Hvor har jeg fremført noe sånt?
insinuasjonen vil kunne oppfattes som ryktebørs..

Nylig har jeg skrevet litt om Hateplikt
i guds og statens navn, uten nåde eller rabatt.

Du er bekjentgjort hva UN har kalt høy krigsforbrytelse .

jeg har stilt deg noen spørsmål, som du har latt ligge,
klokt eller banalt -
det kan være nok med banaliteter.
jeg ekspederer ikke på det nivået, prøver bare iblant
å rydde litt i skadevoldende misforståelser

Krig er filial av helvete
men dessverre anerkjent som gren av det
internasjonale samkvem.

mot min stemme..

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

som konkluderte at mødre må lære barna å
kaste helt rettferdig stein på nabofolket

'ondskapens banalitet'

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

"In Dave Egger’s 2013 book, The Circle —

the only way one of the main characters could find to
go off-grid
was to kill himself by driving his car off a bridge.

If you follow the seven guidelines I’ve outlined above , you
won’t need to resort to such extremes to regain
some privacy in your life — at least for the time being."

goodreads >

"(the.. p000werful technology company) continues to develop..
sophisticated technologies, including 'SeeChange':
light, wearable cameras that can provide real-time video
with minimal effort. Eventually, SeeChange cameras are worn
all day long by politicians wishing to be 'transparent',
allowing the public to see what they are seeing at all times.

"..eventually leads Mae to enroll her parents on her healthcare,
which in turn drives them to install SeeChange cameras
in their home.
After a brief incident with her own legal issues, Mae ends up
agreeing to wear a SeeChange device herself
(called going transparent), representing her own growing role
in the company, epitomized by a public talk in which she insists,
"secrets are lies," "sharing is caring," and "privacy is theft."

( wikipedia >

'MegaTech Companies are mining you' ( talk by R.Epstein )

If you care about your privacy — or even if you’re just sick of
being bombarded by ads for diet pills seconds after you send
an email to a friend complaining that your pants are too tight — ...

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

Sønn av Hamas-patriark rømmer landet og avslører 'alt':

Suheib Yousef, son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef
..flees the organization.
“If Hamas gave up power, there would be no problems,” he says,

calling the organization “a racist terrorist organization
that is dangerous for the Palestinian people."

Suheib.. deserted his post in Turkey, flew to an undisclosed
Asian country
and then gave an interview to an Israeli journalist
in which he excoriated the terrorist organization’s corruption.

Yousef told.. that his last position was in Hamas “political
branch” in Turkey, which he claimed is actually a spy unit
utilizing advanced equipment to listen in on top PA leaders
in Ramallah. He added that the unit also spies on Israel and
on other Arab countries, but would not elaborate.

According to Yousef, Hamas intelligence gathering “isn’t for the
Palestinian cause,” but is rather sold “to Iran in return for
financial assistance,” which arrives through Turkish banks.

Neppe noen grei ferietur, men så opposisjonell kan en ung herre bli.

Yousef also chastized Hamas leaders for sending other people’s
children to commit terrorist acts.
“I want them to send their own children to carry out attacks,”
he said.
“Why doesn’t [Hamas leader] Ismail Haniyeh go to the fence
to throw stones?"

He said he was “shocked by the behavior” of leaders who ignore
the hardship and poverty in Gaza while living opulently in Turkey.

== Nyhetsartikkel her ==

..og noe eldre aktuell kommentar

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

HATEplikt uten rabatt:

Islamkritisk teolog Raymond Ibrahim gir aktuelle eksempler
på hvordan HATEplikten forkynnes som daglig krav på
den menige muslim : Allah bare krever det.

America’s supposed best Muslim friends and allies — such as
Saudi Arabia and Qatar — are on record
calling on all Muslims to hate us.
According to a Saudi governmental run website, Muslims must
“oppose and hate whomever Allah commands us to oppose and hate,
including the Jews, the Christians, and other mushrikin
[non-Muslims], until they believe in Allah alone and abide
by his laws.."

