Når man blir ansatt i NRK, begynner man ikke straks å lage
retningslinjer. Man begynner å lage programmer.
( kildetekst )
ja, hvor og når i historien har vi ikke slaveri gående?
slik det måtte oppfattes om du var et lavt priviligert
humant inventar der og da..
i verste fall bære underkastelsestegn...
en kunne spørre i luken hos wikipedantene :
de liker detaljer, og erkjenner vel at uverdige menneskeretts-
forhold ikke er noen sjeldenhet
selv kloss inn på våre brukbart diskusjonsåpne sivilisasjoner.
At det finnes visse ukrenkelige rettigheter, som vi håper
majoritetseierne skal helligholde like høyt som vi gjør.
Men i vår freidighet kunne vi nevne fremmedarbeidere i disses
egne land,
rettsløse [industri]slaver som bare har sulten i dagslønn den dag
det passer "arbeidsgiveren"/ arbeider-eieren å bytte dem ut og
sette dem "utenfor porten".
Men byggetegningene til de drastiske frihetsinngrep som vår tids
keisere har på timeplanen,
spørs det om wikipediatet kan føle seg FRI til å skissere ?
i sånt er de likevel bakspeil-historikere,
tro om de ser kursen vår tids mono-tenkning styrer?
Der kan vi trenge perspektiver fra bl.a. denne analytiker :
‘Global RESET’ Calls For Technocracy
Technocracy The Masterplan
Full gass for full overvåkning
Diktatur: alltid veldig Vitenskapelig
Hvorfor skulle vi slippe inn deg på flyet, når du ikke har
E-legitimasjon på Smittefri Snute ?
Her kommer Covid-Klasseskillet ikraft
Neste fase: Hvorfor skulle vi slippe Deg inn på Kjøpesenter
ULTIM 999, når du ikke er E-Sertifisert I Orden?
eller Hvorfor skulle vi la deg få korthandle mat på denne
Nærings- og Nyte-Automaten,
når du har uoppgjorte minuspoeng i BorgerPliktregnskapet?
Fase 1 er under oppstart, se Detaljer her .
BorgerPliktregnskapet? Kina har det i full drift .
Momenter for hvorfor du burde få fly, om du ønsker deg så vondt:
Attesten din kan regelmessig være helt misvisende.
Daglig er du jo ute i farlige verden og kan bli smittet,
med coronaviruset 'Vanlig forkjølelse' - eller et enda farligere
krigsvirus som ligner det sterkt.
Du får et grassiøst strev med å holde attesten gyldig,
kan den gis for mer enn selve reisedagen?
Da må det bli en helt feltmessig , dermed maksimalt upålitelig
test. Selv de angivelig mer labb-messige er tvilsomme nok.
Størst risiko er det for at steindøde småbiter av virus slår
falsk alarm, og du bråstoppes med kofferten i halsen.
Du kan dertil bli godkjent enda du faktisk brygget på 'noe',
og all protest og debatt vil dermed bare tydeliggjøre at
her behøves ganz andere Methoden:
Umulig forskning og utvikling må skje i brølende hast -
før immunisering har slått rot og farenivået er like lavt
som for en høstforkjølelse.
Og skal du være brått fradømt sivile rettigheter hvis du har
valgt å kutte ut alt abonnement på mobile tjenester ?
Vel oppmøtt i det nye 'fellesskapet' som vurderer deg daglig
om du må utvoteres, som trassig eller bare inkompetent til å
få være en av Oss.
/ /
Relaterte notater
Falsk-positive tester i bøttevis
DNA-based vaccines that will literally change your body’s DNA.
virusmekking og sapiens-redigering:
“Self-spreading vaccines are essentially genetically engineered
viruses designed to move through populations in the same way
as infectious diseases, but rather than causing disease, they
confer protection.
Obviously, much could go wrong using such an approach ."
Obviously, ganske kvalifisert innsikt i endel dilemma knyttet til
tekno-avansert Krigsforskning,
hva med et psykisk virus som fjerner fiendens evne til aggresjon?
( bestill i ruten nedenfor hvis du er forsvarsminister.)
Kilden oppfatter seg faktisk som sterkt 'nøktern og konvensjonell'
vitenskap, vi som permanent redigerer fasiten.
syntetisk-genomisert : Sapiens 2.x-dyret
fra ur-tidlig forskningsrapport : kunstnerens motivasjon og kall
( 2b continued )
Prosjektbeskrivelse begynner her >
og en av mange bra innledninger , her
Rights.no utnevner "Norges modigste prest":
Så enkelt og evangelisk kan det med fordel sies.
Det islamske presteskap er opprørt bare over tanken på at
deres allah kan ha en sønn:
Der er det dødsstraff for å ymte slikt, bl.a. i Pakistan.
Norske politikere vil ha det systemet løs hos oss .
Jesus er ikke bare et 'genialt teologisk konsept', han er
evig Gud av Gud, fra før noen teologsjel var født.
"svært mye ved den politiske religionen islam er unorsk
og trolig i strid med norsk lov og norske verdier:
Barneekteskap, tvangsekteskap, jødehat, homohat, synlig
diskriminering av kvinner m.v.", fastslår journalist R.Prang
i lenken over.
I grunnleggende teologiske konsepter kan det nok hende jeg
må ta reservasjoner mot endel av hva Gelius fører i bagasjen.
Men at teologer burde kunne si ting enkelt, støtter jeg !
I was surprised that among so many men of genius who had directed their inquiries towards the same science, that I alone should be reserved to discover so astonishing a secret.
Remember, I am not recording the vision of a madman.
The sun does not more certainly shine in the heavens than that which I now affirm is true.
