Who was there to soothe him as life’s rug was snatched from under his sleeping feet?

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

To your left, perhaps your right, perhaps even straight ahead, you find a small black room. In it sits a Jew. He is scum. He is starving. He is afraid. Please - try not to look away.

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A statue of the book thief stood in the courtyard... it's very rare, don't you think, for a statue to appear before it's subject has become famous?

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Ble ganske skuffet over denne. Usikker på hva jeg egentlig forventet, men jeg lærte ikke noe nytt. Vil ikke kalle det å lære bikkja 'nei' mental aktivisering, og svært lite imponert over dette:

'When you are close to the dish, your dog will most probably block itself and go for the treats. In that second you take the grip, put your nose close to its nose and start to lay down the law. Gently say that these are forbidden treats and that you will not allow your beloved dog to ignore what you say, that next time you expect to be respected without having to raise your voice, and when you say 'no' you really mean 'no'. The longer you keep this up, the more dominant you will appear to your dog... 'Being close, gripping each side of the dog's neck, is a very sensitive situation and you could become too dominant if you do this harshly, especially if you raise your voice. done right, it should not seem hostile on unloving.'


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'Here, Lin,' he puffed. 'You are such a big fellow, I hope we can get a good fits. These are from Fat Satish. He is so fat, I think they might fit you. I told him a story, and then he gave it this two pairs for you. I told him that on the journey you had loose motions, and you made such a mess in your over-underpants that we had to throw them away.' 'You told him,' I asked, 'that I shit my pants?' 'Oh, yes, Lin. I certainly couldn't tell him that you have no over-underpants!' 'Well, of course not.'

Godt sagt! (3) Varsle Svar

The touch was exactly what the touch of a lover's hand should be: familiar, yet exciting as a whispered promise. I felt an almost irresistible urge to take her hand and place it flat against my chest, near my heart. Maybe I should've done it. I know now that she would've laughed, if I'd done it, and she would've liked me for it. But strangers that we were then, we stood for five long seconds and held the stare, while all the parallel worlds, all the parallel lives that might've been, and never would be, whirled around us.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

I still love you. And sometimes, my friend, the love that I have, and can't give to you, crushes the breath from my chest. Sometimes, even now, my heart is drowning in a sorrow that has no stars without you, and no laughter, and no sleep.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

The Kite Runner så jeg for to dager siden, og jeg syns den var veldig dårlig i forhold til boken. Kan ikke forestille meg at de som ikke har lest boken skal få noe forhold til denne filmen eller forstå historien til samme grad - historien er god i seg selv, ja, men kan overhode ikke sammelignes med boka. Syns filmen hadde veldig dårlig fremstilling av forholdet mellom Amir og Hassan, til dels dårlige skuespillere, og visse momenter som i mine øyne var viktig i det store og hele var utelatt til fordel for momenter som var mindre viktige.

Ellers syns jeg at Dan Browns bøker har blitt godt filmatisert, særlig Angels & Demons.

The Time Travelers Wife la jeg fra meg etter 20 sider, men har et opptak av filmen som gikk på tv forrige uke jeg har tenkt til å se.

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

Takk for det! Da blir det shopping :)

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

Har hørt mye bra om Ken Folletts Stormenes Tid. Prøver å finne disse på engelsk, men blir stadig forvirret over rekkefølgen og titlene på bøkene. Er 'Pillars of the Earth' de to første bøkene? Hvor mange bøker er det i serien? Kan noen liste opp engelske titler og rekkefølge for meg? :)

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

He stopped, turned. He cupped his hands around his mouth. ''For you a thousand times over!'' he said. Then he smiled his Hassan smile and disappeared around the corner.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Nydelig bok, nydelige skildringer. Ble svært grepet av skildringen av lille, naive Hassan. En bok som får deg til å gå igjennom et hav av følelser. Jeg må si jeg syns historien var nydelig fra den første siden frem til de flyttet til Amerika, og skulle ønske den biten varte i det uendelige.

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Hadde store forventninger til denne. Kan ikke komme bort i fra at jeg syns denne boken var kjedelig, til tross for de detaljerte beskrivelsene av grusomme handlinger, som jeg trodde ville holde på interessen min. Langdrøye, kjedelige dialoger og litt 'get to the point' feeling gjennom hele boka. Gjesp for meg.

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Mariam always held her breath as she watched him go. She held her breath and, in her head, counted seconds. She pretended that for each second that she didn't breathe, God would grant her another day with Jalil.

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