within a generation, secure great military advantages.
The system, one may surmise, will be something like this:
except possibly in the governing aristocracy, all but
5 percent of males, and 30 percent of females
will be sterilized.
The 30 per cent of females will be expected to spend the
years from eighteen to forty in reproduction,
in order to secure adequate cannon fodder.
As a rule, artificial insemination will be preferred to
the natural method.
The unsterilized, if they desire the pleasures of love,
will usually have to seek them with sterilized partners.
Sires will be chosen for various qualities, some for muscle,
others for brains.
All will have to be healthy, and unless they are to be the
fathers of oligarchs
they will have to be of a submissive and docile disposition.
Children will, as in Plato's Republic, be taken from
their mothers and reared by professional nurses.
Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences
between rulers and ruled will increase
until they become almost different species.
A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an
organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of
eating mutton.
(The Aztecs kept a domesticated alien tribe for purposes of
Their regime was totalitarian.)
To those accustomed to this system, the family as we know it
would seem as queer as the tribal and totem organization
of Australian aborigines seems to us. (..)
The laboring class would have such long hours of work and
so little to eat that their desires would hardly extend beyond
sleep and food.
The upper class, being deprived of the softer pleasures
both by the abolition of the family and by the supreme duty
of devotion to the State,
would acquire the mentality of ascetics:
they would care only for power, and in pursuit of it
would not shrink from cruelty.
By the practice of cruelty men would become hardened,
so that worse and worse tortures would be required to give
the spectators a thrill.
Such possibilities, on any large scale, may seem a fantastic
But I firmly believe that, if the Nazis had won the last war,
and if in the end they had acquired world supremacy
they would, before long, have established just such a system
as I have been suggesting.
They would have used Russians and Poles as robots,
and when their empire was secure theywould have used also
Negroes and Chinese.
Western nations would have been converted into becoming
collaborationists, by the methods practiced in France
from 1940 to 1944.
Thirty years of these methods would have left the West with
little inclination to rebel.
kildetekst (1953)
The Impact of Science on Society - B. Russell
ellers omtalt her >
Time is an ocean but it ends at the shore
Through the mad mystic hammering of the wild ripping hail
The sky cracked its poems in naked wonder
That the clinging of the church bells blew far into the breeze
Leaving only bells of lightning and its thunder
Innerst i gleden er frykten for å miste. Innerst i frykten er kjærligheten
Romanen var som et sted, og hver morgen lengtet jeg etter å komme dit igjen
Motsetningen mellom den uendelighet som bor i oss og vår samtidige begrensning og jordbundenhet er drivkraften for all litteratur og for all kunst, tror jeg
Det vesentlige ved bøkene, tror jeg, var at de utgjorde et sted i verden hvor jeg kunne være, som ikke krevde noe av meg, men tvert imot ga meg noe jeg ville ha
A crowded space is bearable, but crowding in the heart is unbearable.
Så lenge vi lever, skal vi være hverandres vitner på at vi fortsatt finnes. Vi skal bekrefte hverandres fortellinger, ta vare på relasjonen mellom oss og beskytte hverandres identitet. Dette er et leirbål der svakhet og sykdom aldri skal møtes med skam og avvisning.
Jeg tror ikke lydbok hadde fungert for meg, da hadde jeg måttet spole tilbake i eninga for å sjekke hva det egentlig var han hadde sagt på forrige side, om han var på vei oppover eller nedover Thereses gate, hvorfor han plutselig tenkte på Jørgen Tesman osv. osv. Det er lettere å bla att og frami ei bok av papir. Men hver sin smak!
Få tonsättare har haft sådan intensitet, kompromisslöshet
i sitt skapande. ..
Petterssons musik har ett personligt tilltal, en drabbande
kraft av ovanligt slag.
De som drabbas brukar tala om äkthet och intensitet i
uttrycket. Växlingen mellan dramatiska kulminationer och
lyrisk sångbarhet, därtill ett tonspråk som kan närma sig
talets tonfall, gör Petterssons musik tillgänglig på ett
sätt som var ovanligt .. under den period då han först
framträdde. (..) - nu i slutet av 1990-talet, hör vi allt
fler tonsättare som övergivit sitt tidigare svårtillgängliga
tonspråk för ett mer tillgängligt.