Some miracle might have produced it, yet the stages of the discovery were distinct and probable.
After days and nights of incredible labour and fatigue, I succeeded in discovering the cause of generation and life;
nay, more, I became myself capable of bestowing animation upon lifeless matter.
The astonishment which I had at first experienced on this discovery soon gave place to delight and rapture. After so much time spent in painful labour, to arrive at once at the summit of my desires was the most gratifying consummation of my toils.
But this discovery was so great and overwhelming that all the steps by which I had been progressively led to it were obliterated, and I beheld only the result.
What had been the study and desire of the wisest men since the creation of the world was now within my grasp.
I see by your eagerness and the wonder and hope which your eyes express, my friend, that you expect to be informed of the secret with which I am acquainted;
that cannot be; listen patiently until the end of my story, and you will easily perceive why I am reserved upon that subject.
I will not lead you on, unguarded and ardent as I then was, to your destruction and infallible misery.
Learn from me, if not by my precepts, at least by my example, how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge ...
When I found so astonishing a power placed within my hands, I hesitated a long time concerning the manner in which I should employ it.
Although I possessed the capacity of bestowing animation,
yet to prepare a frame for the reception of it, with all its intricacies of fibres, muscles, and veins, still remained a work of inconceivable difficulty and labour.
I doubted at first whether I should attempt the creation of a being like myself, or one of simpler organization;
but my imagination was too much exalted by my first success to permit me to doubt of my ability to give life to an animal as complex and wonderful as man.
The materials at present within my command hardly appeared adequate to so arduous an undertaking, but I doubted not that I should ultimately succeed.
I prepared myself for a multitude of reverses; my operations might be incessantly baffled, and at last my work be imperfect,
yet when I considered the improvement which every day takes place in science and mechanics, I was encouraged to hope my present attempts would at least lay the foundations of future success.
Nor could I consider the magnitude and complexity of my plan as any argument of its impracticability.
It was with these feelings that I began the creation of a human being.
As the minuteness of the parts formed a great hindrance to my speed, I resolved, contrary to my first intention, to make the being of a gigantic stature, that is to say, about eight feet in height, and proportionably large.
After having formed this determination and having spent some months in successfully collecting and arranging my materials, I began.
No one can conceive the variety of feelings which bore me onwards, like a hurricane, in the first enthusiasm of success.
Life and death appeared to me ideal bounds, which I should first break through,
and pour a torrent of light into our dark world.
A new species would bless me as its creator and source;
many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me.
No father could claim the gratitude of his child so completely as I should deserve theirs.
Pursuing these reflections, I thought that if I could bestow animation upon lifeless matter, I might in process of time (although I now found it impossible) renew life where death had apparently devoted the body to corruption.
These thoughts supported my spirits, while I pursued my undertaking with unremitting ardour.
Hvordan skyte ned 'upassende' fakta?
Fagnøytralitet, ærlighet i forskning og folkeopplysning -
må den 'ubestikkelige' nøkternheten øke med pengemakt-stablenes
Hva metoder finnes for å 'hamre fast' offentlig sannhet?
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his
salary depends on his not understanding it.”
[ Upton Sinclair ]
Bry seg om å føre holdbare bevis, når de færreste kan kjenne
igjen et klokkerent bevis om de møter det på gaten, eller ved
Propaganda-bransjen har satset sterkt på frykt, beskjemmelse:
Fakta kan svertes, røklegges, gjøres til noe upassende,
som sikkert avslører mine dårlige motiver, søler meg til:
belastede ord viser min ukyndighet, jeg er visst offer for
leie 'folkelige misforståelser'?
Slik snor de det til.
"Let us say that your product causes harm (cancer, brain damage,
… whatever).
One option would be to admit the problem, notify the media,
pull the product from the market, and compensate the victims.
Instead many companies choose the following:
• Suppress the evidence of harm as long as possible, then deny harm
• Raise doubt about the scientific evidence and point to other causes
• Fund your own biased studies to confound the actual science
• Claim the science isn’t settled
In other words: delay, obfuscate, deny, muddy the waters and
point fingers.
This is, of course, the tactic employed by the tobacco industry
when evidence arose linking tobacco to lung cancer.
The approach was so successful in delaying/ minimizing regulation
that it has become the go-to strategy for industry and lobbying
groups embroiled in allegations of product harm
whether the compound of concern is lead, asbestos, aromatic amines,
vinyl chloride, beryllium, Freon, or deacetyl (an artificial
flavor that gives microwave popcorn a buttery flavor and also
causes lung damage). ...
The approach is summed up in an early internal tobacco industry
memo which stated:
”Doubt is our product, since it is the best means of competing
with the ‘body of fact’ that exists in the minds
of the general public.
It is also the means of establishing a controversy.”
It’s an ideal strategy and despite the fact that they keep running
the same play over and over again, it continues to work …
every single time.
And if scientific evidence eventually triumphs, these tactics
serve to delay regulation, allowing industry to continue to profit
from the activity despite the ongoing harm."
'Fakta' er altså noe skrot som samler seg i konsumentenes
udisiplinerte hjerner,
hvor stoffet egentlig kan bekjempes ved kjente krigsmidler.
Michaels' bok er blitt fremhevet av forsker Einar Flydal ,
som ikke er fornøyd med giga-telebransjens nøkternhet der de
serverer 'helt nødvendige' fremskritt
da de kan se ut til å true folkehelsen, biologi og klima og evt.
utslette all den sivilisasjonen de skulle tjene.
Ja, må vi pro fortissimo ha glippfri spillefilm i tele-bamsene
der vi seiler makelig på Mjøsa ?
om tjenesten skader oss og våre eventuelt anskaffbare barn?
