For more than two centuries the Oak Island Money Pit has baffled researchers and foiled treasure hunters, and when Dane Maddock and Bones Bonebrake take up the search, they get much more than they bargained for. Danger lies at every turn as they search for a treasure out of legend that dates back to the time of Christ.

Ancient wonders, hidden temples, mythical creatures, secret societies, and foes new and old await as Dane and Bones unravel a pirate’s deadly secret in Buccaneer.

Praise for the Dane Maddock Adventures

"David Wood delivers again in Buccaneer with a fast-paced romp through sunken treasure maps, hidden Templar churches and a secret organization that wants to resurrect an ancient kingdom. Dane Maddock and his sidekick Bones wisecrack their way through adventure, aided by Angel and Avery, two strong women who bring a romantic spin to this action-adventure chase. I loved the Cornish citadel with dragons guarding it and the echoes of Arthurian legend. Fantastic!" -J.F.Penn, author of the ARKANE thrillers.

“With the thoroughly enjoyable way Mr. Wood has mixed speculative history with our modern day pursuit of truth, he has created a story that thrills and makes one think beyond the boundaries of mere fiction and enter the world of ‘why not’?”–David Lynn Golemon, Author of Ripper and Legend

“Ancient cave paintings? Cities of gold? Secret scrolls? Sign me up. A twisty tale of adventure and intrigue that never lets up and never lets go!” –Robert Masello, author of The Medusa Amulet

“A page-turning yarn blending high action, Biblical speculation, ancient secrets, and nasty creatures. Indiana Jones better watch his back!”–Jeremy Robinson, author of SecondWorld

“Packed solid with action and witty dialogue, this rousing adventure takes a fresh look at one of the most enduring mysteries of the 20th century.” -Sean Ellis, author of Dark Trinity: Ascendant

“A an all-out blitzkrieg of a globe-trotting adventure that breaks from the action just long enough for a couple of laughs.” -Rick Chesler, author of Solar Island

“Let there be no confusion: David Wood is the next Clive Cussler..”–Edward G. Talbot, author of 2010: The Fifth World
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kanonbra, og norsk. Liker maaten Fjell blander inn utenlandske kriminelle bander, i foerste boka var det Mafia, og her er det oesteuropeiske bander som er involvert. 6 paa terningen hos meg ogsaa

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litt kortere bok dette. Var egentig tenkt som en novelle. Men paa droye 100 sideer har Wood faatt til en knakende bra historie. Nynazister etc etc, Wood er knallbra

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When the bones of the Magi are stolen from their resting place in a German cathedral, a dying priest's whispered clue catapults Dane and Bones into the midst of a deadly race to solve a centuries-old conspiracy. Danger lurks at every turn and no one knows where the clues will lead... or what they will uncover. From ancient cathedrals, to hidden temples, to icy mountain peaks, Dane and Bones must outrun and outwit their enemies in the pulse-pounding adventure- Icefall. Fans of Dan Brown, Clive Cussler, and James Rollins will love this thrilling novella!

Praise for David Wood

"If you're after a fast-paced read, David Wood's wise-cracking heroes Maddock and Bones will take you on a winter romp through snow-covered cathedrals, ice caves, pagan temples and Christian myth in search of the skulls of the Magi. This novella packs in the fist fights, cipher cracking and ancient secrets that all action adventure lovers will enjoy." J.F. Penn, author of Pentecost and Prophecy

"A non-stop thrill ride triple threat- smart, funny and mysterious!" Jeremy Robinson, author of Instinct and Threshold

"Let there be no confusion: David Wood is the next Clive Cussler. Once you start reading, you won't be able to stop until the last mystery plays out in the final line." Edward G. Talbot, author of 2010: The Fifth World

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Den beste boka i serien til naa. Den har alt. Clive Cussler, du maa nok legge boekene ut paa billigsalg snart skal du holde foelge med David Wood.

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149 B.C.- Escaping just ahead of the invading Roman legions, a Carthaginian soldier carries an ancient secret to places unknown.

1925- Percy Fawcett launches his final expedition into the Amazon, but what is his true objective?

Dane Maddock is back. Deep in the Amazon, a university group encounters a horror beyond their darkest nightmares and vanishes without a trace. Called upon to undertake a daring rescue mission, Dane and Bones must trace the true path of Percy Fawcett's final expedition, but the secret that lies at the end of the search might be even deadlier than the enemies who seek it. From the streets of London, to remote islands in the Atlantic, to the deadly jungles of the Amazon, Dane and Bones must penetrate a secret lost to history, on their deadliest Quest.

