Kvantefysikk i møte med en religiøs psykolog. Delene som gir en lett innføring i kvantefysikken er spennende og interessante, men en stor vekt på religiøse ideer der kvantefysikken skal møte psykologi, trekker ned. Skulle gjerne lest boken fra et mer psykologisk heller enn religiøst synspunkt.

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

Jeg har kokt mitt blod. Mitt livsverk er over.

Godt sagt! (4) Varsle Svar

Imagine an ancient city that built a high wall to protect it from the wild torrents of an adjacent river. Centuries later, though the river had long dried up, the city still invested considerable resources in maintaining that wall.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Det tunge veggtømmeret, det lave taket med de svære bærebjelkene, som var vridd med dype revner innover peisen, som om de hadde stridd alltid for å fri seg fra den byrden mennesker hadde lagt på dem for århundre siden.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

"Yes, eternal recurrence means that every time you choose an action you must be willing to choose it for all eternity. And it is the same for every action not made, every stillborn thought, every choice avoided. And all unloved life will remain bulging inside you, unlived through all eternity. And the unheeded voice of your conscience will cry out to you forever."
"So, as I understand it, eternal recurrence promises a form of immortality?"
"No!" Nietzsche was vehement. "I teach that life should never be modified, or squelched, because the promise of some other kind of life in the future. What is immortal is this life, this moment. There is no afterlife, no goal toward which this life points, no apocalyptic tribunal or judgement. This moment exists forever, and you, alone, are your only audience."

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Anbefalt lesing fra kurset i Masterpieces of World Literature på HarvardX (et gratis online kurs- anbefales).

Course Description
With sessions ranging from Gilgamesh and the Odyssey to Borges and Orhan Pamuk, this course explores how great writers refract their world and how their works are transformed when they intervene in the global cultural landscape. No national literature has ever grown up in isolation from the cultures around it; from the earliest periods, great works of literature have probed the tensions, conflicts, and connections among neighboring cultures and often more distant regions as well. Focusing particularly on works that take the experience of the wider world as their theme, this course will explore the varied artistic modes with which great writers have situated themselves in the world, helping us to understand the deep roots of today's intertwined global cultures.

Godt sagt! (5) Varsle Svar

The wedding-ring on her finger had authorized her to become acquainted with pleasure; her senses had grown demanding; at thirty-five, in the prime of her life, she was no longer allowed to satisfy them. She went on sleeping beside the man whom she loved, and who almost never made love to her any more: she hoped, she waited and she pined, in vain.

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"But surely" - and Nietzsche shook his clenched fists - "you must realize that there is no reality to any of your preoccupations! Your vision of Bertha, the halo of attraction and love that surround her - these don't really exist. These poor phantasms are not part of nominal reality. All seeing is relative, and so is all knowing. We invent what we experience. And what we have invented, we can destroy."
Breuer opened his mouth to protest that this was exactly the kind of exhortation that was pointless, but Nietzsche plunged on.
"Let me make it clearer, Josef. I have a friend - had one - Paul Ree, a philosopher. We both belive that God is dead. He concludes that a life without God is meaningless, and so great is his distress that he flirts with suicide: for convenience, he wears at all time a vial of poison around his neck. For me, however, godlessness is an occasion for rejoicing. I exalt in my freedom. I say to myself, `What would there be to create if gods existed?´ You see what I mean? The same situation, the same sense data - but two realities!"

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

A cosmic perspective always attenuates tragedy. If we climb high enough, we will reach a height from which tragedy ceases to look tragic.

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

Thoughts are the shadows of our feelings - always darker, emptier and simpler.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Men akk, her i dette skjergardsvatikanet var alle tatt til gissel av den heilage sjømatkyrkja, der det blei servert badetemperert saltvatn og rognkjeks under nattverden.

Godt sagt! (3) Varsle Svar

Men jeg kunne teksten enda det ikke var noen som sang den, sa Inga. Og dette står det i den: Hele mitt jeg er oppfylt av din ensomhet.
Jeg tidde. Det var selvfølgelig det som var feilen: at jeg tidde. Men det låste seg for meg. Jeg kunne ikke for det.

Godt sagt! (3) Varsle Svar

så langt jeg hadde nådd å tenke over saken, forekom kultur meg bare å være en nødvendig kompensasjon for et ulykkelig liv. Man kunne kanskje forestille seg en annen slags kultur, forbundet med fest og overstrømmende glede, en kultur som oppstår fra en tilstand av lykke.

Godt sagt! (3) Varsle Svar

Veldig kort og overfladisk bok, drøyt 120 sider med stor skrift og halvannen linjeavstand, usikker på om dette kan kalles en roman selv om forlaget har klassifisert den som det. Fikk lite ut av dette.

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

Disse brukerne er ærlig talt ikke spesielt vanskelige å gjennomskue, men det krever litt mer innsats på Bokelskere enn på Goodreads f.eks. På Goodreads står det hvem som har gitt hvilke terningkast ved siden av terningkastene, mens her må man enkeltvis gå innpå profilene som har lagt til en bok og så søke opp boka i boksamlingen deres for å finne ut om vedkommende har gitt den et terningkast. Men når man først finner disse som kun har gitt én bok godt terningkast eller ræva, kanskje har lagt til tolv andre bøker bare for å framstå litt mer "ekte", men har en aktivitet som begrenser seg til én enkelt dag, da blir det veldig påfallende. Og er veldig leit. Er ikke terningkastene her koblet opp mot en eller annen bokhandel også?

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

Hei! Jeg bare lurer på om det er noen måte å rapportere brukere som helt åpenbart er laget enten for å bombe visse bøker med terningkast én eller terningkast seks, med andre ord brukere som tydelig er opprettet bare for å gi terningkast til aktuelle bøker, fordi de ikke viser noen historie, boksamling eller normal aktivitet. Jeg har sett ganske mange den siste tida, uten engang å lete. Typ denne her: https://bokelskere.no/Sara_Frii

Godt sagt! (12) Varsle Svar

He’d also observed that part of this success was the product of being alone. ‘I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude.’

And Nora felt similarly, in that moment. Although she had only been left alone for an hour at this point, she had never experienced this level of solitude before, amid such unpopulated nature.

She had thought, in her nocturnal and suicidal hours, that solitude was the problem. But that was because it hadn’t been true solitude. The lonely mind in the busy city yearns for connection because it thinks human-to-human connection is the point of everything. But amid pure nature (or the ‘tonic of wilderness’ as Thoreau called it) solitude took on a different character. It became in itself a kind of connection. A connection between herself and the world. And between her and herself.

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar
Denne teksten røper noe fra handlingen i en bok. Klikk for å vise teksten.
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Mektige krigere var vi. Sterke om akslene, harde i nevene. Stive knær ble det sagt vi hadde, for vi knelte ikke for noen mann, verken jarl eller konge.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Description from bookdepository;


When a book and a reader are meant for each other, both of them know it . . .

After the tragic death of his father, fourteen-year-old Benny Oh begins to hear voices. The voices belong to the things in his house and sound variously pleasant, angry or sad. Then his mother develops a hoarding problem, and the voices grow more clamorous. So Benny seeks refuge in the silence of a large public library. There he meets a mesmerising street artist with a smug pet ferret; a homeless philosopher-poet; and his very own Book, who narrates Benny's life and teaches him to listen to the things that truly matter.

Blending unforgettable characters with jazz, climate change and our attachment to material possessions, this is classic Ruth Ozeki - bold, humane and heartbreaking.

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