( filmsnutt her )
Kyndige omtaler hos Goodreads :
mer om teleterror og slikt :
" The Orwellian strategy of dismissing research conducted by the
scientific community as "junk science"
and elevating science conducted by product defense specialists
to "sound science" status also creates confusion
about the very nature of scientific inquiry and undermines
the public's confidence in science's ability ... "
Herja konsumenter kan også like : >
på samme emnehylle:
" I got to see the results of vaccination on their kidneys "
It may seem odd that a medical doctor with 19 years of experience
has passionately turned away from the practice of vaccination.
(..) Like most doctors, I received a cursory summary of the
childhood and adult vaccine schedules
and was told that vaccines are safe and effective
and to give them on schedule.
I never questioned the vaccine schedule and was largely
agnostic about it.
After nearly two decades of working in the conventional medical
system, several things converged to launch me into a new way
of thinking.
I never would have predicted that the medical establishment
would present itself to me as a blatant violator of life
or conflict with my moral and spiritual principles . . .
but it did.
..during the winter of 2009 when the H1N1 flu vaccine was given
as a separate injection from the seasonal flu vaccine ..
Many doctors were skeptical of the practice of influenza
vaccination, and many of my hospital colleagues signed some
exemption form and dodged the vaccine for themselves.
However, there were trusting patients who did not have the
discernment to refuse, and I got to see the potential result
of vaccination on their kidneys.
That winter, three patients in close succession were wheeled into
the emergency room of my hospital with total kidney shutdown.
When I arrived to talk to them, each one volunteered to me,
“I was fine until I had that vaccine.”
All three had normal kidney function at baseline, as per
their outpatient records. All three required acute dialysis,
two eventually recovered, and one died of complications
several months later, supposedly from his other illnesses.
After this series of events, I began to take vaccine histories
on each of my patients and was startled at the connections
that could be made just by asking, “When was your last vaccine?”
In my opinion, many cases of supposedly idiopathic (medical term
for unknown) kidney disease are not idiopathic at all.
During the weeks of dialyzing the three kidney-failure patients,
I passed the chief of internal medicine in the hallway.
He was someone I had always had a good relationship with,
and we were on excellent terms.
He asked me the usual, “How are you doing? How is the
nephrology practice going?”
I decided to tell him what was happening and how I thought
the flu vaccine was causing problems.
After conveying a small bit of my observations, he became stiff,
his face tightened, his body language changed,
and he asked me why I was blaming the vaccine.
“They just got the flu, and the vaccine didn’t have time to work,”
was his curt response.
Over the following months, I first made it my business to find out
everything I could about safety trials for vaccines in kidney patients.
I was shocked to find that there were no trials on these types of patients.
I was told they could tolerate vaccines because these are “safe
and effective.”
On seeing that safety of vaccines in acutely ill (active heart failure,
sepsis, cancer, autoimmune disease) and chronic nephrology patients
was a myth,
I decided to research the chief of internal medicine’s assumptions
about the flu vaccine, smallpox, and polio history.
What I encountered threw me into a tailspin that ultimately led me
to become a full time researcher on the immune system and vaccination.
I came to realize that the guidelines, evidence, and opinions
of the leaders were unsound
and were NOT leading the herds to authentic health.
What was most puzzling to me was how I was treated when I tried
to protect my own kidney-failure patients from being vaccinated —
especially when they were ill.
After an attempt to get the hospital to defer vaccinating for
pneumonia and influenza until the day of hospital discharge
instead of admission,
I was told not to interfere with the vaccination protocol.
( / / )
This was the first time in my career that my opinion regarding
kidney failure was not respected.
Any other time I suggested that a drug was responsible for
kidney damage, that drug was immediately discontinued —
no questions asked.
This happens routinely with certain blood pressure drugs,
antibiotics, pain killers, etc.
Sometimes kidneys can react to drugs in an allergic fashion —
to any drug at any time — and that drug would have been stopped.
Some drugs cause direct toxicity to the kidneys,
and in the past if I suggested to stop or avoid them,
they were always avoided.
But now I was unable to protect my own kidney-failure patients
from vaccinations given in the hospital.
Questioning the vaccines seemed to open an entire Pandora’s box
that apparently had yellow tape over the lock,
along with the message, “Do not cross.”
I was met with doublespeak —
permitted to write an order to stop a vaccine that was to be given
if I got there in time, but I was also told that I was doing it
too often
and that I should not interfere with the hospital’s vaccination policy.
When I pointed out the connection between vaccines and worsening
or new-onset kidney failure to a couple of open-minded colleagues,
they understood, started taking vaccine histories,
and saw what was happening.
Yet they remained silent.
Most doctors continue to practice with comfortable indifference.
Some see the errors, damage, and limits of their practices but still
walk lockstep with the herd and protect the brotherhood.
I don’t know what it will take to get these doctors to resist the
dictates who rule over them.
I’ve had far more success reasoning with parents and intelligent people
who are not attached to traditions
that are damaging, unscientific, and not even supported by our own
medical literature.
This book is for those who want to read what I have discovered, after
years of research,
to be a much more accurate depiction of vaccination history.
( Suzanne Humphries, MD -- grundig forelesning over boken her )
Dissolving Illusions: The Information You Wish You Had Known Before
SANITATION versus VACCINATION - a 1912 book (J.T.Biggs) i overblikk
kalkulert etter antatt næringsbehov for min lille statist
Skratle Veritass, som vil bli bokbrannmelder. - Møt Skratle her
Suppleres e. vurderte brandmeldelser
'Statist' - blir det 'person som tenker stort om Storstaten',
engasjert tilhenger av vår alles Offentlige Omsorg Ovenfra ?
