“Vaccine tourism”


where people from Mexico and even Taiwan — which is its own
country, not a territory of China —
are flocking to the United States to get free death shots
that are misleadingly labeled “vaccines.”

Many people in Taiwan, Mexico and other countries have been
brainwashed into thinking America’s vaccines are somehow better,

not realizing that even in America, the vaccines are engineered
as depopulation weapons
to exterminate the human race through infertility and spike
protein deaths.

Thus, the very people who think they’re picking up “freebies”
from America are about to find out they’re dead wrong.

At the same time, the CDC [Helsediktaturiatet]

is bribing nine dating apps, using part of its $1 billion
propaganda slush fund
to push vaccine brainwashing onto the public.
So now, dating apps are allowing vaccinated individuals to
show special vaccine badges,
as if someone being old, fat and saggy will suddenly be more
attractive if they’re shedding spike protein.

[ de vaksinerte vaksine-doserer oss med byggesett for nye
virus-varianter, vi trengte vel flere i omløp ? ]

Japan is targeting the elderly with covid vaccines because
they need to exterminate a few million of them
in order to keep their own government solvent
and end social benefits to the elderly.
So they’re pushing hard to get covid bioweapons injected into
everyone 65 and older.

In Canada, creepy vaccine predators are now ensnaring young
children into getting vaccinated
by offering them free ice cream.

This is apparently allowed under Canadian law, which says
parents have no role in parenting, and children are the
property of the state.

If you thought the ice cream trucks cruising down child-filled
neighborhood streets were creepy,
the government of Canada just upped the ante on child predators.

Soon, Canadian government child predators will be chasing young
kids down the street with a syringe in one hand and an ice cream
scoop in the other, screaming,
“It’s yummy! Don’t you want some ice cream, little boy?”


OPPDATering 29mai klokken 22+ :

For de som er reelt interessert i å holde seg
informert om ferske nyhetsspor i vårt krigs-sensurerte
så ta en god kaffekopp og les videre dagens her : EXclusive

Og for å skjønne alvoret ytterligere, gårsdags UPDATE -

få helst med Disqus-kommentarene, som kan være ganske

Idyllen som sådan var berørt i en snirkledulle HER

som i hovedlinje gjelder hodevaskede Nordmenns holdninger
til hjemmefronten som setter livet inn for å få fram
usensurerte nyheter, til mulig interesserte og
ikke-hypnotiserte -- alle som lever i en viss skepsis til
okkupantene som truer straff over ikke-friserte meninger,
men heller selv vil bedømme fakta og hvem som kan være de
aller galeste.

Her bidras også til å se art og omfang av slike
forbrytelser mot menneskeheten,
som i forrige runde ( Nürnberg-rettsoppgjøret 1945 samt


) hvorav vi da fikk lovgivning som skulle gi starten til
sameint internasjonal grunnlov
mot medisinske o.l. forsøk rettet mot umyndige eller
også utilstrekkelig informerte 'frivillige'

og en historisk straffepraksis som kan bety dødsstraff.


Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

"verdensomspennende prosjekt: For å stimulere
'fremveksten av nye menneskeslag'

isoleres verdens befolkninger og forhindres i å ha kontakt
med hverandre."

hæ? Lyder det som litegrann kjent eier-tankegang?

Har 'man' forhåndsannonsert at selvsagt noen eier alle klodens
og står fritt til å eksperimentere og regulere?

Tenk om det kunne være 'lov' å protestere ?

"..Kawakami på sitt urokkelig stillfarne vis utfordrer ideen
om en menneskehet i evig vekst.." ( forlags-prekentema )

At alle vi 'unyttige matspisere' må nedskjæres kraftig,
har vært kanonenes preken og politikk i > 100 år.

yeah, 'Nedstenging' utgjør en 'forsiktig begynnelse'
på nyordningen der vi skal slippe å eie noenting,
og dermed bli helt smertefullt lykkelige, alle sammen.

The new "kings" of a "New Normal" ?

Fikk dere noen rettigheter og verdigheter med som nyfødte?

Jeg foreslår at klodens dystopi-lesere
snarest blir helt våkne.

"stimulere fremveksten" - den sukkersleiva var litt ny?

