Among Others

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Tor Books 2011 Hardcover

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Forlag Tor Books

Utgivelsesår 2011

Format Hardcover

ISBN13 9780765321534

Språk Engelsk

Sider 304

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Litt usikker på hva jeg egentlig syns om denne. Først og fremst er det en bok om å være tilstede i livet, selv når det kan være smertefullt. Og om å vokse opp. Boka har vunnet diverse fantasypriser, men egentlig vil jeg ikke si den passer i den kategorien. Hvorvidt magien og feene faktisk finnes eller er en slags overlevelsesmekanisme kommer ikke helt fram og er åpent for tolkning. Boka er lettlest, men helt ærlig har jeg lest langt bedre bøker med samme tematikk. Man blir aldri ordentlig følelsesmessig engasjert i hovedpersonen og hennes liv.

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Interlibrary loans are a wonder of the world and a glory of civilization.

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"Bibliotropic," Hugh said. "Like sunflowers are heliotropic, they naturally turn towards the sun. We naturally turn towards the bookshop."

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Her har jeg vinnere av Hugo Award

Jeg har valgt engelske versjoner av bøkene

1953 The Demolished Man - Alfred Bester
1955 They'd Rather Be Right (also known as The Forever Machine) - Mark Clifton, Frank Riley
1956 Double Star - Robert A. Heinlein
1958 The Big Time - Fritz Leiber
1959 A Case of Conscience - James Blish
1960 Starship Troopers - Robert A. Heinlein
1962 Stranger in a Strange Land - Robert A. Heinlein
1963 The Man in the High Castle - Philip K. Dick
1964 Here Gather the Stars (also known as Way Station) - Clifford D. Simak
1965 The Wanderer - Fritz Leiber
1966 Dune - Frank Herbert
1966 ...And Call Me Conrad (also known as This Immortal) - Roger Zelazny
1967 The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress[Note 2] - Robert A. Heinlein
1968 Lord of Light - Roger Zelazny
1969 Stand on Zanzibar - John Brunner
1970 The Left Hand of Darkness - Ursula K. Le Guin
1971 Ringworld - Larry Niven
1972 To Your Scattered Bodies Go - Philip José Farmer
1973 The Gods Themselves - Isaac Asimov
1974 Rendezvous with Rama - Arthur C. Clarke
1975 The Dispossessed - Ursula K. Le Guin
1976 The Forever War - Joe Haldeman
1977 Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang - Kate Wilhelm
1978 Gateway - Frederik Pohl
1979 Dreamsnake - Vonda N. McIntyre
1980 The Fountains of Paradise - Arthur C. Clarke
1981 The Snow Queen - Joan D. Vinge
1982 Downbelow Station - C. J. Cherryh
1983 Foundation's Edge - Isaac Asimov
1984 Startide Rising - David Brin
1985 Neuromancer - William Gibson
1986 Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card
1987 Speaker for the Dead - Orson Scott Card
1988 The Uplift War - David Brin
1989 Cyteen - C. J. Cherryh
1990 Hyperion - Dan Simmons
1991 The Vor Game - Lois McMaster Bujold
1992 Barrayar - Lois McMaster Bujold
1993 A Fire Upon the Deep - Vernor Vinge
1993 Doomsday Book - Connie Willis
1994 Green Mars - Kim Stanley Robinson
1995 Mirror Dance - Lois McMaster Bujold
1996 The Diamond Age - Neal Stephenson
1997 Blue Mars - Kim Stanley Robinson
1998 Forever Peace - Joe Haldeman
1999 To Say Nothing of the Dog - Connie Willis
2000 A Deepness in the Sky - Vernor Vinge
2001 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - J. K. Rowling
2002 American Gods - Neil Gaiman
2003 Hominids - Robert J. Sawyer
2004 Paladin of Souls - Lois McMaster Bujold
2005 Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell - Susanna Clarke
2006 Spin - Robert Charles Wilson
2007 Rainbows End - Vernor Vinge
2008 The Yiddish Policemen's Union - Michael Chabon
2009 The Graveyard Book - Neil Gaiman
2010 The Windup Girl - Paolo Bacigalupi
2010 The City & the City - China Miéville
2011 Blackout/All Clear* - Connie Willis
2012 Among Others - Jo Walton
2013 Redshirts - John Scalzi
2014 Ancillary Justice - Ann Leckie