(forklare barnet ditt) -- Se nå på den morsomme snurre-armen
som vil Laaangt opp i nesa di, vær nå flink lille Skratle!
len hodet ditt til bøylen og sitt stille, bomullpinnen skal
kloss opptil hjernen din, hjernevask er sunt, det er så fint
vi har så myndigheter til å fatte vedtak om hva vi alle Må.
Må til, om vi skal være sunne og føle trygghet i samfunnet.
Se, tante Snythild fant seg så pent i det.
De skumleste urenhetene sitter ikke så langt opp i nesa di,
men pinnen skal skubbe møkka kloss bakerst, opp til hjernen
og skrubbe dødsfarlig skramme. Får vi blodinfeksjon og dør,
så døde vi for Fellesskapet og Tryggheten, er det ikke fint?
Hva hjertens fryd vi får for skattepengene!
Armen føler seg ikke frem, bare måler skallen din og beregner
hvor dypt det kan passe å drille.
'Offentlig Barbarimaskin' kunne lages billigere på den måten,
vanlig produksjonsrobot.
På generalprøven satt en sivilingeniør ute i bildekanten med
skjerm og håndklaver, klar til å taste Ctrl+Alt+DEL ifall
panikk og blodspill, han er visst ikke her idag - men disse
GrønneKors-frivillige operatørene er sikkert kyndige i
robotikktakk og taktikk, gått 3 dagers kurs.
Vi får se etter en kul barnebok til deg om skandaler i helsevesen,
hvis du sitter pent nå. De har sikkert noe pedagurkisk til å
styrke pliktgleden og massemoralen, du ønsker deg vel fin bok?
Given what we now know about the powerful contaminant SV-40,
it was a miracle that
the polio inoculation program was not a giant disaster.
..In 1972, the World Health Organization
let an elite audience of scientists know thatfunding would be available to those who would pursue the creation
of a hybrid virus that would be deadly to humans
By 1978, the Olympians showed the enormity of their ambitions.
N.S.C Memorandum #46 — the "King Alfred Plan" —
discussed one possible solution to the black nationalist movement
in the U.S.:
stopping the growing birth rate among blacks in America by the year
2000, using several types of deadly viruses.
This was actually written and circulated at the highest levels
of government in 1978.
AIDS did not exist in the United States prior to 1978.
Not in humans, not in stored blood; not anywhere —
except in the laboratories.
No American was infected with AIDS.
All U.S. AIDS infection has occurred since the preparation of the
"King Alfred" National Security Memorandum.
"Contaminated vaccines made in tissue cultures of animal parts
contain 'extra dangerous viruses'
and WHO smallpox vaccine doses may have been contaminated in this
fashion. According to investigations carried out by a team of
doctors from the Walter Reed Hospital,
there is a definite connection between vaccines and AIDS."
..it was a miracle that the polio inoculation program was not
a giant disaster.
Many so-called "flu shots" during the presidency of Gerald Ford
also contained SV-40,
which may account for the fact that
over twenty percent of those who received the shots
became seriously ill
and many died.
In 1977 the government denied that SV-40 contamination of
vaccines was deliberate.
The preponderance of evidence suggests that the government was —
and still is — lying.
Even as late as 1992, it was not known whether SV-40 is searched
for in AIDS victims. The terrible danger here is that
according to intelligence documents, SV-40 can lie dormant
and then be "reactivated" or "triggered" when needed,
which can also happen with HIV and two or three AIDS-related
complex viruses.
..AIDS did not exist in the United States prior to 1978.
Not in humans, not in stored blood; not anywhere —
except in the laboratories.
No American was infected with AIDS. All U.S. AIDS infection
occurred since the preparation of the "King Alfred"
National Security Memorandum.
The "King Alfred Plan" revealed that
the U.S. government had been collecting blood types
of every nation on earth.
These samples were given to virologists at Fort Detrick — ..
..the former Soviet Academy of Science in Novisibirsk ..
reported that blacks were more likely than whites
to become infected with the virus.
They would also have a shorter incubation period before
showing symptoms, and earlier death.
..people with a certain Gc 1 gene were predisposed to the HIV
virus, while a Gc 2 gene offered some protection.
As one intelligence report said,
"Extensive research .. came up with the conclusion that blacks
and mulattos have Gc 1 genes while whites have Gc 2 genes.
This, the team said, meant that Africa and Brazil would be the most
likely places in which the AIDS epidemic might start —
and where it would flourish.
This is believed to be the principle upon which the decision to
infect Africa and Brazil with AIDS first was based.
After that, they only had to find a means of delivering the AIDS
virus to large numbers of people —
and the World Health Organization found it."
The cover for the introduction of AIDS into Africa and Brazil —
with its large black population — would be the World Health
Organization's massive "humanitarian" campaign to
"eradicate smallpox for once and for all."
It was perfect. It even matched the surest way to pass
the virus: injection.
The WHO smallpox vaccines would be contaminated with the AIDS
The dangerous viral agent chosen to contaminate the vaccines
was SV-40,
an idea which sprang from the results of a near disaster
years earlier with contaminated Salk Polio Vaccine.
Until 1962, SV-40 — which caused cancer in animals — was contained
in polio vaccine shots,
and research work in the Soviet Union and Holland had concluded
that the SV-40 virus was widespread in bovine serum,
including fetal calf serum (BIV).
Fort Detrick virologists discovered that the loci of scores of genes
related to the body's immune system are located on chromosome 14.
They also found that SV-40 has a strong affinity for chromosome 14.
The scientists reported that this was the link —
the attack by SV-40 on chromosome 14—which caused polio, cancer,
leukemia and immune suppression.
