Geneticists in Tel Aviv, Israel did a DNA analysis from a blood
sample widely believed to have belonged to Jesus, concluding
that Jesus’ biological father was "not a human male".
The blood sample was discovered on the archeological dig of Ron
Wyatt (narrating this video) and his team.
Upon completion of the analysis, the lab technicians asked Wyatt
whose blood he had submitted for study, and he replied,
"this is the blood of your Messiah".
When the scientists tested the two-thousand-year-old
"dead" blood, to their shock, they were able to analyze its
chromosomes — which is only possible with living blood.
Having 24 distinct chromosomes or 22 autosomes (mother's are
duplicated) in addition to 2 (XY) chromosomes, the 22 autosomes
of the mother are equal to the corresponding 22 autosomes of
the father (one to one) and the X chromosome of the mother (XX)
plus the "Y" sex chromosome given by father being (XY).
In total, 2 of His mother's autosomal chromosomes duplicated
times 22, plus 1 (X) chromosome + 1 (Y) chromosome = 23
homologous pairs of chromosomes.
Thus, His (Heavenly) Father's (Y) male chromosome determined
only Jesus’ maleness, while His physical characteristics would
have been determined solely by His Mother.
Human cells normally have 46 chromosomes. These are actually
23 pairs of homologous chromosomes. In each pair of chromosomes,
one of the pair is from the mother and the other member is from
the father.
Therefore, 23 chromosomes come from the mother and 23 from the
father. In each set of 23, 22 chromosomes are autosomal and
one is sex-determining. The sex-determining ones are the X
chromosome and the Y chromosome. Females are XX, so they can
only contribute an X chromosome to their offspring, whereas
males are XY, which allows them to contribute either an X or a Y.
If they contribute an X, the child is female, whereas if they
contribute a Y, the child is male.
The fascinating finding in this blood was that instead of 46
chromosomes, there were only 24.
There were 22 autosomal chromosomes, one X chromosome and one
Y chromosome.
This evidences that the person to whom this blood belonged to
had a mother but no human father,
because the normal contribution of paternal chromosomes is
The DNA of Jesus is 96% from Mary rather than 50% from Mary as
would be normal. So, theoretically, the Holy Spirit had to have
inseminated a virginal Mary with the "Y" chromosome of the
non-human God of Abraham.
On his deathbed, Wyatt — who died in 1999 — went into detail
about how he was led by the God of Abraham to find the elusive
Ark of the Covenant.
He didn’t know that he’d be discovering the blood of Jesus, too.
According to Wyatt, he was able to physically locate the Ark
of the Covenant, the container for the original tablets of the
Ten Commandments, with the Mercy Seat intact on the top.
It was found in a chamber just outside the walls of ancient
Jerusalem about 20 feet below what Wyatt also claimed was the
actual site of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Wyatt said he found an earthquake crack directly below where
the cross would have been. It extends down through the rock
to the resting place of the Mercy Seat atop the Ark of the
Covenant. The blood of Christ would have flowed through that
crack after his death and after his side was pierced by a
soldier’s spear.
The site of the crucifixion appears to have evidence that it was
once enclosed in a 1st century building, apparently a church.
The site includes a large round stone which perfectly fits
the Garden Tomb — accepted by many as the place from which
the body of Christ rose from the dead.
Wyatt believed that the Ark of the Covenant, along with other
sacred objects from the first Temple in Jerusalem, were all
secreted away just prior to the entrance of the Babylonians
into the city about 600 years before the crucifixion of Jesus
There are many tunnels beneath Jerusalem even to this day.
These most sacred objects were protected in a chamber and
the entrance was sealed and hidden.
“When Christ died, the earth quaked. The rock was split right
below His cross and this crevice extended right down into the
hidden chamber which contained the undefiled ‘earthly’ Throne
of God — the Ark with its Mercy Seat,” explained Wyatt
in one of his research letters.
“After He was dead, when the centurion stuck his spear into
Christ’s side and pierced His spleen, the blood and water came
out, falling down through that crack
and was sprinkled on the Mercy Seat.”
Wyatt explained that in the former Temple service, the high
priest sprinkled the blood of the sacrifice on the Mercy Seat.
Wyatt said Christ, as the great High Priest, was the only one
who could physically sprinkle the blood on the Mercy Seat.
