I'll say one thing about Lester though. You can trace em back to Adam if you want and goddamn if he didn't outstrip em all.

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Man of leisure like yourself, the sheriff Said. You oughtn't to mind helpin us workers unscramble a little misunderstandin. This way, mister.

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The old man's eyes was run out on stems like a crawfish and his tongue blacker'n a chow dog's. I wisht if a man wanted to hang hisself he'd do it with poison or somethin so folks wouldn't have to see such a thing as that.

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Last ned den digitalpolitisk korrekte utgaven av denne boken gratis fra Standards Ebooks Project: https://standardebooks.org/ebooks/jane-austen/pride-and-prejudice

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Dette er en slags woke krysning av Cormac McCarthy og Annie Proulx. Brutale, men poetiske, skildringer fra amerikansk borgerkrig ispedd samtidige identitetspolitiske temaer. Dette kunne blitt så kleint, men det er en suveren bok!

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For smart for sitt eget beste.

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Hmm... 🤔

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As "sex" fragments the body, so the lesbian overthrow of "sex" targets as models of domination those sexually differentiated norms of bodily integrity that dictates what "unifies" and renders coherent the body as a sexed body.

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Det er mange gode anekdoter her, men denne boka er ikke helstøpt:

  • Frantz har et altfor sterkt agg mot David Byrne og Brian Eno
  • Mange pinlige kjærlighetserklæringer til ektefelle Tina Weymouth
  • Lettvint og overflatisk om alt etter "Remain in Light", særlig svak mot slutten
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Brian [Eno] was very complimentary of our sound, which he later described as “The rhythm section is like a ship or a train—very forceful and certain of where it’s going. On top of that you have this hesitant, doubting quality that dizzily asks, ‘Where are we going?’ That makes for a sense of genuine disorientation, unlike the surface insanity of the more commonplace, expressionist punk bands.”

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You could say that Tina [Weymouth] and I were the team who made David Byrne famous. We were very good at shining the spotlight on him.

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Hæ? 😵

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Femininity becomes a mask that dominates/resolves a masculine identification, for a masculine identification would, within the presumed heterosexual matrix of desire, produce a desire for a female object, the Phallus; hence, the donning of femininity as mask may reveal a refusal of female homosexuality and, at the same time, the hyperbolic incorporation of the female Other who is refused – an odd form of preserving and protecting that love within the circle of the melancholic and negative narcissism that results from the psychic inculcation of compulsory heterosexuality.

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Dette er et eksempel på de mange migreneframkallende setningene i denne boka. En nesten ugjennomtrengelig tekst hvis du ikke er vel bevandret i poststrukturalistisk teori og dekonstruksjon.

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The problematic circularity of a feminist inquiry into gender is underscored by the presence of positions, which, on the one hand, presume that gender is a secondary characteristic of persons and those which, on the other hand, argue that the very notion of the person, positioned within language as a “subject”, is a masculinist construction and prerogative which effectively excludes the structural and semantic possibility of a feminine gender.

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A new band was being born, a band that acted as a law unto itself. Overseas groups such as Pere Ubu, The Pop Group and The Fall had arrived with the force of deconstructive genius, suggesting that the most unconventional of vocalists, the most uncomfortable of rhythms, the ugliest and most amateurish of sounds could build another musical world. These were the bands The Boys Next Door regarded as their true peers.

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En av suffernes favorittmotstandere var selveste Jan P. Syse, juristen og Høyre-politikeren som av alle ting var leder av byggekomiteen for blindernstudentenes nye hus, Chateau Neuf på Majorstua. Den senere forsvarspolitikeren i AKP, Per Gunnar Gabrielsen, erklærte at ml-erne ville ta rotta på Syse. Den gammelvestkantske og ikke så rent lite arrogante Syse repliserte: «Jeg skjønner ikke hva herr Gabrielsen mener med at han skal ta min rotte?»

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Det var så Emmy kom in i bilden för mig, på riktigt. Jag hittade henne på Joels säng under idolporträtten på de norska skidlöparna Vegard Hulgaard och Sigred Strömsted och Magne Storfjärt med flera.
Som väckte ett sådant raseri i en: breda guldmedaljsregnleenden i det skarpa vintersolskenet.

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La oss tro det: IS er en husmorskole for mistilpassede europeiske kvinner. Kalifatet tar mennene seg av. Er det kanskje ikke det samme kjønnsrollemønsteret vi også har? Hva?

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Elsa trodde at lingvistik skulle handla om språket som något givet och ovedersägligen existerande, vilket sedan skulle analyseras, men det handlar om språket som fiende och förtryckarverktyg.

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G LEivind  VaksvikElinBeHegeWencheHanne Cathrine AasKirsten LundLilleviBritt ElinPiippokattaIngunn SFrank Rosendahl SlettebakkenTove Obrestad WøienAvaAkima MontgomeryJulie StensethMcHempettVariosaBjørg L.oforbordVibekeritaolineLene AndresenmarithcIdaIreneleserChristofferHeidiKaren PatriciaTine SundalJan-Olav SelforsVannflaskeAnne Berit GrønbechLinda RastenGladleserandrea skogtrø egganLailaBerit RHanneRoger Martinsen