The story of SV-40 first appeared publicly in "Human Exposures to
SV-40: A Review and Comment," an article by noted epidemiologists
N. Nathanson and K. Shah,
published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.
(Vol 103, No.1, January, 1976.)
The article said that in the 1950s, millions of Americans were
exposed to the papova virus SV-40,
a common and unrecognized contaminant which had been prepared
from virus pools grown in simian monkey kidney cultures.
In February 1977, in "Science That Frightens Scientists,"
published in the Atlantic Monthly,
William Bennett and Joel Gurin confirmed that millions of people
in the U.S. were "inadvertently" injected with simian virus 40.
Subsequently it was confirmed that the Salk polio vaccine was
cultured in kidneys from African green monkeys.
This may have given rise to the myth that a man bitten by a green
monkey contracted AIDS, which then developed into the present
AIDS epidemic.
As preposterous as it is, this fable is still one of the most
accepted theories about the genesis of AIDS.
Shortly after the World Health Organization's smallpox vaccination
program was completed, serious outbreaks of AIDS occurred in
Central Africa and Brazil.
As early as 1984, several intelligence services — ranging from U.S.
allies such as French intelligence and the Vatican
to enemies such as the KGB and Libyan intelligence
(which had access to sensitive information from the then highly
efficient Rumanian intelligence service ) —
began circulating internal reports that the U.S. was running
experiments with contaminated vaccines in human inoculations.
In 1985 The World Health Organization sent one if its top
officials to soothe the anxiety of African governments
whose people were suffering a wildfire of AIDS infection.
He was supposed to deliver the official WHO message: AIDS was
"no problem."
But once the WHO official saw the situation first hand,
he refused.
Yet WHO continued to insist that the problem of AIDS in Africa
was being grossly exaggerated.
( fulltekst )
Pandemien overstått, Covid-diktaturet overtar
Tidligere forskningssjef i farma-gigant Pfizer varsler nå
for et betydelig antall falsk-Positive 'tester':
"Fusk-vitenskap, frykt-manipulasjon og svindel "
( omtale > , emnesøk > )
Covid-Pandemien er utdøende, men politikk-viruset levedyktig.
Smittesanering: 222 nm UV-lys raderer ut virus
"a type of germicidal UV light can eliminate airborne
coronaviruses without harming exposed human tissues."
Let etter det i norske nyheter...
/ / /
Vitaminer og sunn kost styrker immunforsvaret ditt.
Men tro om Myndigheten foreslår tvangstiltak
for det formålet??
What if these same authorities decided to empower the people
with solutions that halt infection,
instead of holding human movement, behavior and breath captive
Australia: Ny diktaturlov, tvangsVaksinering gatelangs!
lar politi og 'offentlige myndigheter' tvangsbehandle alle
"..medical police state horrors that haven’t been witnessed
since the rise of medical experimentation on Jews in Nazi Germany.
This Australian law gives sweeping new powers to law enforcement
and other “authorized officers” to forcibly restrain, isolate
and vaccinate whomever they want.
The new powers are so descriptive, they give law enforcement
the legal power to “remove anything the person is wearing,
including underwear.”
Australian officers can apprehend, detain and restrain adults
and children for forced vaccination and removal of clothing
Australia: Tvangsleir på mistanke om opposisjonell holdning ?
"..residents of the state who violate its COVID-19 restrictions –
or even just spread what the government deems to be 'conspiracy
theories' about the plandemic –
can be locked up or thrown in concentration camps by any
"public servant."
The power-crazed politician of the far-left Australian state has
already made global headlines for sanctioning breaking into
people's homes and smashing their car windows upon suspicion
that Wuhan coronavirus restrictions are being flouted.
Now he wants to start arresting and detaining people without
any evidence of a crime being committed,
all to keep people "safe" from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).
Otherwise innocent Victorians, should Andrews' proposal be
enacted, would be subject to arrest by any "public servant,"
not just a police officer,
if they are merely suspected of having the Wuhan coronavirus
Arrests would also be permitted of those who question the
official plandemic narrative, which the government considers
to be the spreading of dangerous 'conspiracy theories.'
The proposal also contains provisions for how to handle people
who are suspected of breaching COVID-19 rules at their homes
and workplaces.
Snitches [angivere] would be able to call a government tip line
to report potential violations,
prompting "public servants" to come out for an inspection
or to make an arrest.
More of the latest news about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19)
can be found at Pandemic.news .
Overnasjonal grunnlovs-krenkelse :
Don't let this happen here
'Great' Britain: Tvang mot uønskede ytringer
British riot police stormed a protest against
COVID-19 lockdown policies
to stop 'badThink-ist' David Icke from being heard.
[ han er klartenkt m. egne analyser, verd å høre.. ]
Massive crowds convened around Trafalgar Square
to give the message that 'enough is enough' to British officials
who refuse to end Draconian emergency measures related to the
COVID-19 scamdemic.
ulike nyhetskilde-sammendrag
Hva koster det å klikke et "Godt Sagt"?
Michael J Horcrux,
at Online Business Development
Answered November 4, 2017
NOTHING in this world is free.
Yes, you do pay, but to answer what I believe
you’re asking, no you don’t DIRECTLY pay any money straight from
your own wallet to a corporation.
You pay in something that is much, much more valuable - your identity.
Your likes, dislikes.
What you watch, what you avoid. Your genres of music, your favorite
celebrities, your favorite foods, and of course all the opposites
to those, so they know what to avoid.
Who, you ask? Why, the advertisers of course.
YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Google, and any other “free” service
or website that tracks your movement and records every second of it,
then sells it all off to the advertisers who spam you
in the middle of your YT videos -
those people advertising to you?
They bought pieces of your identity that you “sold” to the
social media companies in exchange for THEIR services.
