The Long Goodbye

av (forfatter) og Jeffery Deaver (introduction).

Penguin 2005 Paperback

Gjennomsnittlig terningkast: 5.50 (4 terningkast.)

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Forlag Penguin

Utgivelsesår 2005

Format Paperback

ISBN13 9780140108958

Språk Spanish

Sider 464

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One would think a writer would be happy here -- if a writer is every happy anywhere.

Godt sagt! (4) Varsle Svar

Americans will eat anything if it is toasted and held together with a couple of toothpicks and has lettuce sticking out of the sides, preferably a little wilted.

Godt sagt! (4) Varsle Svar

The other part of me wanted to get out and stay out, but this was the part I never listened to. Because if I ever had I would have stayed in the town where I was born and worked in the hardware store and married the boss's daughter and had five kids and read them the funny paper on Sunday morning and smacked their heads when they got out of line and squabbled with the wife about how much spending money they were to get and what programs they could have on the radio or TV set. I might even get rich - small-town rich, an eight-room house, two cars in the garage, chicken every Sunday and the Reader's Digest on the living room table, the wife with a cast-iron permanent and me with a brain like a sack of Portland cement. You take it, friend. I'll take the big sordid dirty crooked city.

Godt sagt! (4) Varsle Svar

I like bars just after they open in the evening. When the air inside is still cool and clean and everything is shiny. The first quiet drink of the evening in a quiet bar -- that's wonderful.

Godt sagt! (3) Varsle Svar

“You talk too damn much and too damn much of it is about you.”

Godt sagt! (3) Varsle Svar

I stirred the coffee and covered it. I set the timer for three minutes. Very methodical guy, Marlowe. Nothing must interfere with his coffee technique. Not even a gun in the hand of a desperate character.

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

There is no trap so deadly as the trap you set for yourself.

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

At three A.M. I was walking the floor listening to Khachaturyan working in a tractor factory. He called it a violin concerto. I called it a loose fan belt and the hell with it.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

When I got home I mixed a stiff one and stood by the open window in the living room and sipped it and listened to the groundswell of traffic on Laurel Canyon Boulevard and looked at the glare of the big angry city hanging over the shoulder of the hills through which the boulevard had been cut. Far off the banshee wail of police or fire sirens rose and fell, never for very long completely silent. Twenty four hours a day somebody is running, somebody else is trying to catch him. Out there in the night of a thousand crimes, people were dying, being maimed, cut by flying glass, crushed against steering wheels or under heavy tires. People were being beaten, robbed, strangled, raped, and murdered. People were hungry, sick; bored, desperate with loneliness or remorse or fear, angry, cruel, feverish, shaken by sobs. A city no worse than others, a city rich and vigorous and full of pride, a city lost and beaten and full of emptiness. It all depends on where you sit and what your own private score is. I didn't have one. I didn't care. I finished the drink and went to bed.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

I was as hollow and empty as the spaces between stars.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

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Drukkenskap i litteraturen. Bøker der romanfiguren drikker, alkoholrus skildres eller alkoholbruk på en eller annen måte er tema.
Listen er inspirert av Fredrik Wandrups artikkel "Romanskikkelser som raver rundt i litteraturen", og starter med bøkene (eller forfatterne) han lister opp,
men jeg fyller på med alt som passer inn. Vet du om noe?

Godt sagt! (5) Varsle Svar

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