Den finere skriften:

Krigsfanger kan som alltid tas til sex-slaver, men
det er skriftmisbruk å gi dem daglig status som nesten-hustruer -

Teologer avsiler stadig myggen og sluker kamelen,
som en kjent teolog-kritiker slo fast for etpar tusen år siden.

"..scholars apparently fail to understand that inherently unjust
laws — ones that permit the sexual enslavement of women
because they are non-Muslims
or that operate on the assumption that the value of human lives is
based on their Muslim or non-Muslim status —
will always be “abused.”"

For instance, Koran 2:256 says there is no coercion in Islam.
Yet, because other Koran verses call on Muslims to hate (60:4; 3:28)
and war on Christians and Jews (9:29),
it is only natural that, past and present, forced conversions
have been common.
After all, pressuring hell-bound infidels to embrace Islam
can be rationalized as an altruistic act.
Moreover, it helps empower Islam, which is always a good thing?


The prophet said, “a Muslim must not be killed on account of a kafir
[infidel].” Why? Because their blood is not equal.
The blood of the Muslim is superior.
Call it racism or whatever you want, but
of course the blood of the Muslim is superior.

This is not open to debate.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Du sitter evt. selv i samme dilemma der frue,
om du ikke vil pakke ut din dokumentasjon av ditt
kvalifikasjonsnivå i arabisk,
samt vedk. språkhistorie og teologiske særdetaljer.

Da evt. forutsatt at du virkelig ser det saklig nødvendig
å kreve å trappe opp nivået på denne gamle diskusjonen,
så den skal utelukke alle uten internasjonal akademisk
kvalifikasjon i relevant faggruppe.

Traltes uttalelse er nå ikke akkurat nye hårreisende resultater
i koranforskning, eller i bloggpolemikk.

Den følger heller direkte en eldgammel unnviksmanøver i
muhammedansk apolo-polemikk :
Koranen er så unikt, finteologisk arabisk at i grunnen enhver
oversettelse er suspekt eller defekt.
Uansett kultretning er det sentralt viktig imam-munisjon.

Sterk underbyggelse av Traltes formodning, nesten gratis -
særdeles når 'taqiyya' diskusjonen er velkjent --
spørsmålet var besvart før du kom med innvendingen.

Men hvis du ikke mente å kalle på mye høyere fagpresisjon på
forumet, skal jeg tenkeligvis granske din motivasjon nærmere
for bemerkningen.
Det kan bestå en hypotese om at du har begått
"Et tøvete innlegg som ikke gir mening" -
med dine egne, ikke så klargjørende ord til medtrafikant

Godt sagt! (3) Varsle Svar

aha, en språkekspert og bold ordkriger til.
Du får nok dokumentere dine kvalifikasjoner til
fru Lillevi, som er kvalifisert kvalifikasjonsverifikant -

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Blant annet pratet faren min med en som har arabisk som morsmål og hun sa det.

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

Det hører nok med i mange kultiske fenomener ja, at det
lagerføres to versjoner: en intern og en ytre markedsført
utgave av program og lære.
Ikke minst med såpass vanntett språkskille som 'gjelder'
mellom arabisk og vestlige språk - vokser tjenesten villig.

Dermed består for tiden et gruvoldelig rabalder omkring
termen 'Taqiyya', opprinnelig
'teologisk understøttet nødløgn' -

vi må kanskje lære det begrepet før det blir slettet av
alle oppslagsverker, det skjer nå -- for det var visst
litt avslørende?

Vi kan lete det opp hos ex-muslimsk teolog Raymond Ibrahim,
der står det   fali sentralt..

til og med 'Taqiyya about taqiyya', litt from nødløgn til å
tåkelegge begrepet selv, skjønner vi..

og til og med på norsk :

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

Den norske oversettelsen av Koranen er snill. Den originale utgaven er på arabisk og den er voldelig.

Godt sagt! (3) Varsle Svar

Stadig meldes at pasienter blir "avvist eller latterliggjort"
av leger, helseverk og offentlige hjelpeetater.

Så din innsats og vitneutsagn teller, det er for lett å
mobbe ned selv velstuderte oppfatninger som 'Faktakorps'
eller 'folkefront mot skadelig UVitenhet'
bestemmer skal være rettfrem trassig uopplyst Overtro.

