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Frida med pisken i hånden [...]
En vaktmesterfamilie som drar seg i sengene til utpå formiddagen. Æsj!
This is my favorite dress. The thought of wearing this dress is all that got me out of bed this morning.
Everything beautiful is far away, or maybe everything far away is beautiful.
På Jorden et Sted
Tro ikke frosten som senker en fred
av sne i ditt hår.
Alltid er det på jorden et sted
tidlig vår.
The best way to avoid writing is by reading. Then you can at least pretend that you're working.
I [...] could easily spend the entire day engaged in gossip, which I prefer to call "character analysis."
Diktene bar preg av at hun ikke hadde gått på forfatterkurs i Bergen.
Morgenbladet leste Buberg vanligvis ikke, da han hver jul og sommer måtte lese mellomfagsoppgaver.
Poetry is the connecting link between body and mind.
at high noon
at a small college near the beach
the sweat running down my arms
a spot of sweat on the table
I flatten it with my finger
blood money blood money
my god they must think I love this like the others
but it's for bread and beer and rent
blood money
I'm tense lousy feel bad
poor people I'm failing I'm failing
a woman gets ut
walks out
slams the door
a dirty poem
somebody told me not to read dirty poems
it's too late.
my eyes can't see some lines
I read it
out -
desperate trembling
they can't hear my voice
and I say,
I quit, that's it, I'm
and later in my room
there's scotch and beer:
the blood of a coward.
this then
will be my destiny_
scrabbling for pennies in dark tiny halls
reading poems I have long since become tired
and I used to think
that men who drove busses
or cleaned out latrines
or murdered men in alleys were
there was one
made a thousand dollars
one day
in a town larger than
El Paso
jumping taxies between
universities and ladies'
hell, you can't blame him:
I've worked for $16 a week,
quit, and lived a month on
his wife is suing for divorce
and wants $200 a week
he has to stay famous and
I see his work
gnore all possible concepts and possibilities – ignore Beethoven, the spider, the damnation of Faust – just make it, babe, make it: a house a car a belly full of beans pay your taxes fuck and if you can't fuck copulate. make money but don't work too hard – make somebody else pay to relax, and stay of the streets wipe your ass real good use a lot of toilet paper it's bad manners to let people know you shit or could smell like it if you weren't careful.
Det skjer, at mens
du tenner din sigarett
og leser din avis på benken
i den lange alleen
med gult løv flytende
som hundeekskrementer
at oktober tar tak i
din sjel
og hvirvler den imellom
travle Parisgater,
Rue Mouffettard
der du går forbi bugnende druevogner
og inn i baren på hjørnet
for å kjøpe rødvin
og lenger nede
brød og potetstappe...
a symphony orchestra. there is a thunderstorm, they are playing a Wagner overture and the people leave their seats under the trees and run inside to the pavilion the women giggling, the men pretending calm, wet cigarettes being thrown away, Wagner plays on, and then they are all under the pavilion. the birds even come in from the trees and enter the pavilion and then it is the Hungarian Rhapsody # 2 by Lizst, and it still rains, but look, one man sits alone in the rain listening. the audience notices him. they turn and look. the orchestra goes about its business. the man sits in the night in the rain, listening. there is something wrong with him, isn't there? he came to hear the music.
Som om ikke den som har vært død i et sekund har vært død i milliarder av år allerede
Han forstår ikke at hun kan være sjalu på jenter han lå med mens hun fremdeles var baby
Jeg kan mange ting om meg selv som er sant, blant annet adresse, navn og telefonnummer. Iblant gjengir jeg disse tingene for å være sikker på at jeg ikke er blitt til en annen person.
[...] og diktet forklarer at døden til han som døde intensiverer livsopplevelsen til dem som lever videre
det er finere enn det høres ut (det motsatte av et dikt altså)