-- eugenics ---- nedskjæring --

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Teknokratiet bygge om naturen, og så frelse oss alle?

Uavhengig skeptiker - fullt lovlig å tvile på annonsert Lykksalighet.
Er noe faktisk naturbevarende i all den ensrettede politikken?

"The technocrats idea of controlling nature is becoming a
totalitarian nightmare."

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

Ja ha kontroll over hva som er i maten. samt tilsette krydder etter smak i majonesen som tilfører resten av maten en fyldigere smak.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Denne gangen kjøpte jeg - Cook with confidence av Wil Yeung. Ikke det at jeg er vegan, men jeg liker grønnsaker. Jeg følger han på YouTube og spesielt denne gangen hvordan lage en god majones. (https://www.youtube.com/c/WILYEUNG/search?query=mayonnaise)

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

Bråutgitt 1970 da verden var enklere å forstå
enn tilrådelig, og en Nobel-vinner durte inn.

Auto-oversatt omtale hentet fra Goodreads:

This book is more political statement than novel.
There are anti-capitalist speeches and the author's point
of view becomes very clear very quickly : the US is bad
and should stay out of Guatemala's affairs,
its influence spreading like a disease and contaminating
the minds of the locals.
Beyond that, there is a heavy-handed plot and protagonists
who are only there to carry the message.
Character depth or even development would only hinder this.

Enlightening as a historical document, but the wrong choice
if you want to be entertained: And it is in this context
that the awarding of the Nobel Prize for Literature makes sense.

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

Går du ikke litt langt ut over det gitte emnet?

"Det er da ikke eksamen", kunne det innvendes.
Men så aner det oss at det ligger temmelig mye av
'endelig eksamen' midt i gitt emne, ikke?

En menig Blindern-student er jo fullt klar over at
hun blir holdt ansvarlig for et utmålt pensum,
bare for ett enkelt semester.

Regnskap for et helt liv, kommer det krav om det?

Før Hitlerrikets tid lå nok tankene om Livsregnskap
langt mer fremme i bevissthetens lys.
Folket kan ha hatt endel forstand på Guds rike,
det var endog skolepensum.

Mennesket av vår tids modell er blitt så human-sentrisk
Skulle det dukke opp en allmektig Skaper, er det vel bare
å forelese litt 'Menneskerettigheter' ..?

Hvem kan nå ha tildelt oss disse, om de er så definitivt
reelle og gyldige?
Der kan vi komme inn på det sentrale emnet igjen.

Å forhandle rettigheter med små grågrønne UFO-mannskap
virker ikke så troverdig.. enda sistnevnte forsøkes
relansert i det realpolitiske bildet igjen, lyder det.

Ligner for livaktig på Hitlers mannskaper, idag har vi
videre de COVIDerverdige Wuhan-drager å polemisere om
hvordan rikets realiteter skal måtte se ut videre.
Dragene har der gjort gjeldende at vi skal slippe å
eie noe -- men de skal gjøre oss SÅ lykkelige.
Og dermed politimester Basta.

Vil vi likhjerne tro på dragerøstene, apokalypsens?
Har vi litt begrenset tilførsel på fullt troverdige
skjebneguder, eller Frelsere?

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

"The future is perhaps a middle ground between boredom and death, something that could perhaps be called life."

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

Hadde det ikke vært bedre om fru Rowling hadde skrevet hele sagnsyklusen ut fra
hele søskenskapet som dødelig ansvarsbevisste og litt hustyranniske foreldrepar
fra starten, uten de pubertale kvasi magi-romantiske opprørsholdningene ?

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

Her var det i alle fall en anerkjennende omtale : >

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

"You have been selected as a possible candidate for admission",
said Frost. "If you do not gain admission, or if you reject it,
it will be necessary to destroy you.
I am not, of course, attempting to work on your fears. They
only confuse the issue. The process would be painless, and your
present reactions to it are inevitable physical events."
Mark considered this thoughtfully.
"It - it seems rather a formidable decision."
"That is merely a proposition about the state of your own body
at the moment. If you please, I will go on to give you the
necessary information. ( ... )
But Alcasan's mind is not the mind we are in contact with when
the Head speaks."
"Do you mean Alcasan is really .. dead?" asked Mark.
His surprise needed no acting.
"In the present state of our knowledge," said Frost, "there is
no answer to that question. Probably it has no meaning. But
the cortex and vocal organs in Alcasan's head are used by a
different mind. Now, please attend very carefully. You have
probably not heard of macrobes."
"Microbes?" said Mark in bewilderment. "But of course --"