Så overtroiske folk nå trolig er, må de for skamskyld tro
hardt på Utropt Vitenskapelighet -- 'strålende UV'?
( de blir jo aldri selv Anerkjente forskere, vantro de er..)

'anerkjente forskere' utgjør det Nye helgengalleriet, mens
'Folk Flest' bare viser sin ukyndighet om de anser at
Keiservalsverket kan opptre lysende avkledd iblant.

En får prøve med nøktern planlegging.
Noen ledige tilfluktshytter / tomter i Skogli?

/ /

PS, at en slik mental-manipulerende støpeprosess overhode
kunne la seg gjøre, fikk vi dengang ikke-eksperter snus i
på 1970-tallet: Det ble da vitnet av en dengang kvinnelig
medisin-studerende kineserinne, som senere rømte fra hele
MAO-nipulasjonens rike: Kina hadde en større hungersnød
gående, og Partiets donasjon til formålet ble et dekret om
at vitaminer og sånt bare var overtro som kapitalen hadde
sådd. Arbeidere klarte seg utmerket uten, det var nå den
vitenskapelige sannhet som alle høyere lærerkrefter
heretter pliktet å forkynne.

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

Jeg har ikke lest The Green Mile, så jeg kan ikke uttale meg om likheten med den boka.
Vil du anbefale den?

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

Nå har jeg faktisk hatt noe som ligner lesetørke en periode, har lest lell, men ikke med noe særlig entusiasme. Leste Søsken til evig tid av Ivar Myklebust Longvasøl om søskenparet på Kleiva i Naustdal. Utrolig at det går an å drive en gard på den måten i våre dager. Det er ei utrolig og sår historie, men utrolig bra. Dette resulterte i ny leselyst, så nå er jeg igang med Som en klovn ser det av Heinrich Bøll. Og den er virkelig bra. Mange,mange år siden jeg leste den.
Ellers har det vært ei uke på Østlandet hos familie, men nå er det pass av to hunder ei ukes tid. Blir i hvertfall et par gåturer om dagen.
God helg til alle.

Godt sagt! (9) Varsle Svar

Muslim Brotherhood took a strong pro-Nazi stance
and sent al-Husseini to Germany to meet with Adolf Hitler.

Israel's Arab neighbors increasingly are looking to bury
the hatchet.. but the Muslim Brotherhood not:

"The Muslim Brotherhood condemns all forms of normalization
with the Zionist enemy,
and all the actions leading up to the Zionist-American deal,

and confirms that all Arab regimes involved in the
"Deal of the Century" are anti-Arab peoples, and traitors
to the Palestinian cause,"
the Muslim Brotherhood said on its Facebook page Tuesday.

"The Arab and Islamic people's position will remain firm
in support of the Palestinian cause,
not recognized by the Zionist entity, and is alien to
all forms of normalization."

The U.S. proposal would devote $27.5 billion to building up
the West Bank and Gaza, ...
part of a proposed $50 billion economic investment in
the region
akin to the post-World War II Marshall Plan.

Saudi Arabia contends the plan leads to a fully independent
Palestinian state.

/ /

"Killing the occupiers [Israelis] is worship that Allah made
into law," a 2012 propaganda music video produced by Hamas
military wing, the Qassam Brigades, and translated by
Palestine Media Watch, says.
"Killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah",
Arabic text on a sign in the video said.

The Hamas charter quotes Muslim Brotherhood founder Hasan
al-Banna: "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until
Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others
before it."
These anti-Semitic views predate Israel's establishment.

..The Brotherhood took a strong pro-Nazi stance
and sent al-Husseini to Germany to meet with Adolf Hitler.

He told Hitler that Jews were the common enemy of Islam and
the Nazis. Al-Husseini shared al-Banna's ideas with Hitler
and served as an intermediary between the Brotherhood founder
and the Nazi dictator.

Al-Husseini helped recruit Muslims from the Balkans, Egypt
and elsewhere to fight for the Nazis
and became an SS general.

