Parable of the Sower

av (forfatter).

Little, Brown and Company 2000 Paperback

Gjennomsnittlig terningkast: 5.20 (5 terningkast.)

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Forlag Little, Brown and Company

Utgivelsesår 2000

Format Paperback

ISBN13 9780446675505

Språk Engelsk

Sider 352

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All that you touch - You Change.

All that you Change - Changes you.

The only lasting truth - Is Change.

God - Is Change.

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Do not worship God

Inexorable God

Neither needs nor wants

Your worship.


Acknowledge and attend God,

Learn from God,

With forethought and intelligence,

Imagination and industry,

Shape God.

When you must,

Yield to God.

Adapt and endure.

For you are Earthseed,

And God is Change.

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Lister som inneholder dette verket

Her legger jeg bøker som omhandler samfunn i oppløsning - der karakterene lever i det motsatte av en utopi. Ofte vil de også være postapokalyptiske.

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skriv bildebeskrivelse her

1. David Grann - "Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI"
2. Featuring an inheritance: Janice Hallett - «The Twyford code»
3. Title starting with the letter “G”: Talia Hibbert - «Get A Life, Chloe Brown»
4. Title starting with the letter “H”: Tamsyn Muir - «Harrow the Ninth»
5. Title starting with the letter “I”: Maurene Goo - "I believe in a thing called love"
6. Under 200 pages: Sjón - «The blue fox»
7. A city or country name in the title: Karin Tidbeck - «Amatka»
8. Dystopian Fiction: Stephen King - «The waste lands»
9. A book with a dedication: Shirley Jackson - "The haunting of Hill house"
10. Takes place during the roaring twenties: Agatha Christie - "The murder of Roger Ackroyd"
11. A book about secrets: Ann Cleeves - "A lesson in dying"
12. High Fantasy: Leigh Bardugo - «Shadow and bone»
13. Published posthumously: Jean-Dominique Bauby, «The diving bell and the butterfly» (unntatt i Frankrike)
14. A survival story: Thor Heyerdahl - "Kon-Tiki-ekspedisjonen"
15. Set in Australia: Benjamin Stevenson - «Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone»
16. Featuring one of the “seven deadly sins”: Taylor Jenkins Reid - "Carrie Soto is back" (pride)
17. By a Caribbean author: Jamaica Kincaid - «Lucy»
18. Set during a war other than WWI or WWII: Guillermo del Toro og Cornelia Funke - "Pan’s labyrinth - the labyrinth of the Faun" (spanske borgerkrigen)
19. Typographic cover: R. F. Kuang - «Babel»
20. A book about siblings: Helga Flatland - «En moderne familie»
21. A second-hand book: Philippa Gregory - «The White Queen» (kjøpt på loppemarked)
22. A body-positive message: Lisa Fipps - «Starfish»
23. An alliterative title: Margarita Montimore - «Oona out of order»
24. Nordic Noir: Jo Nesbø - «Rødstrupe»
25. A fashionable character: Danielle Steele - "Dorothy Must Die"
26. Has an epilogue: C. S. E. Cooney "Saint Death’s Daughter"
27. Newbery Medal Winner: Kate Dicamillo - «Flora & Ulysses»
28. Includes a funeral: Teodora Goss - «The strange case of the alchemist’s daughter»
29. Sends you down a rabbit hole: Neil Gaiman - "The Sandman: Act 2"
30. An author with a same name as you: Jenny Erpenbeck - «The End of Days»
31. Set in a workplace: Rainbow Rowell og Faith Erin Hicks - «Pumpkinheads»
32. Published by Macmillan: Tamsyn Muir- "Nona the Ninth"
33. A banned book: Adam Silvera - «They Both Die At The End»
34. Featuring mythology: Ellie Griffiths - «The Janus stone»
35. A book you meant to read last year: J. K. Rowling - "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban"
36. Chapters have cliffhangers: Hervé Le Tellier - "The Anomaly"
37. Written in present tense: Øyvind Hatterud - "Mjøsa rundt med mor"
38. An enemies-to-lovers plot: Chloe Gong - «These Violent Delights»
39. The final book in a series: Fredrik Backman - «Vinnerne»
40. Written by a comedian: Lauren Graham - «Talking As Fast As I Can: From Gilmore Girls to Gilmore Girls and everything in between»
41. A character who is a refugee: Jeff Vandermeer - «Borne»
42. Time in the title: Richard Osman - «Thursday Murder Club»
43. A book “everyone” has read: Emma Cline - «The Girls»
44. A contemporary setting: Bjørn Vatne - "Underliv"
45. First word in the book is “The”: Danielle Paige - «Yellow Brick War»
46. Script font on the spine: Jon Kalman Stefansson - «Sommerlys, og så kommer natten»
47. Set in the city of Dublin: Caimh McDonnell - «A man with one of those faces»
48. A book by Octavia E. Butler: Octavia Butler - «Parable of the Sower»
49. Books on the cover: Sangu Mandanna - «The very secret society of irregular witches»
50. Related to the word “Murder”: Kerstin Ekman - "Hendelser ved vann"
51. A book that doesn’t fit any of the other 51 prompts: Solvej Balle - «Om utregning av romfang 1»
52. Published in 2023: Leigh Bardugo - «Hell Bent»