"David Wood has done it again. Quest takes you on an expedition that leads down a trail of adventure and thrills. David Wood has honed his craft and Quest is proof of his efforts!" David L. Golemon, Author of LEGACY, THE SUPERNATURALS, AND EVENT

"Dane and Bones are back! Packed solid with action and witty dialogue, this rousing adventure takes a fresh look at one of the most enduring mysteries of the 20th century, David Wood delivers again with QUEST."--Sean Ellis, author of INTO THE BLACK and DARK TRINITY: ASCENDANT

"The escapades of Wood’s serial character Dane Maddock continue in high style with QUEST, an all-out blitzkrieg of a globe-trotting mystery-adventure that breaks from the action just long enough for a couple of laughs."--Rick Chesler, author of kiDNApped and Wired Kingdom

"Let there be no confusion: David Wood is the next Clive Cussler. From the accessible writing to the wide-ranging plot to the main characters who don't give up no matter how long the odds, Wood's latest book, Quest, is a tremendous classic adventure. Once you start reading, you won't be able to stop until the last mystery plays out in the final line." Edward G. Talbot, author of 2012: The Fifth World

"A non-stop thrill ride triple threat- smart, funny and mysterious." Jeremy Robinson, author of Threshold

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kjapp, lettlest, grei og god krim novelle. Jeg likte den :-)

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Allerede i ferd med aa bli en av mine favoritter. Billige, bra action adventure boeker med to toeffe karer, action, eventyr og vakre damer. Kan man forlange mer ?

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1539- In a remote Spanish outpost, one man holds the secret to the greatest treasure and deadliest secret in human history. Utah, Present Day Cave paintings in a newly-discovered Indian site provide evidence that Christ visited the New World. Or do they? Dane Maddock returns in another unforgettable adventure! When Dane rescues beautiful archaeologist Jade Ihara , he joins her on asearch for the legendary Seven Cities of Cibola. Cibola takes the reader on a journey across the American southwest, where the ruins of the mysterious Anasazi hide deadly secrets, and foes lurk around every corner. Dane and his partner "Bones" Bonebrake must decipher clues from the fabled Copper Scroll, outwit their enemies, and be the first to unlock the secret of Cibola.

"With the thoroughly enjoyable way Mr. Wood has mixed speculative history with our modern day pursuit of truth, he has created a story that thrills and makes one think beyond the boundaries of mere fiction and enter the world of 'why not'? Cibola is a worthy tale!" --David Lynn Golemon, Author of Ancients, Event, Legend, and Leviathan

"Ancient cave paintings? Cities of gold? Secret scrolls? Sign me up! Cibola is a twisty tale of adventure and intrigue that never lets up and never lets go!" --Robert Masello, author of Bestiary and Blood and Ice

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Boka var grei nok den. Men jeg synst teamet begynner aa bli en del utvannet. OK tidtroeyte, men ikke det helt store. Jeg likte foerste boka hans best. Men har enda igjen aa lese nummer 2.

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enig. kanskje ikke like god som den foerste, men man maa jo bare foelge hele serien og se hvordan det ender. :-)

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Enda en bra miltiaer techno thriller, men den kommer ikke helt opp mot de to foerste han skrev. Men til 20 kroner faar du topp underholdning det er ikke tvil om.

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Three Tibetan rebels attack a train carrying Chinese soldiers into the Tibet Autonomous Region. The rebels escape across the Himalayas into India, unaware that the son of China’s First Vice-Premier lays maimed and dying among the burning wreckage of the train.

As an escalating series of retaliations drive China and India toward outright war, hostilities spill over into the sea, and the Bay of Bengal becomes a crucible of naval warfare.

The president of the United States orders a U.S. Navy strike group into the area as a stabilizing force, but the situation between the two nations has already deteriorated beyond any hope of peaceful resolution.

With Asia hovering on the brink of annihilation, a small force of U.S. warships must defeat the Chinese Navy to preempt the coming firestorm.

The fuse has already been lit…

“High stakes on the high seas. A riveting drama of 21st century warfare ripped from tomorrow’s headlines. Jeff Edwards proves again that he is the undisputed master of the modern naval thriller.”
— DIRK CUSSLER, Bestselling author of ‘CRESCENT DAWN,’ and ‘POSEIDON’S ARROW ‘

“A fantastic and chilling take on how close to the edge of disaster our world actually might be. The adrenaline-fueled writing sends you hurtling forward like a missile.”
— GRAHAM BROWN, International bestselling author of ‘THE STORM,’ and ‘THE EDEN PROPHESY ‘

“Impossible to put down! Jeff Edwards has produced another spellbinder that puts you there! ...eerily prescient about where the next world war will begin.”
— GEORGE GALDORISI, New York Times bestselling author of ‘ACT OF VALOR,’ and ‘THE CORONADO CONSPIRACY

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En knallsterk militaer techno thriller som du maa lese. En klar 6 paa terningen, Og du faar den til droeye 10 kroner paa som ebok. Ikke tvil engang, kjoep den naa !