France later arrested al-Husseini as a war criminal, but the
British persuaded France to release him to Egypt
to 'prevent further violence' in the Muslim world.

Al-Husseini and the Brotherhood rejected the post-war 1947
United Nations partition plan
that would have created two states, one Israeli and one
Instead, the Muslim Brotherhood chose the path of violence.
Members of the Muslim Brotherhood's Special Apparatus
entered Palestine in March 1948, two months before the
proclamation of the State of Israel.
The Brotherhood rejected repeated U.N. truce resolutions
and vowed to fight
until "we shoot the last Zionist soldier to the sea."

by John Rossomando
IPT News


Roots of The Arab-Nazi Alliance - - -

Hitlers Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam

"Feisal Abdul Rauf ... also wrote the dishonest
“What’s Right with Islam Is What’s Right with America” –
which claims that the Constitution is “Islam compliant”.
This is a manual of stealth Jihad, ...
(kommentar i jihadwatch.org )

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

Skandinavias ukjente jihad-historie

Året er 1993. Norge forbereder seg til Lillehammer-OL,
det er lenge til islamistisk terror bekymrer Skandinavia.
Denne høsten gjør politiet i Aarhus et skremmende funn ...

..de tiltales for terrorplanlegging, men frikjennes fordi
retten finner komplottet for vagt. Mange år senere viser
journalisten M.Seidelin i en bok at mennene i Aarhus
sannsynligvis planla det som ville ha vært Europas første
jihadistiske terrorangrep.

..ingen tilfeldighet,
for Skandinavia var et yndet oppholdssted for jihadister
på 1990-tallet.

..Hovedårsaken til at Danmark og Sverige fikk slike miljøer
var at de – i likhet med mange andre europeiske land ..
- ga politisk asyl til opposisjonelle nesten uavhengig av
På starten av 1990-tallet fikk flere titalls militante
islamister opphold ved å vise til at de var ettersøkt
i hjemlandet.
(..) Det viser seg at de kom fordi de kjente folk her
fra før.
Nye kilder viser at det allerede på 1980-tallet fantes et
islamistmiljø i Skandinavia, og disse tidlige aktivistene
ble vertskap for de som kom utenfra senere.

Thomas Hegghammer vitner i VG-sak >

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

Den som er ren,
lære barna å kaste sten -

på Adams barn
slik lærer de medynk

slik blir det rosenhage

der vi sår brannballonger
må krigsmaktene vike

Får vi bare steinet alle krigsfanatikere
kan vi tre inn i rosenhagen!

I am heading off to
all innocent throwing stones
at the enemy up in the sky

in my war zone, MOTHER dont cry for me

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar


Recruiting or using children under the age of 15
as soldiers is incontrovertibly prohibited under
international humanitarian law.
Furthermore, international human rights law
clearly states 18 years as the minimum legal age
for participation in hostilities.

Recruiting and Using Children Under 15 Years

Recruitment and use of children under the
age of 15 is prohibited by the Convention
on the Rights of the Child and the Additional
Protocols to the Geneva Conventions.
The rule that children must not be recruited into
armed forces or armed groups and that children must
not be allowed to take part in hostilities
is considered customary international
law, applying equally in situations of interna-
tional and non-international armed conflict,

and to both Government armed forces and
non-State armed groups.

Judicial affirmation came in 2004, when the
Special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL) ruled in
the Hinga Norman case that the recruitment and use
of children in armed conflict is a war crime
under customary international law.

In addition, the statutes of the international
tribunals for the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda and
Sierra Leone also declared that the recruit-
ment and use of children under the age of
15 years in armed conflict is a war crime.
The Rome Statute of the International Criminal
Court (ICC) echoes this stance.

The criminal cases before the SCSL and the
ICC are evidence of the position the inter-
national community has taken regarding
recruitment and use of children in armed conflict.

Individual commanders and political leaders
are being increasingly held accountable
for the recruitment and participation of
children under the age of 15 in hostilities.

Recruiting and Using Children under 18 years

International human rights law has further
strengthened the acceptable minimum age
for direct participation in hostilities and
raised it to 18 years.


