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Forlag Gollancz
Utgivelsesår 2000
Format Paperback
ISBN13 9781857989380
Språk Engelsk
Sider 224
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Hurra! Jeg har funnet ei ny bok å elske og det glade budskap må selvfølgelig deles. Jeg har nylig lest Daniel Keyes Flowers for Algernon som av en eller annen mystisk grunn ikke er oversatt til norsk. Selv snublet jeg over boka på NPRs liste over tidenes hundre beste ungdomsbøker for et par år siden, og etter det har den stått på leselista mi. Flowers for Algernon er egentlig ingen ungdomsbok, den var opprinnelig tiltenkt et voksent publikum, ble først skrevet som kortroman i 1959, siden utvidet og utgitt som roman i 1966. Novellen vant Hugo-prisen i 1960, romanen Nebula-prisen sammen med Babel-17 i 1967. Flowers for Algernon oppnådde raskt klassikerstatus innen science fiction-sjangeren og boka ble filmatisert i 1968. Filmen bærer tittelen Charlie.
Hovedpersonen i Flowers for Algernon er Charlie. Charlie er tilbakestående, men har et sterkt ønske om å bli intelligent. Når muligheten for intelligensoperasjon dukker opp, er Charlie veldig oppsatt på å stille som forsøkskanin. At operasjonen tidligere bare er prøvd på dyr, plager ham ikke. Musa Algernon er den sist opererte. Operasjonen er vellykket og i begynnelsen av boka er Algernon smartere enn Charlie. Men det varer ikke lenge. Charlie går gjennom en rekke tester, godkjennes som forsøkskanin og snart er operasjonen et faktum.
Boka er utformet som dagboknotater, som utviklingsrapporter ført i Charlies penn. Charlie har imidlertid en IQ på 68 i begynnelsen av boka, så teksten er naturligvis full av skrivefeil:
March 15 – Im out of the hospitil but not back at werk yet. Nothing is
happining. I had lots of test and differint kinds of races with
Algernon. I hate that mouse. He always beets me… […] (s. 13).
Etter hvert som Charlies IQ øker, blir skrivefeilene færre. Men Charlie blir ikke lykkelig og får ikke alle de vennene han har regnet med å få når han blir «normal». Det han tvert imot oppdager, er at alle «vennene» som han trodde lo med ham, i virkeligheten lo av ham, og etter hvert som han blir smartere, skygger de banen. Snart har Charlie høyere IQ enn alle andre, og som geni blir han vel så isolert som han var som tilbakestående. Det hjelper ikke at minnene fra barndommen begynner å plage ham…
Jeg kunne sagt en hel masse om denne boka, men jeg overlater den til dere å lese. Flowers for Algernon er en science fiction-roman med dybde, den er intelligent og vakker og uten tvil en av de aller beste bøkene jeg har lest innen sjangeren. Den har en god del likhetstrekk med Michail Bulgakovs Hundehjertet, en annen udødelig klassiker, og jeg anbefaler herved begge bøkene på det varmeste.
Ingen diskusjoner ennå.
Start en diskusjon om verket Se alle diskusjoner om verketI passed your floor on the way up, and now I'm passing it on the way down, and I don't think I'll be taking this elevator again
This was the way we loved, until the night became a silent day. And as I lay there with her I could see how important physical love was, how necessary it was for us to be in each other’s arms, giving and taking. The universe was exploding, each particle away from the next, hurtling us into dark and lonely space, eternally tearing us away from each other - child out of the womb, friend away from friend, moving from each other, each through his own pathway toward the goal-box of solitary death. But this was counterweight, the act of binding and holding. As when men to keep from being swept overboard in the storm clutch at each other’s hands to resist being torn apart, so our bodies fused a link in the human chain that kept us from being swept into nothing.
fear of being revealed as a man walking on stilts among giants
How strange it is that people of honest feelings and sensibility, who would not take advantage of a man born without arms og legs og eyes—how such people think nothing of abusing a man born with low intelligence.
Slowly, as waves recede, my expanding spirit shrinks back into earthly dimensions—not voluntarily, because I would prefer to lose myself, but I am pulled from below, back to myself, into myself, so that for just one momen I am on the couch again, fitting the finges of my awareness into the glove of my flesh.
I don’t pretend to understand the mystery of love, but this time it was more than sex, more than using a woman’s body. It was being lifted off the earth, outside fear and torment, being part of something greater than myself. I was lifted out of the dark cell of my own mind, to become part of someone else - just as I had experienced it that day on the couch in therapy. It was the first step outward to the universe - beyond the universe - because in it and with it we merged to recreate and perpetuate the human spirit. Expanding and bursting outward, and contracting and forming inward, it was the rhythm of being - of breathing, of heartbeat, of day and night - and the rhythm of our bodies set off an echo in my mind.
Before I could say anything, she kissed me. I waited, as she sat beside me on the couch, resting her head against my chest, but the panic didn’t come. Alice was a woman, but perhaps now Charlie would understand that she wasn’t his mother or his sister. With the relief of knowing I had passed through a crisis, I sighed because there was nothing to hold me back. It was no time for fear or pretense, because it could never be this way with anyone else. All the barriers were gone. I had unwound the string she had given me, and found my way out of the labyrinth to where she was waiting. I loved her with more than my body.
I am afraid. Not of life, or death, or nothingness, but of wasting it as if I had never been. And as I start through the opening, I feel the pressure around me, propelling me in violent wavelike motions towards the mouth of the cave. It’s too small! I can’t get through! And suddenly I am hurled against the walls, again and again, and forced through the opening where the light threatens to burst my eyes. Again, I know I will pierce the crust into that holy light. More than I can bear. Pain as I have never known, and coldness, and nausea, and the great buzzing over my head flapping like a thousand wings. I open my eyes, blinded by the intense light. And flail the air and tremble and scream.
Nothing definite yet. I move in a silence of clear white light. Everything around me is waiting. I dream of being alone on the top of a mountain, surveying the land around me, green and yellows - and the sun directly above, pressing my shadow into a tight ball around my legs. As the sun drops into the afternoon sky, the shadow undrapes itself and stretches out towards the horizon, long and thin, and far behind me. . . .
I want to say here again what I've said already to Dr. Strauss. No one is in any way to blame for what has happened.
Even a feeble-minded man wants to be like other men.
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Nebula gir ut pris for beste roman i sjangeren fantasy/science fiction utgitt i USA forrige år, siden 1966. År 1982 er uten vinner. I 1967 og 1978 ble det kåret to vinnere. For hver bok står det hvilke bøker som var nominert. Kilden er her
De nominerte i 1982 var:
Little, Big by John Crowley
The Many-Coloured Land by Julian May
Radix by A A Attanasio
Riddley Walker by Russell Hoban