*Blackout og All clear er satt opp som to bøker siden det ikke finnes noen versjon med begge

Det hadde vært fint om en kunne skrive en kommentar til hver bok i lista siden f.eks årstallet ville ikke passet som kommentar til den enkelte bok

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Nebula gir ut pris for beste roman i sjangeren fantasy/science fiction utgitt i USA forrige år, siden 1966. År 1982 er uten vinner. I 1967 og 1978 ble det kåret to vinnere. For hver bok står det hvilke bøker som var nominert. Kilden er her

De nominerte i 1982 var:
Little, Big by John Crowley
The Many-Coloured Land by Julian May
Radix by A A Attanasio
Riddley Walker by Russell Hoban

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A book becoming a movie in 2019: Neil Gaiman og Terry Pratchett - "Good Omens" (ble riktignok TV-serie, ikke film, men det er jo slik det fungerer i dag)
A book that makes you nostalgic: J. K. Rowling - «Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince»
A book written by a musician (fiction or non-fiction)
A book you think should be turned into a movie: Leigh Bardugo - "Crooked kingdom"
A book with at least one million ratings on Goodreads: J. K. Rowling - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"
A book with a plant in the title or on the cover: Lisa Aisato - "Livet - illustrert"
A reread of a favorite book: Philip Pullman - "The subtle knife"
A book about a hobby: Klaus Hagerup og Lisa Aisato - "Jenta som ville redde bøkene"
A book you meant to read in 2018: N. K. Jemisin - "The Obelisk Gate"
A book with “pop”, “sugar” or “challenge” in the title
A book with an item of clothing or accessory on the cover: Neal Shusterman - «Scythe»
A book inspired by mythology, legend, or folklore: Diana Gabaldon - "Outlander"
A book published posthumously: Robert Jordan / Brandon Sanderson: "A Memory of light" (RJ døde før denne siste og et par av de andre bøkene i hans monumentale serie Wheel of time" var ferdigstilt. Han hadde dog skrevet en god del notater og også fortalt sin kone hva som skjedde med flere av karakterene, dette ble utgangspunktet for Sandersons ferdigstillelse)
A book you see someone reading on TV or in a movie: Madeleine L’Engle - «A wrinkle in time» (leses av karakteren Sawyer i TV-serien LOST)
A retelling of a classic
A book with a question in the title
A book set on a college or university campus: Sarah J. Maas - "Tower of Dawn" (Torre Cesme er en utdanningsinstitusjon for healere)
A book about someone with a superpower: Sarah J. Maas - «Empire of storms»
A book told from multiple character POVs: Ursula le Guin - «Left hand of darkness»
A book set in space: Stanislaw Lem - "The star diaries"
A book by two female authors: Maja Lunde og Lisa Aisato - "Snøsøsteren"
A book with a title that contains “salty,” “sweet,” “bitter,” or “spicy”
A book set in Scandinavia: Lars Mytting - "Søsterklokkene"
A book that takes place in a single day: Dag Solstad - "Genanse og verdighet"
A debut novel: Gail Honeyman - "Eleanor Oliphant har det helt fint" (2017)
A book that’s published in 2019: Bård Borch Michalsen - "Verbene som beveger verden"
A book featuring an extinct or imaginary creature: Kelly Barnhill - "The girl who drank the moon"
A book recommended by a celebrity you admire
A book with “love” in the title
A book featuring an amateur detective: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - "A study in Scarlet" (denne vil nok en del være uenige i, Holmes er tross alt "consulting detective" men har ingen formell kompetanse innen feltet såvidt man finner ut)
Abook about a family: Jan Roar Leikvoll - "Fiolinane"
A book written by an author from Asia, Africa, or South-America: Mohsin Hamid - "The reluctant fundamentalist"
A book with a zodiac sign or astrology term in the title:
A book that includes a wedding: Lian Hearn - "I lys av månen'
A book by an author whose first and last names start with the same letter: Philip Pullman - «The Amber Spyglass»
A ghost story: Charles Dickens - "A Christmas carol"
A book with a two-word title: Jo Walton - "Among others"
A novel based on a true story: Kathy Reichs - "Flash and bones"
A book revolving around a puzzle or game
Your favorite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge: Leigh Bardugo - Six of Crows (prompt: "A book involving a heist" from 2018)

