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Kell wore a very peculiar coat.
It had neither one side, which would be conventional, nor two, which would be unexpected, but several, which was, of course, impossible.
A Darker Shade of Magic av V. E. Schwab.
Jeg har nettopp blitt ferdig med den fantastiske Vicious av V. E. Schwab. Resten av helgen skal brukes til å fullføre The Boy Who Wept Blood av Den Patrick og Golden Son av Pierce Brown.
På nattbordet ligger dessuten The Collector av John Fowles.
When the wild ducks pass in the migrating season, they cause strange tides to rise in the lands beneath them. As if magnetized by the great triangular flock, the farmyard ducks try clumsily to leave the ground. The call of the wild has awakened some vestige of the wild within them, and for a moment they have turned into birds of passage. In those hard little heads normally filled with simple images of the pond, of worms and of their roosting-house, now stretch the vast continents, the taste of the ocean winds and the shape of the seas. The creature never knew until now that its brain could contain such marvels, and it beats its wings in contempt for seed and worms, trying to become a wild duck.
Den beste boka jeg leste i juni var The Graveyard Book av Neil Gaiman.
Red Rising av Pierce Brown og Something Wicked This Way Comes av Ray Bradbury var også svært gode.
Jeg har så vidt begynt på The Heart is a Lonely Hunter av Carson McCullers, og planlegger å gjøre et skikkelig innhugg i den i løpet av helgen.
Sommer betyr dessuten at det er på tide å sluke noen fantasyromaner, så innimellom leser jeg The Boy Who Wept Blood av Den Patrick.
An animal may be ferocious and cunning enough, but it takes a real man to tell a lie.
When the fox hears a rabbit scream, he comes running, but not to help.
Denne uken har jeg lest to av Thomas Harris' Hannibal Lecter-bøker, så i helgen skal jeg gjøre meg ferdig med den tredje, Hannibal. Deretter skal jeg lese videre på The Island of Doctor Moreau av H. G. Wells.
Dersom tiden strekker til har jeg også lyst til å begynne på Shirley Jacksons The Haunting of Hill House.
"Can you stand to say I'm evil? Am I evil, Officer Starling?"
"I think you've been destructive. For me it's the same thing."
"Evil's just destructive? Then storms are evil, if it's that simple. And we have fire, and then there's hail. Underwriters lump it all under 'Acts of God.'"
"I collect church collapses, recreationally. Did you see the recent one in Sicily? Marvelous! The façade fell on sixty-five grandmothers at a special Mass. Was that evil? If so, who did it? If He's up there, He just loves it, Officer Starling. Typhoid and swans—it all comes from the same place."
A census taker tried to quantify me once. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a big Amarone.
"It's fear, Jack. The man deals with a huge amount of fear."
"Because he got hurt?"
"No, not entirely. Fear comes with imagination, it's a penalty, it's the price of imagination."
The girl had taken the Ph.D. in philosophy and this left Mrs. Hopewell at a complete loss. You could say, "My daughter is a nurse," or "My daughter is a schoolteacher," or even "My daughter is a chemical engineer." You could not say, "My daughter is a philosopher." That had ended with the Greeks and Romans.
Is Death important? No. Everything that happens before Death is what counts.
Death doesn't exist. It never did, it never will. But we've drawn so many pictures of it, so many years, trying to pin it down, comprehend it, we've got to thinking of it as an entity, strangely alive and greedy. All it is, however, is a stopped watch, a loss, an end, a darkness. Nothing.
Jeg er ferdig med semesterets siste eksamen, og kan endelig lese ting som frister i stedet for å repetere pensum.
Denne helgen tror jeg derfor at jeg skal fullføre Ray Bradburys mørke og poetiske Something Wicked This Way Comes, før jeg tar fatt på The Heart is a Lonely Hunter av Carson McCullers.
På nattbordet ligger i tillegg Wise Blood av Flannery O'Connor og Other Voices, Other Rooms av Truman Capote.
"Is there anything," said Will, "doesn't make you sad?"
