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She was the book thief without the words. Trust me, though, the words were on their way, and when they arrived, Liesel would hold them in her hands like the clouds, and she would wring them out, like the rain.
THE BOOK THIEF - LAST LINE: I have hated the words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right.
CHRISTMAS GREETINGS FROM MAX VANDENBURG: 'Often I wish this would be all over, Liesel, but then, somehow you do something like walk down the basement steps with a snowman in your hands.'
After a miscarriagde pause, the mayor's wife edged forward and picked up the book. She was battered and beaten up, and not from smiling this time. Liesel could see it on her face. Blood leaked from her nose and licked at her lips. Her eyes had blackened. Cuts had opened up and a series of wounds were rising to her surface of her skin. All from the words. From Liesel's words.
A GUIDED TOUR OF SUFFERING: To your left, perhaps your right, perhaps even straight ahead, you find a small black room. In it sits a Jew. He is scum. He is starving. He is afraid. Please - try not to look away.
ET LITE STYKKE SANNHET Jeg går ikke rundt med sigd eller ljå. Men når det er kaldt, er jeg iført en sort hette, Og jeg har ikke dette kranieansiktet som dere tydeligvis liker å gi meg på avstand. Vil du vite hvordan jeg virkelig ser ut? Jeg skal hjelpe deg. Finn et speil mens jeg forteller videre.
HERE IS A SMALL FACT: You are going to die.
He was the crazy one who had painted himself black and defeated the world. She was the book thief without the words. Trust me, though, the words were on their way, and when they arrived, Liesel would hold them in her hands like the clouds, and she would wring them out like rain.
A definition not found in the dictionary: Not-leaving: An act of trust and love, often deciphered by children.
Han vinket. "saukerl" lo hun, og mens hun løftet hånden, visste hun at han i samme øyeblikk kalte henne "saumensch" Jeg antar ellveåringer ikke kommer nærmere kjærligheten enn dette.