"I did not say microbes, I said macrobes.
The formation of the word explains itself. Below the level of
animal life, we have long known that there are microscopic
organisms. Their actual results on human life, in respect of
health and disease, have of course made up a large part of
history: the secret cause was not known till we invented the
"Go on," said Mark. Ravenous curiosity was moving .. beneath
his determination to stand on guard.

"I have now to inform you that there are similar organisms
above the level of animal life. When I say 'above', I am not
speaking biologically. The structure of the macrobe, so far
as we know it, is of great simplicity. When I say that it is
above the animal level, I mean that it is more permanent,
disposes of more energy, and has greater intelligence."
"More intelligent than the highest anthropoids?" said Mark.
"It must be pretty nearly human, then."
"When I said it transcended the animals, I was, of course,
including the most efficient animal, Man. The macrobe is more
intelligent than Man."
Frowningly, Mark studied this theory.
"But how is it in that case that we have had no communication
with them?"
"It is not certain that we have not. But in primitive times
it was spasmodic, and was opposed by numerous prejudices.
Moreover, the intellectual development of man had not reached
the level at which intercourse with our species could offer
any attractions to a macrobe. But though there has been
little intercourse, there has been profound influence.
Their effect on human history has been far greater than that
of the microbes, though of course, equally unrecognized.
In the light of what we now know, all history will have to be
rewritten. The real causes of all the principal events are
quite unknown to historians; that, indeed, is why history has
not yet succeeded in becoming a science." ( ... )

"The vocal organs and brain taken from Alcasan have become
the conductors of a regular intercourse between the Macrobes
and our own species. We did not discover this technique, the
discovery was theirs, not ours. The circle to which you may
be admitted is the organ of that co-operation between the two
species which has already created a new situation for humanity.
The change, you will see, is far greater than that which turned
the sub-man into the Man." ..

"These organisms, then," said Mark, "are friendly to humanity?"
"If you reflect for a moment, you will see that your question
has no meaning except on the level of the crudest popular
thought. Friendship is a chemical phenomenon, so is hatred.
Both of them presuppose organisms of our own type. The first
step towards intercourse with the macrobes is the realisation
that one must go outside the whole world of subjective
emotions. Only as you begin to do so, you discover how much
of what you mistook for your thoughts, was merely a by-product
of your blood and nervous tissues."
"Oh, of course. I didn't quite mean "friendly", in that sense.
I really meant, were their aims compatible with our own?"

"What do you mean by our own aims?"

[ fortsettes i neste )     ( norsk intro omtale )
Tekst fra uforkortet utgave 1983

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

An atheist is someone who thinks (but doesn't believe)
that nothing created everything.

Godt sagt! (6) Varsle Svar

Praksis-leger som ikke tør ta i nye vaksine-skadede?
Plikter de å mørklegge faktiske tall, må de frykte
for sitt faglige ry hvis de gir for mange 'politisk
belastende' diagnoser: Vaksineskader?

(brave patients) "revealed how they now suffer from tremors,
seizures, headaches and other strange health abnormalities
ever since getting injected for the Chinese Virus", -- også
fremført på TV --
klar diagnose fra USA ifølge NaturalNews.

In some cases, doctors are even going so far as to blame the
vaccine injured as if they caused themselves to become sick.

They are calling this a “conversion disorder diagnosis” because
they do not know what else to call it without being dubbed a
“conspiracy theorist.”

Nobody wants to touch the Wuhan coronavirus /Covid-19 vaccination
genocide with a 10-foot pole.

STYGGE dødstall: Friske dør brått av STIKK i ARMEN

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

STYGGE dødstall: Friske dør brått av STIKK i ARMEN


-- før de har rukket å få noen luftsmitte ,

mens forskere og helsefagfolk våkner opp og slår alarm

Denne videoen bør du kjenne til:
Et drøyt 30-tall våkne leger fra mange land vitner kort om
hver sine erfaringer med vaksine-'reaksjoner'

samt meninger om de hissig rettskrenkende, diktatoriske
Ulov-inngrep som gjør det dyrt å kritisere gjeldende 'vitenskap'.