A “cli-fi” (climate fiction) book: Tahereh Mafi - "Shatter me"
A “choose-your-own-adventure” book
An “own voices” book: Johannes Anyuru - «De kommer til å drukne i sine mødres tårer»
Reading a book during the season it is set in: Emil André Erstad - "Hareides fall - trettiseks dager som endra norsk politikk"
A LitRPG book
A book with no chapters / unusual chapter headings / unconventionally numbered chapters: Terry Pratchett - "The colour of magic"
Two books that share the same title (1)
Two books that share the same title (2)
A book that has inspired a common phrase or idiom (e.g. Big Brother from “1984”)
A book set in an abbey. Cloister, monastery, vicarage, or convent: Philip Pullman - «La Belle Sauvage - Støvets bok 1» (ikke hele boka)

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Denne er massiv! Jeg ser på min profil at jeg vel har lest rundt 30 bøker i året de siste par åra, og 52 bøker er derfor enormt mye. Jeg skal vurdere om jeg skal la den samme boka telle i flere kategorier. Begynner allerede å legge inn bøker jeg leser nå som passer, for å få en "head start". Gjør skriften fet når jeg er ferdig.

1. A book that was nominated for or won an award in a genre you enjoy - N. K. Jemisin: "The Obelisk gate"
2. A book with one of the 5 W's in the title (Who, What, Where, When, Why)
3. A book where the author’s name contains A, T, and Y: Terry Pratchett - «The colour of magic»
4. A book with a criminal character (i.e. assassin, pirate, thief, robber, scoundrel etc): Leigh Bardugo - "Crooked kingdom"

  1. A book by Shakespeare or inspired by Shakespeare
    6. A book with a dual timeline: Johannes Anyuru - «De kommer til å drukne i sine mødrees tårer»
    7. 2 books related to the same topic, genre, or theme: Book #1 Sarah J. Maas - "Heir of Fire"
    8. 2 books related to the same topic, genre, or theme: Book #2 Sarah J. Maas - "Queen of shadows"

9. A book from one of the top 5 money making genres (romance/erotica, crime/mystery, religious/inspirational, science fiction/fantasy or horror): Jessica Townsend - "Wundersmith"
10. A book featuring an historical figure
11. A book related to one of the 12 Zodiac Chinese Animals (title, cover, subject: Richard Adams - "Watership down"
12. A book about reading, books or an author/writer: Klaus Hagerup og Lisa Aisato - "Jenta som ville redde bøkene"

13. A book that is included on a New York Public Library Staff Picks list: Neil Gaiman og Terry Pratchett - «Good Omens» (staff pick sommeren 2018)
14. A book with a title, subtitle or cover relating to an astronomical term: Stanislaw Lem - "The star diaries"
15. A book by an author from a Mediterranean country or set in a Mediterranean country
16. A book told from multiple perspectives: Lian Hearn - "I lys av månen"
17. A speculative fiction (i.e. fantasy, scifi, horror, dystopia): Neal Shusterman - «Scythe»