/ /

On 26 April 2012, the SCSL found former
President of Liberia, Charles Taylor, guilty of
aiding and abetting war crimes committed
by the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) during
the 1991-2002 civil war in Sierra Leone.

The Special Court sentenced Taylor
to 50 years in prison
and this sentence was upheld
by the Appeal Chamber in September 2013.
The Court’s judgement against Charles Taylor
marks the first time that a former Head
of State has been convicted of war crimes
against children that were committed
by an armed group found not to be under his
direct command and control but to which he
gave his practical assistance, encouragement
and moral support.

( fra UN-dokument )

nå kan en vel spørre seg hva for 'humanitær institusjon'
som kan dømme et menneske til 50 years in prison
(ring dem og spør!)

"Children are easy targets for military recruitment

due to their greater susceptibility to influence compared to adults."

ok Vindforhold i Gaza

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Theological Aspects of Islam That Lead to Jihad

you will very frequently hear (authorities stating) that
the Islamic state, or ISIS,
a group that self-consciously refers to itself as islamic, and
trying to recruit muslims on the basis of its islamic
authenticity, "actually has nothing to do with islam".

(many national leaders / authorities) agree that what we see in
Jihad terror groups has nothing to do with 'the religion of islam'

..now, 30 000 people have gone, from all over the world, to join
the Islamic State, and they are all muslims.
And they are going there on the basis of their acceptance of the
Islamic state's appeal, on their acceptance of the claim that
it is not only islamic, but quint-essentially islamic
and The only authentic elaboration of Islam.
So who do we believe?

the Western leaders and intelligentia,
that these terror groups have nothing to do with the actual
or the terror groups themselves, who say that they have
everything to do with the actual religion -
(actually recruiting all these muslims) ?

...Which is the greater threat: jihad terror or “Islamophobia”?

Robert Spencer: The Theological Aspects of Islam That Lead to Jihad

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

Barn og ballonger....

Vindforholdene skal være vakre for å slippe
BRANNballonger fra Gaza

/ /

Hvor hederlig å heltegjøre barns villige 'innsats' i krig ?

Lære dem hvem som må hates, oppflamme og rekruttere ?

.. den høyst problematiske 'fagdisiplin' krigslovgivning,
reelt en logisk selvmotsigelse ..

Burde det i det minste kriminaliseres å dra barn ut i krigen?

"I am heading off to war, MOTHER dont cry for me "

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

This book was scary. First of all,
I had no idea
how widespread the problem of young men and women leaving
their home country to wage jihad had become.

Anna Erelle was almost effortlessly sucked in to a horrific
situation that has actually happened to hundreds of young
people from Europe.
She demonstrates how easily a young woman, who may be lonely,
marginalized, or searching for meaning, could be swept away
by a religious fanatic so that she could never return home.

Once these young people hit the Syrian border, their passports
are taken so that, even if they changed their minds,
they couldn't go back.
And, the worst part is that it happened so quickly.
The events of In the Skin of a Jihadist occur over the course
of one month.
Reading this as a parent, this book was a nightmare:
One minute, your child is home with you- the next they are
on a one-way flight to Turkey and they're never coming back.

..I learned more about sharia law than I had known before
..and also about why people would chose that type of lifestyle -
it was all profoundly disturbing.

( fra goodreads )

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

Sist sett

FarfalleHilde H HelsethToveElisabeth SveeAstrid Terese Bjorland SkjeggerudAkima MontgomeryJakob SæthreLars MæhlumNinaBjørg L.DemeterVidar RingstrømBenedikteSvein Erik Francke-EnersenKjell F TislevollSiljeØystein Espeseth-AndresenJakob Lund KlausenTorill RevheimKirsten LundJørgen NHarald KOddvarGritaolinemay britt FagertveitPia Lise SelnesRolf IngemundsenTine SundalelmeNabodamaWencheLisbeth Marie UvaagSynnøve H HoelAnn EkerhovdThomas Røst StenerudEgil StangelandChristofferVibekeMarit HåverstadAnne Berit Grønbech