It was an act of God that everything was in the right place,
and that there was an earthquake which enabled Christ to spill
his own blood onto the Mercy Seat in fulfillment of this
ancient rite.
[ undertekst fra samme kortfilm ]
“Suppose for a moment the claims about pain’s ineffability are historically specific and ideological, that pain is widely declared inarticulate for the reason that we are not supposed to share a language for how we really feel.”
Et bio-forskningslab i Tel Aviv, Israel tok på seg å
analysere en sjelden blodprøve, uten å vite hvor arkeologisk
gammel prøven var -- men det lyktes å rekonstruere den, med
et menneskes kromosombilde. De fant en særs sjelden 'feil':
Personen hadde 23 kromosomer på morssiden, bare ett fra far.
Ivrig diskusjon på hebraisk - og oppdragsgivende arkeolog
kunne forklare: This is blood from Your Messiah !
Lagt fram i kort filmsnutt her -- fra et større materiale.
E-bok kjøpt og lastet ned. Gleder meg til denne!
Synes leseperioden høres veldig grei ut :-)
'Keiserens ny-nye klær' holder seg pent !
Hvis vi misliker veverne og vevet hans,
er det bare ond påståelighet av oss å mene at det virkelig finnes
noen Keiserlig Garderobe-Reform.
Da bare spinner vi Opp spinn, og er avslørt.
Men bare vi vil klappe og juble, NYskredderi hurra, ny skreddera..
så er vi hverken dumme eller ubrukelige i Embetet,
men riktig lekkert brukbare
og kan få lære barna Doublespeak - -
så skjønner slike små demonstranter at Krig er fred og Opp er ned.
Denne lille filmen viser oss hvor enkelt vi kan snu Opp-toget,
så det ikke skal bli pinlig gateuorden
( talende omtaletekst )
The notion overtook me shortly after it was all done that, having taken a life, I had in some way forfeited my own.
Fra Donal Ryans A Slanting of the Sun
The availability of books is not the same as reading them, nor reading the same as understanding them
To write a book is for all the world like humming a song—be but in tune with yourself, madam, 'tis no matter how high or how low you take it.”
I begin with writing the first sentence—and trusting to Almighty God for the second.
Historien er ikke noe som tilhører fortiden.Historien finnes inne i vår bevissthet, og kanskje også i vår ubevissthet, det er den varme strømmen av levende blod som motstandsløst bringes videre fra en genreasjon til den neste.
Ernæringsnære tanker: Farlig skrot i maten
De som la merke til N C Geelmuydens avsløringer av hvor giftig
eller nedbrytende vår daglige mat er blitt,
kan gjerne spørre hva slags fiendskap som kan ligge bak?
men jo, du kan gi nesten enhver barnehage-klasse i oppgave å
hoderegne ut om KRIG i det hele tatt kan 'lønne seg' å drive,
for noen. Men kriget blir det..
i ildlinjen sitter matkonsumentene. Mange nok til at det ikke
burde være lurt å bølle med oss.
Barkebrød? noen tenker seg vel ennå noe nostalgi-romantisk der ,
da har de vel ikke forlest seg på Geelmuyden, presis..
se på maken til kynisk mord-mel i posen fra nrk ??
Generasjonene som måtte 'drøye melet' med slikt, praktiserte en
noe langsom, pinefull selvmordsmetode, tarmvev kan ta drastisk
skade --
og er det ennå 'bakeri-verk' som tror at fiber i alle utgaver er
veldig sunt?
Krigsfanger har iblant fått nedbrytende fõr, nrk's gamle filmonkel
traff ikke bom med skikkelsen 'Piasawa Harakiri'. [Saksøk volds-Nrk!]
men fortsatt er mange høyst uklare over mord-ingrediensen Karragenan !
den har direkte overtatt markedet for meldrøyerne, og påfører tarmskader.
Herved ferdig bannlyst :
Ekstra, Ferske nyheter av i år:
Forbrukervern frikjennes for 'konspirat-hysterikk'
Slik ser statistikk-normale, frivillige Vaksine-skader ut:
Disse 2 føtter stilte frivillig til Pfizers vaksine-forsøk, men
skaden er statistisk påregnelig og rammet bare 1 av 96 frivillige:
en 'reaksjon' som aldeles ikke bråstopper prøveprosjektet,
det får gå videre til en enda frivilligere, større kontrollgruppe.
