Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Book 5)

av (forfatter) og Mary GrandPré (forfatter).

Scholastic Paperbacks Paperback

Gjennomsnittlig terningkast: 5.42 (74 terningkast.)

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Solis' eksemplar av Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Book 5)


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Forlag Scholastic Paperbacks

Format Paperback

ISBN13 9780439358071

Språk Engelsk

Sider 870

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Youth cannot know how age thinks and feels. But old men are guilty if they forget what it was to be young.

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Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike.

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“I told you — they suck all the happiness out of you,” said Harry, “and if they get the chance, they kiss you —”“Kiss you?” said Uncle Vernon, his eyes popping slightly. “Kiss you?”“It’s what they call it when they suck the soul out of your mouth.”Aunt Petunia uttered a soft scream.“His soul? They didn’t take — he’s still got his —”She seized Dudley by the shoulders and shook him, as though testing to see whether she could hear his soul rattling around inside him.

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“My name is Dolores Umbridge.” Her eyes were sweeping the cabin.

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“Well, hello there!” he said. “I expect you’d like my autograph, would you?”

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