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Humanist forlag 2011 Innbundet

Gjennomsnittlig terningkast: 4.62 (8 terningkast.)

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Boka handler om sekter og forsøker å belyse demoniseringen av sektbegrepet. Den tar bl.a. for seg hjernevask, satanismefore, avhopperfortellinger, deprogrammering, kollektive selvmord, sektrapporter og angrep på religionsfriheten.

Omtale fra forlaget

Det har forekommet grusomme handlinger begått av religiøse ledere eller grupper. Dette er ikke en bok som unnskylder overgrep eller lovbrudd, men det er en bok som forsøker å belyse at demoniseringen sektbegrepet medfører også kan føre til overgrep og vold mot religiøse minoriteter. Forfatter Audhild Skoglund tar for seg sexsekten, hjernevask, satanismeofrene, Norge og sektene, avhopperfortellingene, sektavvenning og deprogrammering, kollektive selvmord og voldelig konflikt, sektrapporter og angrep på religionsfriheten.


Forlag Humanist forlag

Utgivelsesår 2011

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9788292622858

EAN 9788292622858

Språk Bokmål

Sider 309

Utgave 1

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Lister som inneholder dette verket

Her var det en liste til, prøver meg på denne også.

The 52 topics for the 2019 reading challenge:

A book that was nominated for or won an award in a genre you enjoy
A book with one of the 5 W's in the title (Who, What, Where, When, Why) - LEST
A book where the author’s name contains A, T, and Y
A book with a criminal character (i.e. assassin, pirate, thief, robber, scoundrel etc) - LEST
A book by Shakespeare or inspired by Shakespeare
A book with a dual timeline
2 books related to the same topic, genre, or theme: Book #1 - LEST
2 books related to the same topic, genre, or theme: Book #2 - LEST
A book from one of the top 5 money making genres (romance/erotica, crime/mystery, religious/inspirational, science fiction/fantasy or horror) - LEST
A book featuring an historical figure
A book related to one of the 12 Zodiac Chinese Animals (title, cover, subject) - LEST
A book about reading, books or an author/writer - LEST
A book that is included on a New York Public Library Staff Picks list
A book with a title, subtitle or cover relating to an astronomical term
A book by an author from a Mediterranean country or set in a Mediterranean country
A book told from multiple perspectives
A speculative fiction (i.e. fantasy, scifi, horror, dystopia) - LEST
A book related to one of the elements on the periodic table of elements
A book by an author who has more than one book on your TBR
A book featuring indigenous people of a country - LEST
A book from one of the polarizing or close call votes
A book with a number in the title or on the cover - LEST
4 books inspired by the wedding rhyme: Book #1 Something Old - LEST
4 books inspired by the wedding rhyme: Book #2 Something New - LEST
4 books inspired by the wedding rhyme: Book #3 Something Borrowed - LEST
4 books inspired by the wedding rhyme: Book #4 Something Blue
A book off of the 1001 books to read before you die list
A book related to something cold (i.e. theme, title, author, cover, etc.)
A book published before 1950 - LEST
A book featuring an elderly character
A children’s classic you’ve never read - LEST
A book with more than 500 pages
A book you have owned for at least a year, but have not read yet - LEST
A book with a person's name in the title - LEST
A psychological thriller
A book featured on an NPR Best Books of the Year list - LEST
A book set in a school or university
A book not written in traditional novel format (poetry, essay, epistolary, graphic novel, etc) - LEST
A book with a strong sense of place or where the author brings the location/setting to life
A book you stumbled upon
A book from the 2018 GR Choice Awards
A book with a monster or "monstrous" character - LEST
A book related to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) [fiction or nonfiction]
A book related in some way to a tv show/series or movie you enjoyed (same topic, same era, book appeared in the show/movie, etc.) - LEST
A multi-generational saga
A book with a (mostly) black cover - LEST
A book related to food (i.e. title, cover, plot, etc.) - LEST
A book that was a finalist or winner for the National Book Award for any year
A book written by a Far East Asian author or set in a Far East Asian country
A book that includes a journey (physical, health, or spiritual) - LEST
A book published in 2019 - LEST
A book with a weird or intriguing title - LEST

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Ny leseutfordring for Juni - Juli - August


  • Good as gold - Read a book that won a Goodreads Choice Award
  • The book is better - Read a book being adapted for TV or film this year
  • Short & sweet - Read a book with less than 100 pages (or a book you can finish in one sitting) Lest
  • On the bandwagon - Read one of the "most read" books right now on Goodreads
  • Actually want to read - Read a book that's been on your Want to Read shelf for more than a year Lest
  • Not from around here - Read a book set in a different culture from your own Lest
  • In the friend zone - Read a book that a friend has recommended Lest
  • It takes two - Read a coauthored book Lest
  • Wheel of format - Read a book in a format that you don't normally read in (a graphic novel, poetry, a play, an audiobook, etc)
  • New voices - Read a debut novel
  • Past love - Reread a book you loved when you where younger
  • Armchair traveler - Read a book set in a destination you want to visit Lest


  • Stay awhile - Read a book with more than 500 pages
  • Stranger than fiction - Read a nonfiction book published this year
  • Tongue-tied - Read a translated book
  • No place like home - Read a book that appears in your Goodreads newsfeed
  • Continental drift - Read a book set on every continent
  • Genre explorer - Read a book from a genre you've never read before
  • Reading roulette - Read the third book you see on your Want to Read shelf
  • Primary reading - Read a book with a number or color in the title
  • Back to school - Read a book about a subject you don't know much about Lest

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