Make sense? Nothing is free.
I’m not necessarily saying this is a bad system - in fact, it’s the
best one that’s ever been used in the written world history of mankind -
but it’s VERY important to know what you’re exchanging
in a capitalist society,
especially when it’s to the biggest and actually most corrupt
corporations in America which, oddly enough, happen to be based
out of California.. I’ll stop there.
Opprinnelig spørsmål:
Do you pay anything when you 'Subscribe' to a YouTube channel?
..og såpass bra svar at det kan annuialiseres her.
..Til 'påhengsum',
Frihetsforkjempere vil ikke tvangsmessig føle for å klikke 'Like'
på alle de kriminelt tilgrensende 'FRIheter' biz-nisser finner på å
kreve seg
i all Kapital-frihetens he(s)llige navn, Grådighets-operatørene.
På den annen side av Hjerneteppet, kan en raskt nevne markert "anti-
kapitalistiske" stater, geriljaer og verksemder som bidrar
minst like destruktivt til anstrengt fryktsom stemning, offentlig
vikende, bortsmygende frimodighet i utveksling, tale og skrift --
samt proppeganda direkte importert fra gehenna
(om en har gehør som seg bør).
Politistat og Storebror holder like villig / billig HoldningsSkole
enten territoriet heter antikapitalistisk eller det motsatte ?
så kanskje de grunnleggende forretningsmodeller egentlig ikke er så
sentralt smertepunkt, hva gjelder tidens holdningsfeil med sitt
plandemiske program for all farlighet nød krise og dyster-topi ?
Men på et oftest fredelig skravletorg som her, hvor vidåpne åpninger
finner Monopol-kappitulatet og dystopiatet for kartlegging av oss,
for hvert klikk og kremt vi avgir?
Her kreves ekspertanse, om ikke også kompetise.
Vil du beregne skummelsummen, så kanskje skummelt sentralt
pensum her ? (ihvertfall ikke bare zeitgeistlig reklame)
"Either the current birth rates must come down more quickly. Or
the current death rates must go up. There is no other way."
( Robert S. McNamara - Secretary of Defense, 1970 )
..Thus was born the AIDS virus.
[ inside the top-secret U.S. Chemical and Bacteriological Warfare
laboratories at Fort Detrick, Maryland ]
This was not a well-meant endeavor that went haywire.
This was not the work of a mad scientist.
This was a project coldly calculated to discover whether a new virus
could be created
that would decimate a population in a seemingly "natural" plague.
The experiments were concluded in 1967.
The Chemical and Bacteriological Warfare labs were under heavy
pressures to produce deadly new weapons. With the Vietnam War raging,
relations between the two great superpowers had deteriorated to worse
than ever.
There was real paranoia in both governments about the other's
intentions and capabilities.
So in 1969, it came as a terrible shock for those in the know
when British and U.S. intelligence discovered alarming evidence
that a team of Soviet virologists, working under Victor Zhdanov —
then the top virologist in the Soviet Union — had successfully
isolated a retrovirus from human leukemia cells contaminated with
"fetal calf serum."
That put the Soviets ahead in this weapons race!
It took a while longer for the Western labs to demonstrate how
human leukemic cells could host the growth of bovine visna virus.
This would explain why veterinarians participated in the Fort
Detrick "trials,"
and why the U.S. government subsequently gave Dr. O. W. Judd,
a leading veterinarian, $8.5 million to study leukemia
when human leukemia does not occur in animals.
Why was a leukemia study conducted at a Harvard veterinarian
Intelligence reports shed some light. Researchers at Fort Detrick
were in possession of all of the documentation on the unsuccessful
forty-year search for a vaccine to counter maedi-visna in sheep
and eight-year search for a vaccine to counter infectious
anemia in horses.
The experiments included infectious anemia of horses, a lentivirus
and a cousin of leukemia in humans.
The tests were to see whether the new "cocktail" could be carried
to humans by horseflies ( its normal methods of transmission;
it is not a sexually transmitted disease in horses )
and by other stinging insects.
In frequency of infection and efficiency of "contact," the tests
using human tissue were successful in establishing infection.
The significance of this lies in the fact that elements of all three
viruses — horse and sheep and bovine — appear in humans infected
with the AIDS virus.
It is also significant that these are "retroviruses." When they
penetrate a cell, they actually alter its genetic content.
Which is exactly what happens when a person becomes infected with
the HIV virus.
The sheep maedi-visna retrovirus closely resembles the HIV virus.
The bovine visna so closely resembles the HIV virus that it was
actually called, at the time, BIV — bovine immunodeficiency-like virus.
The race was on. Congress was quietly notified on July 1, 1969
of the new biogenetic weaponry...
A Department of Defense expert on biological warfare, Dr. McArthur,
in testimony before the House Appropriations Committee actually
described what we now know as the AIDS virus:
"Within the next five-to-ten years," he said, "it probably will be
possible to make a new infective microorganism
which would differ in certain important aspects from any known
disease-causing organism.
Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the
immunological and therapeutic process upon which we depend
to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease.
The total cost of such a program, which we could complete in five
years, is in the region of $10 million."
He made these statements more than a decade before the first reported
AIDS case in America!
"Either the current birth rates must come down more quickly. Or
the current death rates must go up. There is no other way.
There are, of course, many ways in which the death rates can go up.
In a thermonuclear age, we can accomplish it very quickly.
Famine and disease are nature's ancient checks on population growth,
and neither one has disappeared from the scene."
One intelligence source informed us that McNamara was alluding to
the development of new bacteriological warfare methods —
and that he actually discussed them with certain carefully selected
delegates after the conference.
