The embassy of Cambodia

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2016 Innbundet

Gjennomsnittlig terningkast: 4.60 (5 terningkast.)

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Kathleen Rani Hagens eksemplar av The embassy of Cambodia


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Revisiting the terrain of her acclaimed novel NW, The Embassy of Cambodia is another remarkable work of fiction from Zadie Smith.'The fact is, if we followed the history of every little country in the world -- in its dramatic as well as its quiet times -- we would have no space left in which to live our own lives or apply ourselves to our necessary tasks, never mind indulge in occasional pleasures, like swimming . . . 'First published in the New Yorker, The Embassy of Cambodia is a rare and brilliant story that takes us deep into the life of a young woman, Fatou, domestic servant to the Derawals and escapee from one set of hardships to another. Beginning and ending outside the Embassy of Cambodia, which happens to be located in Willesden, north-west London, Zadie Smith's absorbing, moving and wryly observed story suggests how the apparently small things in an ordinary life always raise larger, more extraordinary questions.'Its range is lightly immense... a fiction of consequences both global and heart-rendingly intimate' Guardian'Smith serves up a smasher' IndependentPlayful... unexpected and absolutely right... Skips to a beat all of its own' TimesPraise for NW:'A triumph . . .modern London is explored in a dazzling portrait . . . every sentence sings' Guardian'Intensely funny, richly varied, always unexpected. A joyous, optimistic, angry masterpiece. No better English novel will be published this year' Philip Hensher, Daily Telegraph'Absolutely brilliant . . . So electrically authentic, it reads like surveillance transcripts' Lev Grossman, TIME


Utgivelsesår 2016

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780241146521

EAN 9780241146521

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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she was not then a member of that church, or of any church except the one in her heart.

Godt sagt! (3) Varsle Svar

'Next time, instead of swimming we should play badminton somewhere,' Next time, we should go to Paris. Next time, we should go to the moon. He was a dreamer. But there are worse things, Fatou thought, than being a dreamer.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

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