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And then there are the rare ones who know love, who understand it. Who freely give of themselves, demanding only a return of that love,that trust.
"Be a part of the world, but never in it. Because of what we do, we have to interact with people. But we must be unseen shadows who move among them. Never let anyone know you. Never give them a chance to realize you don’t age. Move through the darkness ever watchful, ever alert. We are all that stands between the humans and slavery. Without us, they all die and their souls are lost forever. Our responsibilities are great. Out battles numerous and legendary. But at the end of the night, you go home alone where no one knows what it is you have done to save the world that fears you. You can never bask in your glory. You can never know love or family. We are Dark-Hunters. We are forever powerful. We are forever alone.(Dark-Hunter Creed)"
"He was like some wild, untamed creature that you could keep and feed for a time, but in the end you knew you'd have to let it go for its own sake as well as yours."
"Amanda - "Oh God, I just kissed a vampire!"
Kyrian - "Oh Gods, I just kissed a human!"
"WHAT ARE YOU, NUTS? THE MAN'S A VAMPIRE! Yeah, but he's a really, REALLY sexy one."
"Don't kiss me like a woman if you're going to treat me like a child."
"I'm saying that I'm a moody, insecure, narrow-minded, jealous, borderline homicidal bitch, and I want you to promise me that you're okay with that, because it's who I am, and you're what I need."
"I told you, computers are like women. If you shout at them or ask them to do too many things at once, they shut down and you won't even get a sniff"
"He rewarded me with one of those brilliant smiles. If I had been less professional, it might have melted me into my socks. There was a tinge of evil to it, a lot of sex, but under that was a little boy peeking out, an uncertain little boy. That was it. That was the attraction. Nothing is more appealing than a handsome man who is also uncertain of himself. It appeals not only to the woman in us all, but the mother. A dangerous combination."
"What are you?" I rasped. It smiled. "Whatever scares you."
"My dearest girl,' said the vampire finally, examining Lord Maccon with an exhausted but appreciative eye, 'such a banquet. Never been one to favor werewolves myself, but he is very well equipped, now, is he not?'
Miss Tarabotti gave him an arch look. 'My goodies,' she warned.
Humans,' chuckled the vampire, 'so possessive."
"They decided the mummy would be unwrapped, for the titillation of the ladies, just after dinner."
I virkeligheten var veiene ut i verden slakke og langdryge. Visst! En måtte ta seg tid til å lære seg veien. En måtte lære seg å lete og velge. Det var som å være i en labyrint: Du søkte hele tiden, kunne ikke hjelpe for at du gikk feil. Men du visste at alle veier fantes. Og du visste for sikkert at en vei førte ut! Alle skrittene, alle tankene var til for å gåes og tenkes. Du kunne gjerne slippe dem et øyeblikk om du måtte, men du kom igjen. Alle åretakene var nødvendige, de var en del av veien.
Tårene har makt. Særlig sjeldne tårer.
"He was so very large and so very gruff that he rather terrified her, but he always behaved correctly in public, and there was a lot to be said for a man who sported such well-tailored jackets---even if he did change into a ferocious beast once a month."
"I may be a werewolf and Scottish, but despite what you may have read about both, we are not cads!"
"A vampire, like a lady, never reveals his true age."
Ordet "panikk" har sin rot hos den greske guden Pan. Pan var en stygg skoggud. Rett som det var, pleide han å ta seg en lur i nærheten av en skogsvei. Når farende folk kom reisende, våknet han av det bråket de lagde, sprang irritert opp på sine korte, stygge og geiteliknende ben og utstøtte et skrik som fikk blodet til å stivne hos de reisede. Ja, så forferdelig var Pans skrik at mang en reisende umiddelbart døde av skrekk. Denne brå og forferdelige frykt fikk så navnet "panikk". En sann terror var det, som guden Pan med stor dyktighet visste å anvende mot sine fiender.
Jeg ble tretten år igjen, med flakkende blikk og krølltang sveis, og var akkurat blitt tilsnakket av den kjekkeste gutten på ungdomsskolen.
Jeg møtte først blikket til Maks. Det var som å gå i en varm vårskog.