Petterssons liv, 1911-1980 sammanföll med en period i Sverige
då landet genomgick oerhört snabba och genomgripande
förändringar. Alla fick rösträtt, skolan förbättrades,
ekonomin .. det allmänna välståndet.. / detta välstånd krävde
dock sitt pris. Människor förflyttades från vissa delar av
landet till andra för att arbeta i de växande industrierna ..
bostäder, cyklar, bilar, kylskåp, danmmsugare, tvättmaskiner..
en urbanisering drog fram .. och den pågår än.
Folkhemmets Sverige hade också sina mörka sidor, något.. man
ser klart nu när en kritisk omprövning pågår .. / /
Petterssons erfarenheter och utveckling .. har mer gemensamt
med författare ur en äldre generation ..:
jag tänker på Ivar Lo-Johansson, Harry Martinson, Eyvind
Johnson, Lars Ahlin .. de har intygat att de snabba
förändringarna också innebar svåra förluster .. när gamla
sociala strukturer sprängdes, uppstod tomrom och ensamhet.
Svårigheten att anpassa sig.. orsakade ibland svåra sår och
ärr i själen. Det kunde yttra sig som utanförskap och
främlingskap i tillvaron. ..
Kampen, striden, sorgen över alla de krafter som hotar att
förgöra det mänskliga finns där i hans musik, liksom längtan
tillbaka till ursprunget, moderns röst, den lilla världen,
en förlorad samhörighet med människor på en plats som
förvandlats och delvis försvunnit. Här finns också visionen,
drömmen, om än svag och avlägsen, om något underbart som ett
fjärran mål om än bara glimtvis, lyriska öar av ljus och
harmoni. Om inte i detta stadium av livet så kanske i nästa.
Allteftersom sjukdomen försämrade hans rörelsesförmåga
försämrades också hans kontakter med omvärlden. Isoleringen
var djup före det publika genombrottet 1968 med Sjunde
symfonin och ett antal barfotasånger.
/ (fra L.Barkefors 1999-utg. ved sverigesradio.se)
her APs karakteristiske, karaktersterke 6.symfoni ->
videoen er vel noe overtolket med symbolsk bildekommentar,
en kan alltids slå av skjermen, benytt gjerne haifi lydkanal/
musiske hodetelefoner.
..og et lydprogram hos sr.se: Allan Pettersson - Min längtan .
I didn’t know why I was going to cry, but I knew that if anybody spoke to me or looked at me too closely the tears would fly out of my eyes and the sobs would fly out of my throat and I’d cry for a week. I could feel the tears brimming and sloshing in me like water in a glass that is unsteady and too full.
I våre liv står vi alltid ved randen
av tiden. Hvert øyeblikk er et tusenårsskille
Ett sekund kan vare mer enn år
Et år er et ras av sekunder.
Stein Mehren
Røret er et dødt lem, en likdel, og stillheten er uutholdelig som et altfor stramt belte rundt livet. Jeg hører bare mitt eget sus, havet i konkylien, blodet i årene mine, øret som synger.
Noen ganger føles det som om noen har tatt en kniv og skåret over alle trådene i hukommelsen min. Jeg har følelsen av at det er noe viktig jeg burde huske.
Jeg prøver å lese himmelen over meg. Jeg prøver å tyde snøens lette skrift.
Books are mirrors: you only see in them what you already have inside you.
Be helpful and give what you can to people in need. Be kind, and don't step on people. Be yourself and do whatever you believe in.
Ja, klart det er viktig å kunne sette ord på det. Det tar også ofte veldig lang tid å bearbeide alt det vonde man har opplevd.
Men det er også viktig å kunne slutte å se på seg selv som et offer.
Sarah Forsyth var nok et offer, men hun overlevde de mest grusomme og bestialske handlinger, fanget i et prostitusjonshelvete i Red Light District i Amsterdam.
Hun var så heldig å komme seg ut av slaveriet. Det er det ikke alle som er like heldige.
Den ene politioffiseren som var med på å redde henne ut av slaveriet, sa disse viktige ordene til Sarah og hennes mor:
"However terrible the things Sarah has been through, it is important that you and she both hold on to the fact that she is one of the lucky ones. There are other girls like her who haven't survived, and even more are still there."
Sarah Forsyth is a survivor.
You have to understand,
no one puts their children in a boat
unless the water is safer than the land