En ny era började och vänsterflum med blommor i håret byttes långsamt ut mot postmodernism och dyra skor.
Kunskapen kring vad Spotify egentligen är och gör verkar det ofta vara lite sisådär med; riksdagsdiskussioner om bolagets totala beroende av externt riskkapital lyser exempelvis med sin frånvaro. Spotify förknippas snarare med världens bästa arbetskraft som trots höga löner har svårt att hitta bostäder, utbyggnad av förskolor, högt skattetryck och stelbent dinosauriepolitik – bolagets lockelse och skönhet finns i betraktarens öga.
I näringspolitiska sammanhang har Spotify alltså blivit ett företagsideal. I sådana kontexter har bolaget på ett ideologisk sätt länkats till båda det ena och det andra. I en riksdagsdebatt våren 2016 kring förutsättningar för snabbväxande företag, argumenterade Miljöpartiet till exempel för att tjänsteföretag som Spotify behöver bra förskolor och ”trygg miljö med ren luft”. Spotify var nämligen helt beroende av sina ”anställdas kreativitet och kompetens. De slåss om den med andra”.
The dead were almost holding hands. The foot of one of them was touching the stomach of another, whose fingers lay on the face of a third, who was leaning toward the hip of the fourth, who seemed to be staring at the ceiling, and all of them, as never before and for evermore, became, in this arrangement, my comrades.
The man who walked toward the back of the room and toward me fired a bullet and said: “Allah Akbar!” He fired another bullet and repeated: “Allah Akbar!”
On January 7, 2015, around 10:30 A.M., few people in France were prepared to say “I am Charlie.” We had entered a new age and couldn’t do anything about it. The paper was no longer important, except for a few loyal readers, for Islamists, and for all kinds of more or less civilized enemies, ranging from boys in the suburbs who didn’t read it to the perpetual friends of the wretched of the earth, who liked to call it racist.
Mens Sara [Azmeh Rasmussen] skrev mye i aviser, og også forfattet flere bøker, har Amals [Aden] viktigste aktivitet vært å holde foredrag og å delta på åpne, offentlige møter rundt om i Norge. Under et slik møte sa en av tilhørerne at hun var en skam for Afrika. Amal repliserte: «Afrika har store problemer, men at jeg er lesbisk er ikke et av dem.»
De som sier at islam er forenlig med humanisme, demokrati og menneskerettigheter - og som fremstiller profeten Muhammed som en fredsaktivist, likestillingsforkjemper og sosialdemokrat - har ennå ikke de sterkeste empiriske argumentene på sin side.
‘David Bowie has talent,’ Truman Capote told Andy Warhol in 1973 – a generous assessment from the man who thought Mick Jagger as ‘sexy as a pissing frog’.
Another GCHQ operation to harvest IP addresses of website visitors was code-named KARMA POLICE, apparently after the Radiohead song of the same name, which includes the lyric, ‘This is what you’ll get when you mess with us.’
Frederick Jelinek, the researcher who led IBM’s language efforts, famously stated that ‘every time I fire a linguist, the performance of the speech recogniser goes up’.
In time, the founder of Microsoft himself became associated with another computer scientist’s rule of thumb: Gates’s law, which claims that, as a result of wasteful and inefficient code and redundant features, the speed of software halves every eighteen months.
"I'm Moby, and I'm an alcoholic."
Lizzie Grant, whom I’d tried dating a couple of years ago, was one of our original backup singers, but she left the group to pursue her own career as Lana Del Rey.
I’d never met Pantera, but I loved their records. The first time Kelly had visited me, in 1999, I’d put on The Great Southern Trendkill while I was making dinner. She liked Belle and Sebastian and Fairport Convention, and was baffled that I would put on a Pantera album while adding organic basil to a vegan spaghetti sauce.
What I could never process was that each time I entered, I was visiting David Bowie as a friend. As a peer. Well, “peer” seemed absurd. Bowie was the greatest musician of the twentieth century, while I was a bald degenerate with an accidental hit record. He was a demigod; I was most likely a fluke.
Hjelpe meg, for en kjedelig bok! Hadde tenkt å lese ferdig, men ga opp etter 250 sider.
It has been an enjoyable experience sharing these thoughts, penning a kind of bible for my woke disciples. But I will not rest until we have achieved our diverse intersectional socialist decolonised polyamorous genderqueer pro-trans body-positive anti-ableist privilege-checking speech-policing hate-free matriarchal utopia.
Vilter bygdeskrøne fra Hedmarken om kunstig intelligens som tar feste i en leirklump.
«Leira sto i wifi-strålinga – stort sett spillinga til Alf – da ble den et rasshøl», sa Tormod. «Man skulle tro det var internettet sjøl som var ute og fløy på bygda.»