After many hours the people were obliged to give up their attempts, and went home to sleep; but the Minor Canon remained at his post till early morning, and then he hurried away to the field where he had left the Griffin.
The monster had just awakened, and rising to his forelegs and shaking himself, he said that he was ready to go into the town.
Unnatural Creatures, novellesamling ved Neil Gaiman.
"The Griffin and the Minor Canon," av Frank. R. Stockton.
Ho stod der, naken, og Edmund lo, og spurde om ho nokosinne hadde høyrt om intimbarbering. Det hadde ho ikke. Tullar du, sa han, vantru, og Elvira forstod på måten han lo på han kanskje aldri hadde sett korleis kvinner faktisk kunne sjå ut, trass at dei faktisk var i Kolve/Eitre [...]
"Oh, God."
Wallbanger, av Alice Clayton.
Jeg har kjøpt,
"A Walk in the Woods," av Bill Bryson.
"Elizabeth is Missing," av Emma Healey.
"This is Where I Leave You," av Jonathan Tropper.
"Wallbanger," av Alice Clayton.
Det bør kanskje sies for de som lurer, Moby Dick.
Jeg leser "Den hemmelige Historien" av Donna Tartt. Etter mye om og men i bokhandelen sto det mellom denne og Atwoods "Year of the flood." Pengene dekket bare én, så da tok jeg denne. Lei av faglitteratur og håper på et godt skjønnlitterært avbrekk.
Til slutt ble jeg helt desperat og grep tak i den magre svarte bakdelen - katten kjempet imot og satte tennene i armen min - og sammen klarte vi å pakke den inn i et kjøkkenhåndkle slik at bare hodet stakk ut, med øyne på stilk og ørene flate langs hodeskallen. Vi ga den mumielignende hvesende bunten til Charles.
"D-det står en mann utenfor." Rendar knuget hjelmen mot brystet.
"En mann?" Urd hevet et øyenbryn. Var det mulig å bli mindre konkret? Foreldrene hans måtte være søsken.
When seen full on, the feathers atop his head looked like brush-cut hair, and that gave him a brutish, almost conservative look. If owls were the professors of the avian kingdom, then kookaburras, I thought, might well be the gym teachers.
The book was slim and palm-size, divided into short chapters: "Banking," "Shopping," "Border Crossing." The one titled "Romance" included the following: "Would you like a drink?" "You're a fantastic dancer." "You look like some cousin of mine." The latter would work only if you were Asian, but even then it's a little creepy, the implication being "the cousin I have always wanted to undress and ejaculate on."
The thing about Hawaii, at least the part that is geared toward tourists, is that it's exactly what it promises to be. Step off the plane, and someone places a lei around your neck, as if it were something you had earned - an Olympic medal for sitting on your ass.
In the months prior to giving birth, she read every book on child-rearing she could find. In retrospect, Sun Tzu's Art of War would have been a better choice, or perhaps a field study of rabid primates.
Naturally, this isn't how she'd expected to feel about motherhood, but watching her baby daughter morph into a teenager has been an alarming experience, like cresting the first hill of a rollercoaster just as she realized her seatbelt was broken.
She has a husband who's a certifiable dickhead, but this isn't her disability per se.
Har for diverse grunner lest lite de siste dagene. Blitt vant til å gjøre helt andre ting med tiden min, selv om jeg har masse fritid nå. Fortsetter med "The Graveyard Book" av Neil Gaiman, "Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls" av David Sedaris og har begynt på "Lost & Found" av Tom Winter. Har så langt lest bare et par sider, men kan si jeg allerede er litt betatt av boka. Den gir meg litt Mark Haddon-vibber, men jeg skal ikke gå videre inn på det foreløpig.
Carol want a disease. Nothing deadly, and nothing crippling. She doesn't aspire to disabled parking, for instance, despite its obvious advantages.
"It's true I haven't done much with my life," she wants to say to people, "but it's the... the leprosy."
"Lost & Found," av Tom Winter.
"Ça va?" Dr. Granat asked, and I raised my hand, international dental sign language for "There is something vital I need to communicate." He removed his screwdriver from my mouth, and I pointed to the screen. "Ils ont mangé des souris en brochette," I told him, meaning, "They have eaten some mice on skewers."
He looked up at the little TV. "Ah, oui?"
Maybe, being American, I want bigger names for things. I also expect a bit more gravity. "I've run some tests," I'd like to hear, "and discovered that what you have is called a bilateral ganglial abasement, or, in layman's terms, a cartoidal rupture of the venal septrumus. Dogs get these all the time, and most often they die. That's why I'd like us to proceed with the utmost caution."
For my fifty dollars, I want to leave the doctor's office in tears, but instead I walk out feeling like a hypochondriac, which is one of the few things I'm actually not.
There was a hand in the darkness, and it held a knife.
"The Graveyard Book," av Neil Gaiman.
One thing that puzzled me during the American healthcare debate was all the talk about socialized medicine and how ineffective it's supposed to be. The Canadian plan was likened to genocide, but even worse were the ones in Europe, where patients languished on filthy cots, waiting for aspirin to be invented.
"Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls," av David Sedaris.
Denne helga setter jeg i gang med de nye bøkene jeg har bestilt, "The Graveyard Book" av Neil Gaiman, og "Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls" av David Sedaris.