The magicians' guild

the Black magician trilogy

book one

av (forfatter).

2007 Heftet

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Siri Søbergs eksemplar av The magicians' guild - the Black magician trilogy


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Each year the magicians of Imardin gather together to purge the city streets of vagrants, urchins and miscreants. Masters of the disciplines of magic, they know that no one can oppose them. But their protective shield is not as impenetrable as they believe. Sonea, angry, frustrated and outraged by the treatment of her family and friends, hurls a stone at the shield, putting all her rage behind it. To the amazement of all who bear witness, the stone passes unhindered through the barrier and renders a magician unconscious. The guild's worst fear has been realised. There is an untrained magician loose on the streets. She must be found before her uncontrolled powers unleash forces that will destroy both her, and the city that is her home.

Omtale fra forlaget

Each year the magicians of Imardin gather together to purge the city streets of vagrants, urchins and miscreants. Masters of the disciplines of magic, they know that no one can oppose them. But their protective shield is not as impenetrable as they believe. Sonea, angry, frustrated and outraged by the treatment of her family and friends, hurls a stone at the shield, putting all her rage behind it. To the amazement of all who bear witness, the stone passes unhindered through the barrier and renders a magician unconscious. The guild's worst fear has been realised. There is an untrained magician loose on the streets. She must be found before her uncontrolled powers unleash forces that will destroy both her, and the city that is her home.


Utgivelsesår 2007

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781841493138

EAN 9781841493138

Serie The black magician trilogy (1)

Genre Fantasy

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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Bra handling, men jeg synes at siden forfatteren hele tiden bytter synsvinkel blir ikke handlingen like spennende da forfatteren røper en del.

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Gode, men ikke nødvendigvis så kjente engelske fantasybøker jeg mener fortjener annerkjennelse eller i hvert fall at bokelskere vet om dem. Alle bøkene unntatt Airman har etterfølgere.

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Her er de bøkene jeg syns er de beste innen fantasy

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Her er noen av bøkene jeg anbefalte til en VG1 klasse her i dag - tror alle disse ble lånt ut :)

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Dette er gode fantasybøkar (seriar) med ein kvinneleg helt og synsvinkel.

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Bøker jeg leste i 2010 i kronologisk rekkefølge.

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