Mini-utfordringer (kan bruke bøker fra hovedutfordring):
February 2023 Mini-Challenge:
1. Set in either winter or spring (depending on what the groundhog says!): Benjamin Stevenson - “Everyone In My Family Had Killed Someone”
2. A shadow on the cover: Adam Silveira - «They both die at the end» (Audible-versjonen)
3. A time loop: Solvej Balle - «Om utregning av romfang 1»

October mini-challenge:
1. «It was a dark and stormy night»: Shirley Jackson - «The haunting of Hill house»
2. Steampunk
3. Includes a funeral scene: Teodora Goss - «The strange case of the alchemist’s daughter»

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skriv bildebeskrivelse her

A book you meant to read in 2022: Ellie Griffiths - «The Janus Stone»
A book you bought from an independent bookstore: Richard Osman - "Thursday Murder Club" (eier to ex., ett kjøpt på loppemarked)
A book about a vacation: Bjørn Hatterud - «Mjøsa rundt med mor«
A book by a first-time author: Margarita Montimore - «Oona out of order»
A book with mythical creatures: Jeff Vandermeer - "Borne"
A book about a forbidden romance: Chloe Gong - "These Violent Delights"
A book with "Girl" in the title: Emma Cline «The Girls»
A celebrity memoir: Thor Heyerdal - «Kon-Tiki-ekspedisjonen»
A book with a color in the title: Sjón - "The blue fox"
A romance with a fat lead: Talia Hibbert - «Get A Life, Chloe Brown»
A book about or set in Hollywood: Lauren Graham - «Talking As Fast As I Can: From Gilmore Girls to Gilmore Girls and Everything in Between»
A book published in spring 2023: Bjørn Hatterud - «Blokka på Bjerke»
A book published the year you were born: Stephen King - «The wastelands» (først utgitt 1991)
A modern retelling of a classic: Danielle Paige - «Dorothy Must Die»
A book with a song lyric as its title: Maurene Goo - «I believe in a thing called love»
A book where the main character's name is in the title: Kate DiCamillo - "Flora & Ulysses"
A book with a love triangle: Herve Le Tellier - «The Anomaly»
A book that's been banned or challenged in any state in 2022: Octavia Butler - "Parable of the Sower" (banned in Texas)
A book that fulfills your favorite prompt from a past challenge: Tamsyn Muir - "Harrow the Ninth" (written in second person)
A book becoming a TV series or movie in 2023: David Grann - "Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI"
A book set in the decade you were born: J. K. Rowling and Jim Kay - «Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban»
A book with a queer lead: Karin Tidbeck - «Amatka»
A book with a Map: Leigh Bardugo - "Shadow and bone"
A book with a rabbit on the cover: Leigh Bardugo - «Hell Bent»
A book with just text on the cover: Kersti Ekman - «Hendelser ved vann»
The shortest book (by pages) on your TBR list: Jamaica Kincaid - "Lucy"
A #BookTok recommendation: R. F. Kuang - «Babel»
A book you bought secondhand: Jo Nesbø - «Rødstrupe»
A book your friend recommended: Teodora Goss - «The strange case of the alchemist’s daughter»
A book that's on a celebrity book-club list: Richard Osman - «The Thursday Murder Club» (fra BBCs «Between the covers»-bokklubbliste
A book about a family: Benjamin Stevenson - «Everyone in my Family has Killed someone»
A book that comes out in the second half of 2023: Britney Spears - «Min egen stemme»
A book about an athlete/sport: Taylor Jenkins Reid - "Carrie Soto Is Back"
A historical-fiction book: Philippa Gregory - «The White Queen»
A book about divorce: Helga Flatland - «En moderne familie»
A book you think your best friend would like: Caimh McDonnell - «A man with one of those faces»
A book you should have read in high school: Louisa May Alcott - «Little Women»
A book you read more than 10 years ago: Klaus Hagerup - «Kaninene synger i mørket»
A book you wish you could read for the first time again: Agatha Christie - "The murder of Roger Ackroyd"
A book by an author with the same initials as you: Jean-Dominique Bauby, «The diving bell and the butterfly»

A book written during NaNoWriMo: C. S. E Cooney - «Saint Death's Daughter»
A book based on a popular movie: Guillermo del Toro og Cornelia Funke - «Pan’s labyrint»
A book that takes place entirely in one day: Adam Silveira - «They both die at the end»
A book that was self-published: Solvej Balle - «Om utregning av romfang 1»
A book that started out as fan fiction: Danielle Steelse - "Yellow brick war"
A book with a pet character: Sangu Mandanna - "The very secret society of irregular witches"
A book about a holiday that's not Christmas: Rainbow Rowell - «Pumpkinheads»
A book that features two languages: Jenny Erpenbeck - «The End of Days»
The longest book (by pages) on your TBR list:
A book with alliteration in the title: Tamsyn Muir - «Nona the Ninth»

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