..In 1972, the World Health Organization
let an elite audience of scientists know that
funding would be available to those who would pursue the creation
of a hybrid virus that would be deadly to humans:
"An attempt should be made to see if viruses can, in fact, exert
selective effects on immune functions. The possibility should be
looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be
impaired if the infecting virus damages more or less selectively
the cell responding to the virus."
(World Health Bulletin, 1972, 47, 257 and Fed Proc 1972 31:1087)
By 1978, the Olympians showed the enormity of their ambitions.
National Security Council Memorandum #46 — which became known among
the few who were privy to it as the "King Alfred Plan" —
discussed one possible solution to the black nationalist movement
in the U.S.:
stopping the growing birth rate among blacks in America by the year
2000, using several types of deadly viruses.
This was actually written and circulated at the highest levels
of government in 1978.
AIDS did not exist in the United States prior to 1978.
Not in humans, not in stored blood; not anywhere —
except in the laboratories.
No American was infected with AIDS.
All U.S. AIDS infection has occurred since the preparation of the
"King Alfred" National Security Memorandum.
"Contaminated vaccines made in tissue cultures of animal parts
contain 'extra dangerous viruses'
and WHO smallpox vaccine doses may have been contaminated in this
fashion. According to investigations carried out by a team of
doctors from the Walter Reed Hospital,
there is a definite connection between vaccines and AIDS."
( kildetekst >
The Presidential Rant Booth --
Valgboder har vi litt kjennskap til, men her har noen venner av oss i USA
lansert Enetale- og Skrikeboden med Full ytringsfrihet, uten noen
overlærer påfallende tilstede.
Folk får også adgang til å sortere et sett historiske portretter av
kjente størrelser, etter antatt moralsk integritet
(fra V. til H., 'verste til hyggeligste')
FolkeValg av styremyndighet er på en måte alvor, dertil..
nesten-proff video her:
Maskene Gror fram og ny-Sprer viruset
Kort intro:
Cancer-Causing Viruses In Vaccines Exposed ( vid. 2017 )
Oppdatering Aug 2020, Judy Mikovits: Masker, smittevern?
..reviewing decades-old research ..
The studies show, in fact, these masks don’t stop RNA virus
infections. That includes things like AIDS, XMRV, Ebola,
and of course the current Coronavirus.
So what masks actually do, is they weaken your immune system.
They suppress your immune system. ..
if you should be coughing, which you will, if you wear a mask
for a short time, especially if you have CLPD or pleurisy,
as I do, and my husband has to OPD,
we will start coughing and we will be coughing, reactivating
dormant viruses, along with coronaviruses.
The masks are literally spreading the disease.
..when I cough, these droplets get into the mask.
They’re trapped there. The mask becomes moist, but as I cough
the propulsion from the airflow sends the viruses from
the droplets, literally into space,
but more importantly, it provides the growth media.
If you will, it’s there for not only viruses: bacteria, mold,
mycoplasma, I’m touching it.
It’s contaminated, I breath in it.
It becomes that wet moist environment, which allows the virus
to literally divide and then sit there on that mask for hours.
Every time I cough, I cough more virus directly into the air,
the water droplets don’t go in the air, but the virus does.
The mask is concentrating it.
By masking, we destroy our own natural God-given immunity that
has protected us for millennia.
(2018) In 2011, Dr. Judy Mikovits made a horrifying discovery
that was contaminating all vaccinations.
When supervising government authorities were presented with this
scientific information
they told her to destroy all her data and placed a gag order
on her for four years, threatening jail if she spoke out.
Dr Judy Mikovits has a PhD in molecular biology and biochemistry.
She is a PhD biochemist, molecular biologist with over 30 years
of experience.
She has directed programs on HIV, cancer, epigenetics and
neuroimmune disease with a focus on development of novel drug
and diagnostic technologies.
In 2011 when she made that horrifying discovery she .. was
threatened and told to destroy all her data.
When she did not, she was jailed,
her career systematically destroyed, and a gag order put in place
for four years threatening that if she spoke out she would be
thrown back in jail.
That gag order has lifted. She is speaking out now.
Dr. Mikovits has written a revolutionary book called “Plague:
One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human
Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS),
Autism, and Other Diseases.”
The criminalization of science whistleblowers :
"She refused to cover up the scientific evidence and was
targeted and punished by the 'vaccine deep state' establishment."
..."And then we’re also told, Oh, you didn’t put on a mask, so you made
somebody else sick.
So we are putting a fear state and an anger state
and thats even more powerful immune suppressants."
UN får skarp kritikk av sine egne :
Tvang til vaksinering ulovlig på vår klode
fra offisielt notat: UN støtter ulovligheter
the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
and its Optional Protocol of 2006
and under internationally recognized agreements
such as the Council for International Organizations of
Medical Sciences International Ethical Guidelines
for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects
of 2002,
and the World Medical Association Declaration Of Helsinki
of 1964, revised in 2013.
The United Nations (UN) and WHO are legally obligated to
uphold the right to informed consent
yet have instead been complicit in violating it. "
se artikkel
(& skriftet FULL DISCLOSURE (1994) , fullt av dagsaktuell tidsklimakritikk )
Kravet til 'informert frivillighet' i helsearbeid
er utformet i lovverk som vil gjelde hele kloden.