  1. A book related to one of the elements on the periodic table of elements
    19. A book by an author who has more than one book on your TBR: Ursula le Guin - «Left hand of darkness»
  2. A book featuring indigenous people of a country
    21. A book from one of the polarizing or close call votes: Emil André Erstad - "Hareides fall - trettiseks dagar som endra norsk politikk" (velger å tolke denne i norsk, ikke amerikansk, kontekst)

22. A book with a number in the title or on the cover: Hans Olav Lahlum - "De fems tegn"*
23. 4 books inspired by the wedding rhyme: Book #1 Something Old: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - "The sign of the four"(gammel bok)
24. 4 books inspired by the wedding rhyme: Book #2 Something New: Tahareh Mafi - "Shatter me" (en "ny" verden)**
25. 4 books inspired by the wedding rhyme: Book #3 Something Borrowed:

26. 4 books inspired by the wedding rhyme: Book #4 Something Blue: Lars Mytting - Søsterklokkene
27. A book off of the 1001 books to read before you die list: John Irving - «A prayer for Owen Meany»
28. A book related to something cold (i.e. theme, title, author, cover, etc.): Philip Pullman - "The subtle knife"
29. A book published before 1950: Charles Dickens - "A Christmas Carol"
30. A book featuring an elderly character: Kelly Barnhill - "The girl who drank the moon"

31. A children’s classic you’ve never read: Madeleine L’Engle - «A wrinkle in time»
32. A book with more than 500 pages: Sarah J. Maas - «Empire of storms»
33. A book you have owned for at least a year, but have not read yet: Diana Gabaldon - "Outlander"
34. A book with a person's name in the title: J. K. Rowling - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"

  1. A psychological thriller
    36. A book featured on an NPR Best Books of the Year list: Philip
    Pullman - «Støvets bok - La Belle Sauvage» (2017)

    37. A book set in a school or university: J. K. Rowling - «Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince»
    38. A book not written in traditional novel format (poetry, essay, epistolary, graphic novel, etc): Bård Borch Michalsen - "Verbene som beveger verden"

39. A book with a strong sense of place or where the author brings the location/setting to life: Dag Solstad - "Genanse og verdighet"
40. A book you stumbled upon: Jo Walton - «Among others»
41. A book from the 2018 GR Choice Awards: Sarah J. Maas - "Kingdom of ash"
42. A book with a monster or "monstrous" character: Sarah J. Maas - "Tower of dawn"
43. A book related to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) [fiction or nonfiction]: Kathy Reichs - "Spider bones"

44. A book related in some way to a tv show/series or movie you enjoyed (same topic, same era, book appeared in the show/movie, etc.): Kathy Reichs - "Flash and bones"
45. A multi-generational saga: Eka Kurniawan - "Skjønnhet er et sår"
46. A book with a (mostly) black cover: Leigh Bardugo - "Six of crows»
47. A book related to food (i.e. title, cover, plot, etc.): Mohsin Hamid - "The reluctant fundamentalist" (hele den narrative rammen er hovedpersonen som deler et måltid med en amerikaner og forteller ham historien)

48. A book that was a finalist or winner for the National Book Award for any year: Philip Pullman - "The Amber Spyglass"
49. A book written by a Far East Asian author or set in a Far East Asian country: Lian Hearn - «Barn av Otori»
50. A book that includes a journey (physical, health, or spiritual): Jan Roar Leikvoll - «Fiolinane»
51. A book published in 2019: Bård Borch Michalsen - "Verbene som beveger verden"
52. A book with a weird or intriguing title: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - "A study in Scarlet"

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1. Book published in 2019: Emil André Erstad - "Hareides fall - trettiseks dager som endra norsk politikk"

