The Broom of the System

av (forfatter) og David Foster Wallace (other contributor).

Penguin Books Paperback

Gjennomsnittlig terningkast: 4.25 (4 terningkast.)

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Kathleen Rani Hagens eksemplar av The Broom of the System


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Forlag Penguin Books

Format Paperback

ISBN13 9780142002421

Språk Engelsk

Sider 480

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A nurse’s aide threw the contents of a patient’s water glass out a window, the mass of water hitting the ground dislodging a pebble, which rolled across the angled pavement and fell with a click on a stone culvert in the ditch below, startling a squirrel having at some sort of nut right there on the concrete pipe, causing the squirrel to run up the nearest tree, in doing which it disturbed a slender brittle branch and surprised a few nervous morning birds, one of which, preparatory to flight, released a black-and-white glob of droppings, which glob fell neatly on the windshield of the tiny car of one Lenore Beadsman, just as she pulled into a parking space.

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“But then if you get to where you, you know, love a person, everything sort of reverses. It’s not that you love the person because of certain things about the person anymore; it’s that you love the things about the person because you love the person. It kind of radiates out, instead of in.”

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