"One thing. Death."
"Boy!" Will started. "I should think that would!"
"No," said the man with the voice to match his hair. "Death makes everything else sad. But death itself only scares. If there wasn't death, all the other things wouldn't get tainted."
Sometimes the man who looks happiest in town, with the biggest smile, is the one carrying the biggest load of sin. There are smiles and smiles; learn to tell the dark variety from the light. The seal-barker, the laugh-shouter, half the time he's covering up. He's had his fun and he's guilty. And men do love sin, Will, oh how they love it, never doubt, in all shapes, sizes, colors, and smells. Times come when troughs, not tables, suit our appetites. Hear a man too loudly praising others, and look to wonder if he didn't just get up from the sty. On the other hand, that unhappy, pale, put-upon man walking by, who looks all guilt and sin, why, often that's your good man with a capital G, Will. For being good is a fearful occupation; men strain at it and sometimes break in two. I've known a few. You work twice as hard to be a farmer as to be his hog.
Death has his favorites, like anyone. Those who are beloved of Death will not die.
1902 Når livskvelden kjem - Forteljing
1903 Bjarne - Et billede fra en fjellbygd
1905 Vaarsus - Fortælling
1905 Moseflyer - Skitser og sagn fra Dovrefjeld
1906 Hauk Uglevatn - Fortælling fra Dovrefjeld
1907 Svarte Fjelde - Fortælling
1908 Mineskud
1908 Ved den evige sne - Fortælling I
1909 Fakkelbrand
1909 Urtidsnat
1910 Vargfjeldet - Smaa fortællinger
1910 Nord i haugene - Eventyr
1911 Fimbulvinter
1912 En finnejentes kjærlighetshistorie
1912 Jutul-historier - Fortalt av ''n Soplim-Tosten sjøl
1913 Eli Sjursdotter
1913 Eventyr. Nord i Haugene og Jutulhistorier
1914 Simen Mustrøen. Karikaturkomedie
1914 Av Jarleæt
1915 Lisbet paa Jarnfjeld
1916 Eventyrfjeld. Historier for barn
1916 Helleristninger. Historier fra fjeldet og jagten
1917 Brændoffer
1918 Rott jer sammen
1918 Sol. En historie fra 1600 tallet
1919 Barkebrødstider - Nye fortællinger
1919 Vidden - Fortællinger
1919 Bjørneskytteren
1920 Bør Børson - Olderdalens største sønn
1920 Byd lykken haanden eller da Johannes Mo løste rebusen
1920 Bør Børson jr.
1921 Naglerne. Eller jernet fra Norden og andre fortellinger
1923 Den fjerde nattevakt
1924 I Nordenvindens land
1925 Vers fra Rugelsjøen
1926 Anders Reitan. Liv og virke 1826-1926
1927 Den nye Bør Børson jr.
1927 Christianus Sextus. De første geseller
1931 Christianus Sextus. I hammerens tegn
1935 Christianus Sextus. Tårnvekteren
1928 Det høie fjeld
1928 Solfrid i Bjørnstu og de syv svende
1929 I forbifarten
1933 Der stenene taler
1936 I vakttårnet
1940 Nattens Brød. An-Magritt
1946 Nattens Brød. Plogjernet
1952 Nattens Brød. Johannes
1959 Nattens Brød. Kjærlighets veier
1944 Runer på fjellveggen. Sagn og fortellinger
1948 I lyset fra min bergmannslampe
1963 Jeg så dem --
1964 Vers fra Rugelsjøen og andre dikt
Utgitt etter hans død:
1987 Mod lys og grav
1989 Troll
1992 Simen Mustrøen og andre fortellinger
1999 Fortellinger i utvalg
Dette er Falkbergets bibliografi, i følge Falkberget-ringen. Jeg har markert de bøkene du har. Fortellinger har jeg ikke markert, da ingen av de opplistede verkene har denne tittelen. Men det dreier seg vel kanskje om en utgave av Fortellinger i utvalg.