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A military revolt in southeastern Russia puts a former hard-line Soviet leader in command of a ballistic missile submarine and its arsenal of nuclear weapons. His goal: re-ignite the communist revolution, and recapture the might and glory of the fallen Soviet Union. Without warning, Russia, Japan, and the United States become hostages in a scheme of international nuclear blackmail. When the warheads start falling and people begin dying, no one can pretend that it’s a bluff.

As the earth rushes toward extinction, a lone U.S. Navy warship must penetrate the Siberian ice pack to destroy the submarine before it can destroy the world.

It may already be too late.

“A truly spellbinding tale of intrigue... brilliantly executed.” — CLIVE CUSSLER, International bestselling author of ‘THE SPY,’ and ‘RAISE THE TITANIC’

“A page turning, sip-from-a-fire-hose thriller in the world of underwater ballistic missiles and rogue former Soviet states.” — JAMES W. HUSTON, New York Times bestselling author of ‘FALCON SEVEN,’ and ‘SECRET JUSTICE’

“Jeff Edwards takes his readers to the brink of Armageddon and beyond!” — JOE BUFF, Bestselling author of ‘SEAS OF CRISIS,’ and ‘CRUSH DEPTH’

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Helt enig. Samvittighetskvalene journalisten gaar igjennom er godt beskrevet og jeg likte historien. Har alle tre paa lesebrett, saa jeg er godt i gang med nummer 2 allerede

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Kanskje den best boken til Rick Jones. Minner mye om Taken hvis du har sett filmen, den brutale virkeligheten om menneskehandel i Europa. Boer leses. Klar 6 paa terningen

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While vacationing in Paris, Shari Cohen’s children are kidnapped by Jadran Božanović, a Croatian kingpin who runs a human-trafficking cartel who is as deadly as the knife he wields. Few dare to challenge him. And even fewer dare to defy him. With time running out and her resources running thin, Shari calls upon the aid of Kimball Hayden and his team Vatican Knights—an elite group of commandos dedicated to protect the sovereignty, interests and citizenry of the Church—and are once again reunited. But Kimball finds that his team is quickly outmanned and outgunned, the death toll climbing against forces that are the deadliest the Knights have ever faced. With his back against the wall, Kimball is forced to choose Justice over Law by taking on Jadran Božanović in a contest that only one man can survive. But Kimball soon learns that the Croatian is as ruthless as his legend and just as powerful, if not more so, than the Vatican Knight himself.

"Ferociously paced and executed, Bridge of Bones is an all-out automatic weapons burst of an action-thriller following a secretive Vatican military arm as they help those who can't help themselves. A sinister human trafficking operation must be stopped--but where the letter of the law is not enough, will a higher justice prevail?"
— Rick Chesler, author of Wired Kingdom and Solar Island

“From a heart-wrenching abduction on the streets of Paris to a blistering gun battle on a yacht, Jones takes the reader on a fast paced ride of action and adventure while delving deeply into both the soul of a warrior and a mother’s grief. THE BRIDGE OF BONES is a grueling look at human trafficking and possibly the best Vatican Knights thriller yet.”

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Helt enig, knallbra bok. Og det var jo enkelt aa trekke sammenligninger til et par naalevende personer. Koblingen til en rik skipsmegler var jo ganske enkelt. Kanskje det er noe i det. Boken fortjenes aa leses det er sikkert

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Enda en billig bok jeg fant paa Amazon til knappe 20 kroner. Jeg elsker ubaat thrillere og denne var faktisk meget bra. Jeg gir den en 5 paa terningen.

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aRmaNdA BaisLisbeth Kingsrud KvistenGeir SundetBjørg L.Sigrid NygaardBerit RDressmyshelfMarianne MBente NogvaPiippokattaHarald AndersenAnne LønøyKirsten LundLars MæhlumHilde H HelsethTralteMargrethe  HaugenKjell F TislevollHarald KElisabeth SveeOleBård StøreDagfinn JakobsenTove Obrestad WøienDemeterLinda Therese BjerkanFrode Øglænd  MalminMarianne  SkageCathrine PedersenTor-Arne JensenGro Anita MyrvangTrude JensenDaffy EnglundToneHilde Merete GjessingFrisk NordvestTine SundalGrete AastorpSynnøve H HoelKaramasov11