The Black Company (Chronicles of The Black Company #1)

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Tor Fantasy 1992 Mass Market Paperback

Gjennomsnittlig terningkast: 4.89 (9 terningkast.)

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Forlag Tor Fantasy

Utgivelsesår 1992

Format Mass Market Paperback

ISBN13 9780812521399

Språk Engelsk

Sider 320

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'They're drunk,' the Captain told him.

'We're drunk,' One-Eye agreed. 'We're palpably, plausibly, pukingly drunk.'

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

When I reflect on my companions' inner natures i usually wish i controlled one small talent. I wish I could look inside them and unmask the darks and brights that move them. Then I take a quick look into the jungle of my own soul and thank heaven I cannot.

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'How long has this been going on, Croaker? Seems like forever, doesn't it? Can you even remember a time wen you weren't a soldier? What's the point? Why are we even here? We keep winning battles, but the Lady is losing the war. Why don't they just call the whole thing off and go home?'

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The legate, the terror called Soulcatcher in old tales, a devil worse than any dozen forvalaka, laughed madly. His crewmen cringed. A great joke, enlisting the Black Company in the service of evil. A great city taken and little villains suborned. A truly cosmic jest.

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