Mange av disse vet nok at de her har lagt ned yrke og embete,
men gjør Ibsensk protest, for sin samvittighets og legeløftes
"De vil ikke tåle så indelig vel -- urett de har sett så vitterlig

Vitneutsagn hopes opp bl.a. på "Health Impact News .com" ,

hele Legevisitten her ->

og så 5 leger i mer inngående fagdiskusjon ->

"Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING:


"Defies Gag Order" >

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

Vil forskere levere 'ønskede' resultater uten TVANG ?


Look to Canada ----->

Dette kan gjerne settes i verdenshistoriens perspektiv.

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

Tror det betyr at de døde ikke vet hva som foregår blant menneskene som lever. Det er metodister og Jehovas vitner som ikke tror på sjelens udødelighet.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Noen som vet hvor man får tak i denne?: "Evolusjonspsykologi - en innføring i menneskets natur" av Leif Edward Ottesen Kennair
Så den på bokkilden.no, men var ikke interessert i den da. Nå får jeg ikke tak i den der.

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

of more pressing concern are

the [COVID] injections being widely dispensed
that are reprogramming human DNA

and turning people into walking [virus]
spike protein factories.

This is an irreversible phenomenon
with deadly implications in the longer term.

“Now that the dangerous and deadly COVID-19 vaccines have
gained widespread use, the swiftly evolving worldwide regime
defined by the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda
will contribute markedly to the ELE,”
[ man-made Extinction-level event, 'global pestbrann' ]

warns The Millennium Report.


“Because of the RNA and DNA altering aspects of the Covid
injections, these ‘vaccinations’ cannot be undone.
Consequently, those vaccinated individuals will either succumb to the ELE
or become severely incapacitated to the point of
becoming a great burden to their caretakers.”

To learn more about the ELE being brought about by the widespread
administration of Wuhan Flu shots,
visit ChemicalViolence.com

Chinese Virus injections are designed to kill you when the time is right

The five key elements to the ELE are the Chinese Virus bioweapon
and its associated “variants,”
chemical-biological aerosols being sprayed in the skies,
the military deployment of 5G energy weapons,
the annual “flu vaccine” program,
and the injection of stealth Chinese Virus bioweapons.

"Kjøp og les", NaturalNews >   #VaksinePest

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Så enig i det du skriver. Jeg er også ferdig med bøkene,igjen. Vet ikke hvor mange ganger jeg leste dem på 80 og 90- tallet, men nå var det mange år siden. Men hadde nesten mer glede av dem nå.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

This is a portion of a sadly incomplete manuscript Fr. Rose
was working on,
which he had intended to deal with the entirety of the
Revolutionary (modern) Age, and its
terrible failure from an Orthodox Christian perspective.

As he makes so very clear in this fragment of his intended work,
the modern age has been a failure of violence, sadness,
despair, ugliness and hatred
precisely because of the Enlightenment.

The Enlightenment, the framework of modern Western society,
has as its logical conclusion the horrors of Nihilism.

Nihilism, a belief in nothing, itself a Satanic reversal of
the Divinely intended worship of said Divine,
has led to the Revolution
(by which Fr. Rose means not just Marxism, the most obvious,
but the whole evolution of said -

starting with the Jacobins of the French Revolution,
carrying over to the Anarchists of the late 19th Century,
the Marxists/Bolsheviks, as well as the Fascists
and the National Socialists;
all of whom are related to each other,
and all of whom stem from the same root),

and the Revolution has only succeeded in destroying the two
most important things to the life of the human species:
truth and faith.

When discussing the fracturing and hopelessness of society,
it needs to be born in mind that Fr. Rose wrote this in the
60's, and one wonders what his thoughts would be
on the Materialist and radical Individualist nightmare
Western society has morphed into
since his own concerned observations.

Although only a fragment of a larger work never completed,
this is an excellent little work that makes some wonderful
observations on just what truly underpins the darkness
of the present age.

( Heinz Reinhardt at Goodreads.com )

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

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