Skadene heter bare “fixed drug eruption” (gjesp) og var ikke verd
en medi-latinsk diagnoseterm engang -- litt plager må en regne med --
men høyst smertefulle og invalidiserende, hvem vet hvor lenge?
Tell opp dine 95 nærmeste naboer, her ser du det helt normale
påregnelige skadebildet på én av dem, i kommende hverdags rutine.
usynlig i en helsekø
Er det ikke kjekt at den triumfvitenskapelige farmassakrale industri
har sikret seg lovgaranti imot alle søksmål for pasientskader -
over hele forretningsverden?
Thi Feire triumfen ble rettelig gjort:
"Today is a great day for science and humanity. The first set of
results from our Phase 3 COVID-19 vaccine trial provides the initial
evidence of our vaccine’s ability to prevent COVID-19,”
said Dr. Albert Bourla, Pfizer Chairman and CEO.
“We are reaching this critical milestone in our vaccine development
program at a time when the world needs it most ..."
"The DMC (beregningskomité) has not reported any serious safety
concerns and recommends that the study continue to collect additional
safety and efficacy data as planned."
"science and humanity", var ikke det de hovedmistenkte for det nesten
utilisktede labb-uhellet som slapp apocalypsis preview løs over kloden??
saka i sammenheng: "GRIEVOUS SORES ON BOTH HER FEET" >
"and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had
the mark of the beast" (kun liten vareprøve, sålangt?)
og her, en liten trall om det helsestyrkende i å le av 'småskader'..?
uh.. "Programmable Hydraulic Guillotines needed " ?? for vår Trygghet?
( kan de mene program med Jan Guillou..? )
Flere små notater >
AIDS is the biogenetic equivalent of the atom bomb.
The "Manhattan Project," the secret program to develop the bomb,
had its beginnings in 1939 with a letter from Einstein
to President Roosevelt alerting him that German physicists had
recently entered an historically new realm in their research
and would someday be capable of creating an explosive, based
on the splitting of the atom,
that would be unimaginably more destructive than any other weapon
ever known to mankind.
From that moment on, it was a certainty that the weapon would be built
—and used — someday.
I don't know when the virus that would kill by destroying the human
immune system was first conceived in some scientist's brain.
But intelligence reports indicate that the actual laboratory
experiments — at Fort Detrick, Los Alamos and Cold Spring Harbor —
began during the 1960s.
The federal agency responsible for controlling the outbreak of epidemics,
the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, recently circulated a secret
memo to its top officials
estimating that one out of eight children born in America today
will die of AIDS before they reach the age of 50.
A secret CIA report has concluded that twenty-five percent of Americans
now showing symptoms of AIDS are in their early twenties —
which means they contracted the disease while teenagers.
"For every documented case of a young person testing positive
for the HIV virus," the CIA report continues,
"there are 1,000 others who carry the highly active virus,
without even being aware of it." ( . . )
..Jean Denezet, one of the French bankers who was present
during McNamara's 1970 speech on population control, told Le Figaro,
the newspaper most closely aligned with the French government:
"World financial crisis will become virtually inevitable.
Political consequences, just like in 1930, will be serious, but this
time they will take place in the Third World."
Denezet made other remarks that Le Figaro chose not to publish.
Here's the rest of what Denezet said in 1983:
"Horrible things are going to happen in the Third World — and
there is nothing to do, but just let it happen.
Three and a half billion people are going to be plunged into a Hell
worse than the Middle Ages."
(Note the reference to the Middle Ages, with its oblique overtone of
another Great Plague.)
Denezet knew what he was talking about. Since 1983,
Africa has indeed been Hell worse than the Middle Ages.
According to Dr. E. O. Idusogie, of the FAO regional office
in Accra, Ghana, "about 100 million people in Africa are suffering
from malnutrition (a euphemism for starving);
AIDS carries away thousands every day, and civil wars in the region
are causing chaos, confusion and a total breakdown of even
the most meager sanitary conditions."
In 1989, Dr. Bernard Debre, a member of the French National
Assembly, was interviewed by Paris Match upon his return
from a tour of the continent.
"Africa, engulfed by AIDS, is in a terrible situation because
the disease thrives upon fragile populations;
practically all (black) Africans are infected with malaria and
parasites. … In Zaire, when we do blood tests, one out of four
is contaminated with AIDS.