Men om du f.eks er forelder til farget baby i en avstengt
utkant av teknokratisk tilbakeliggende land,
og et av $Bill Gates' sprøytegale herjingstog
gjør aksjon, fanatisk edsvorne 'rasehygienikere' /
evgenisister ( grunnl.1904 ) -- ( se pensum )
som vet akkurat hva slags babyer som vil være belastende
for naturen
og de klokes krav om en raseren,
sterkt nedskåret klode:
da får du prøve å ta første kano til Sivilisasjonen
og lete etter en ideelt rettighets-arbeidende advokat
bare ta med dokumentasjon på herjingene av sykelighet og
opphørt formeringsevne i distriktet,
korrespondert i tid med tidligere helsetogverk-kampanjer
så de kloke kan få noe å hånle av, et skadedyr som
tenkte det skulle ha rettigheter i en opplyst verden
som vi dikter selv, Skjebnekreftene er nå Oss
Omtale : en.Wikipedia
Europeisk protest 2005 :
"the public awareness of crimes committed by totalitarian communist
regimes is very poor."
Tekstutgave online m. nedlastbare formater
Massedrap iverksatt av kommunist-regimer
Paul Kengor: The Devil and Karl Marx
Well before Marx was writing about the hell of communism,
he was writing about hell.
Far too many people, however, separate Marx the man from
the evils wrought by the oppressive ideology and theory
that bears his name. That is a grave mistake.
Not only did the horrific results of Marxism follow directly
from Marx’s twisted ideas, but the man himself penned
some downright devilish things.
Two decades after the publication of
The Black Book of Communism,
nearly everyone is, or at least should be, aware of the
immense evil produced by that devilish ideology
first hatched when Karl Marx penned his Communist Manifesto
two centuries ago.
( her presentert av forfatteren : ) ( +5 min. lecture : )
( Townhall omtale, tekst : )
( "Skrem barna med dette!" )
“Thus Heaven I’ve forfeited, I know it full well,” Marx wrote
in a poem in 1837, a decade before his Manifesto.
“My soul, once true to God, is chosen for Hell.”
That certainly seemed to be the perverse destiny for Marx’s
ideology, which consigned to death over 100 million souls
in the twentieth century alone.
No other theory in all of history has led to the deaths of
so many innocents.
How could the Father of Lies not be involved?
At long last, here, in this book by Professor Paul Kengor,
is a close, careful look at the diabolical side of Karl Marx,
a side of a man whose fascination with the devil and his
domain would echo into the twentieth century
and continue to wreak havoc today.
It is a tragic portrait of a man and an ideology,
a chilling retrospective on an evil that should have never been
let out of its pit.
The Devil and Karl Marx :: By Geri Ungurean
The Opium of the Marxists -- PAUL KENGOR
Slik fikk Jonas tidlig inntrykket at dette også var
Trygve Lies rolle i verdensmålestokk: å passe på at en gjeng
skrikende gutter ikke kastet gulrotstumper på hverandre.
( . . )
[TV-poet Jonas Wergeland]
..ville fokusere på kjernen i Trygve Lies virksomhet:
kampen for å verne om den skjøre freden. ..
under en heroisk 32 dagers reise april/mai 1950, da Trygve Lie
fartet halve kloden rundt, Washington, London, Paris og Moskva,
for personlig å overlevere et notat han hadde skrevet, ..
" Memorandum om momenter til overveielse ved utarbeidelsen av
et 20 års program for å oppnå fred gjennom de Forente Nasjoner".
..et nesten privat forsøk på å redde FN fra å visne hen --
Sovjet boikottet allerede Sikkerhetsrådet, som en protest mot
utestengning av kommunist-Kina. Trygve Lie forsøkte m.a.o. å
hindre splittelsen i to uforsonlige blokker, få slutt på den
kalde krigen.
En oppgave verdig en nordmann: kampen mot kulden.
..man så hvordan han slet, strevde rundt i en sirkel, et slags
forstørret ekornbur, hilste og hilste,
på president Truman, statsminister Attlee, statsminister Bidault
og generalissimus Stalin og deres medarbeidere.
Sa de samme innledningsfrasene hver gang.
Alle lyttet til ham,
alle var høflige, alle sa det samme, alle lovte å studere hans
memorandum omhyggelig og med største interesse,
alle satte pris på hans anstrengelser,
alle var rent ut sagt takknemlige over dette initiativ,
alle fant hans redegjørelser både opplysende og nyttige,
og samtidig, mens de smilte og nikket samtykkende, plukket de
forslagene hans i stykker;
vi tviler oppriktig på at disse punkter kan ha noen betydning
i dagens situasjon,
nei, vi kan ikke begrense bruken av vetoretten i Sikkerhetsrådet,
Trygve Lie korrigerer, gjør tilføyelser, reiser videre,
folk smiler og nikker samtykkende, men nei, et møte mellom
statssjefene er etter vår mening ikke det mest brennende spørsmål
akkurat nå, vi vil på ingen måte ha noe å gjøre med de kinesiske
kommunistene, Trygve Lie finner seg i flisespikkeriet,
kravet om andre formuleringer, reiser videre, folk smiler og
nikker samtykkende, men nei, strider mot våre interesser, vi må
ikke skape falske illusjoner, Goddag Mann, Økseskaft, haglskur av
"på det nåværende tidspunkt", "slik vi ser det" og "når tiden er
Trygve Lie reiser videre, folk smiler og nikker samtykkende ...
innimellom klippet Jonas W. inn hva man sa bak hans rygg, mens
Trygve Lie satt opptatt ved et annet bord.
Russerne kalte ham 'amerikansk lakei' og amerikanerne mente
han var en 'Stalin-agent', altfor unnvikende ..
Britene så på ham som en enkel mann, nærmest en bonde, og de
var opprørt over at han spilte sin politiske rolle med slik
mangel på diskresjon, så fjernt fra den engelske diplomatiske
stil med understatements lært på Eton.
De kyniske franskmennene lo åpenlyst av hele dette dristige
initiativet, et forsøk på å opphøye det norske moralske alvor
til verdensplanet (...)