The Devil and Karl Marx

Communism's Long March of Death, Deception,

av (forfatter).

Saint Benedict Press LLC 2020 hc / mp3

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Forlag Saint Benedict Press LLC

Utgivelsesår 2020

Format hc / mp3

ISBN13 9781505114447

Språk English

Sider 552

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Well before Marx was writing about the hell of communism,
he was writing about hell.

Far too many people, however, separate Marx the man from
the evils wrought by the oppressive ideology and theory
that bears his name. That is a grave mistake.

Not only did the horrific results of Marxism follow directly
from Marx’s twisted ideas, but the man himself penned
some downright devilish things.

Two decades after the publication of
The Black Book of Communism,
nearly everyone is, or at least should be, aware of the
immense evil produced by that devilish ideology
first hatched when Karl Marx penned his Communist Manifesto
two centuries ago.

( her presentert av forfatteren : ) ( +5 min. lecture : )
( Townhall omtale, tekst : )
( "Skrem barna med dette!" )

“Thus Heaven I’ve forfeited, I know it full well,” Marx wrote
in a poem in 1837, a decade before his Manifesto.
“My soul, once true to God, is chosen for Hell.”

That certainly seemed to be the perverse destiny for Marx’s
ideology, which consigned to death over 100 million souls
in the twentieth century alone.

No other theory in all of history has led to the deaths of
so many innocents.
How could the Father of Lies not be involved?

At long last, here, in this book by Professor Paul Kengor,
is a close, careful look at the diabolical side of Karl Marx,

a side of a man whose fascination with the devil and his
domain would echo into the twentieth century
and continue to wreak havoc today.
It is a tragic portrait of a man and an ideology,
a chilling retrospective on an evil that should have never been
let out of its pit.

The Devil and Karl Marx :: By Geri Ungurean

The Opium of the Marxists -- PAUL KENGOR

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