All of the African countries are hit, and in some countries …
terrible proportions. Congo, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Cameroon, are
severely hit. Zaire or Burundi may die."
He estimated that perhaps thirty or forty percent of the populations
were already infected with AIDS.
"Poverty in Africa makes a serious fight against AIDS almost
While in the U.S., men with AIDS outnumber women with AIDS by
seven to one, in Africa it is a family disaster.
Women in Africa are more likely than men to die of AIDS.
Four out of five AIDS sufferers in Zimbabwe are women.
Among women in Africa, AIDS is spreading 100 times faster
than in the U.S.
According to an intelligence report, new, more virulent strains
of the AIDS virus are surfacing. These have appeared in
thousands of cases where persons tested showed false-negative
results. It is believed that HIV testing simply did not identify
the new strains.
[ fulltekst >
Når protesterer off. Helseforskere ??
Idag Søndag, kan vi sitte selv-isolerte og slippe å
fjernsimulere arbeid.. men hva prognose ser vi
for hele 'det Norske Syke-Hus' ?
fra KnuskSeriøs avd. først ; HelseIkkediktatet, Noreg:
Hvilken oppsikt ville det Ikke ha vakt om Folkets Helse-
institutt hadde kunngjort maken til sin helsestoresøster
i Dronningens Britannia UK:
Hasteoppdrag til Dyktig Datatjeneste !
vi trenger Høy kapasitet på en Database-sky
for å bokføre skadevirkninger av risikable Vaksiner såsom
Covid-19 som snart duesleppes ut! ( -- vampyrsleppes ut?)
"system to process the expected flood of COVID-19 vaccine
injuries and side effects" ..literally a ‘direct threat to
patient life’“ [ se omtale ]
Noe slikt selvstendig omsorgsansvar for 'folkehelsen' er nok
Ikke å vente fra 'FHI . NO' i kingdom of NOway - -
det måtte i så fall vært en listig uttenkt protest-form fra
tenkende fagfolk, imot den politisert-Rabide galskap.
Åja, et helseinstitutt må da kunne ta ansvar ved utbrudd av
betent bikkjegalskap i hele Administrasjonen ?
I trassnissenes Noreg har de nok holdt seg omhyggelig
uinformerte om klokere utenlandske forskeres betenkeligheter!
(Dere, Norges bunadsjel, har sjansen selv.. "den som ikke vil
avbokføres [dø] i en flokk", (A. Øverland) får prøve alene..)
men det britiske helseverk har nok nå protestert av så full hals
de ennå ikke har hatt luftveisvondt i.
Nå til avd. 'Smilende livskunst',
'EDUtainment' heter en nåtidig satsende sektor, underholdning
med litt sniklærde bivirkninger -- for you, hunny.
Det kan hende en entusiast sitter og mikser musikk-video ved et
campingbord i skyggen av galgebakken .. og blander inn litt humør.
Har du hørt denne før ? (litt uskippbar reklame først..)
Hever tråden :-)
Oi, den virker såpass spennende at jeg måtte kjøpe den. Ble engelsk lydbok, denne gangen. Takk for tips!
Selv har jeg bare lest De usynlige, den første boka om Ingrid fra Barrøy. Likte den godt, og det kan hende jeg leser de andre etter hvert, men det er så mange fine bøker jeg har lyst til å lese …
Galtungs Metode For Fred lyder interessant – kanskje en bok flere burde lese?
God lesing!
Fredrik Barth er en nytt og ukjent forfatter for meg, men det høres spennende ut! Men jeg har lest om Oscar Wao av Diaz, riktignok på engelsk, og den likte jeg godt.
Fortsatt god lesing!
Samme her – har ikke alltid tid til å delta, men pleier å lese helgetråden – ofte mange gode lesetips å finne :-)
Jeg likte nok 1793 bedre enn deg – ga både den og oppfølgeren 1794 en femmer. Og Ishiguro er en av yndlingsforfatterne mine.
Fortsatt god lesing!
Ja, veldig hyggelig. Er det Frantumaglia av Ferrante du har lest? Jeg har den på dansk – gleder meg til den. Har også lest den den dystopiske futuristiske MaddAddam-trilogien, fantastiske bøker!