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Siste del av "The Democratic Age" (år 1832-1900). Stephen Crane, Henry James og Mark Twain er store navn. Om "The Democratic Age" skriver Bloom:
Novalis, Hoffmann, Heine, Nietzsche, Wagner, Pusjkin, Gogol, Turgenjev, Tolstoj, Dostojevskij, Tsjekhov, Emerson, Whitman, Dickinson, Hawthorne, Melville, Poe; huff, jeg blir nesten andpusten, her er utvalget nesten for stort. Om "The Democratic Age" (år 1832-1900) skriver Bloom:
- - - I have located Vico's Democratic Age in the post-Goethean nineteenth century, when the literature of Italy and Spain ebbs, yielding eminence to England with its renaissance of the Renaissance in Romanticism, and to a lesser degree to France and Germany. This is also the era where the strength of both Russian and American literature begins.
Saftig utvalg. Dickens, Tennyson, Thackerey, Ruskin, Stevenson, Stuart Mill, Samuel Butler, Oscar Wilde, George Eliot, Brontë-søstrene, Percy og Mary Shelley og mange flere. Om "The Democratic Age" (år 1832-1900) skriver Bloom:
- - - I have located Vico's Democratic Age in the post-Goethean nineteenth century, when the literature of Italy and Spain ebbs, yielding eminence to England with its renaissance of the Renaissance in Romanticism, and to a lesser degree to France and Germany. This is also the era where the strength of both Russian and American literature begins.