The girl next door

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2014 Heftet

Gjennomsnittlig terningkast: 5.50 (2 terningkast.)

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This is the dazzling new novel from Ruth Rendell. When the bones of two severed hands are discovered in a box, an investigation into a long buried crime of passion begins. And a group of friends, who played together as children, begin to question their past. 'For Woody, anger was cold. Cold and slow. But once it had started it mounted gradually and he could think of nothing else. He knew he couldn't stay alive while those two were alive. Instead of sleeping, he lay awake in the dark and saw those hands. Anita's narrow white hand with the long nails painted pastel pink, the man's brown hand equally shapely, the fingers slightly splayed.' Before the advent of the Second World War, beneath the green meadows of Loughton, Essex, a dark network of tunnels has been dug. A group of children discover them. They play there. It becomes their secret place. Seventy years on, the world has changed. Developers have altered the rural landscape. Friends from a half-remembered world have married, died, grown sick, moved on or disappeared. Work on a new house called Warlock uncovers a grisly secret, buried a lifetime ago, and a weary detective, more preoccupied with current crimes, must investigate a possible case of murder. In all her novels, Ruth Rendell digs deep beneath the surface to investigate the secrets of the human psyche. The interconnecting tunnels of Loughton in The Girl Next Door lead to no single destination. But the relationships formed there, the incidents that occurred, exert a profound influence - not only on the survivors but in unearthing the true nature of the mysterious past.


Utgivelsesår 2014

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780091958848

EAN 9780091958848

Genre Krim

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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Alan said it was nothing to do with her, and she should mind her own business. He had never spoken to a granddaughter like this before, and he rather enjoyed it.

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«When you get old,» she had said on the occasion of her brother Tom dying, «you don’t have much emotion. It goes. At about seventy, I’d say. All those things and people you were passionate about, angry or adoring or longing, they all go, and a kind of dull calm takes over. I used to worship Tom. Now he’s dead I don’t much care. That is how it is with me.»

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How we grow away from our children, he thought. He cared very little what his children thought of him now. They probably loved him in a remote kind of way. What he wanted was what most men wanted, and it came to him as a devastating truth. They didn't want trouble, that was it, for life to be without trouble, to have peace, and that was odd in the far more warlike of the sexes.

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