2. Author you’ve never heard of: Jo Walton - "Amongst others"

3. A book you’ve read before: Philip Pullman - "The Subtle Knife"

4. Book with a strong female lead: Sarah J. Maas - "Queen of shadows"

  1. A play

  2. A book set in Southern USA: Jesmyn Ward - "Det som reddes kan"

  3. A memoir on someone you admire

8. Set in the Victorian Era: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - "A story of four"

  1. Character with career you wish you had

10. A plant on the cover: Lisa Aisato - "Livet - illustrert"

11. Published the year you graduated school: Jan Roar Leikvoll - «Fiolinane» (2010)

12. A graphic novel: Maja Lunde og Lisa Aisato - "Snøsøsteren"

  1. Featuring music

14. An ugly cover: Terry Pratchett - "The light fantastic"

15. A teen as the main character: Madeleine L´engle - "A wrinkle in time"

16. The re-telling of a well-known story: Hans Olav Lahlum - "De fems tegn" (skriver i forordet at boka er inspirert av/bevisst ligner på "The sign of the four" av Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, men denne er satt i en mer moderne setting)

17. Set during a holiday: Charles Dickens - “A Christmas carol”

18. Book picked out by someone else: Dag Solstad - "Genanse og verdighet" (plukket ut av bibliotekaren som anbefalt + påpekt av to bokelskere som første Solstad-bok jeg burde lese)

  1. Gothic Fiction novel

20. A book about time-travel: Diana Gabaldon - "Outlander"

21. A title starting with the letter “J”: Klaus Hagerup og Lisa Aisato - "Jenta som ville redde bøkene"

22. Fantasy novel: Jessica Townsend - "Wundersmith - the calling of Morrigan Crow"

  1. True crime novel

  2. A self-published book

25. The name of a color in the title: Sarah J. Maas - "Kingdom of ash"

26. A one word title: Neil Shusterman - "Scythe"

  1. A book that makes you mad

28. A book that discusses mental health: Gail Honeyman - "Eleanor Oliphant har det helt fint"

29. A book published by HarperCollins: Tahareh Mafi - "Shatter me"

30. An author who uses initials: J. K. Rowling - "Harry Potter And the Half-Blood prince"

31. A book that everyone’s talking about: N. K. Jemisin - "The stone sky"

  1. A western

33. A book about a cult: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - "A study in scarlet"

  1. Nominated for (but didn’t win) the 2018 Goodreads choice awards

35. A sports related book: Kathy Reichs - "Flash and bones"

36. A humorous novel: Neil Gaiman og Terry Pratchett - "Good Omens"

  1. Set in South America

38. An allegorical book: N. K. Jemisin - "The obelisk gate" (hele serien er allegorisk og handler om rasisme og diskriminering)

39. Military Related: fiction or non-fiction: Sarah J. Maas - "Tower of dawn"

40. A character that is an immigrant: Johannes Anyuru - "De kommer til å drukne i sine mødres tårer"

  1. A book suggested by someone else in the challenge

  2. A family member’s favourite book

43. A children’s book: Philip Pullman - "The book of Dust - La belle sauvage"

44. An author who uses a pseudonym: Lian Hearn - «Barn av otori»

45. A “beach read”: Kathy Reichs - "Spider bones"

  1. The first book you see in a bookstore / library

47. Set in a country you’ve visited: J. K. Rowling - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"

48. Set in a post-apocalyptic world: N. K. Jemisin - "The Obelisk Gate"

49. A speed read: Terry Pratchett - "The colour of magic"

50. A fairy tale: Kelly Barnhill - "The girl who drank the Moon"

  1. A book about organized crime / the mob

52. An audiobook: Charles Dickens - “A Christmas carol” (har lest denne to ganger i år, mener derfor den kan gå to ganger på lista)

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  • "Soulless" av Gail Carriger
  • "Red Rising" av Pierce Brown
  • "Dead and Gone (Sookie Stackhouse, Book 9)" av Charlaine Harris
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  • "The sleeper and the spindle" av Neil Gaiman
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  • "Dead as a Doornail (Southern Vampire Mysteries, Book 5)" av Charlaine Harris
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