med sin moralske utpresning, sin nasjonalisme som hvitner av nevrotisk raseri
med runde øyne, som en soldat når han stormer en sort skanse
i stedet for Jeg
rår nå – Vi!
Hvordan skulle jeg unnlate å besynge meg selv hvis jeg helt og holdent er unik, hvis hver av mine bevegelser er et gigantisk gåtefullt mirakel.
Jeg vil verken ha verden eller drøm. Jeg vil ha min frihet, min menneskelige kjærlighet
You expected to be sad in the fall. Part of you died each year when the leaves fell from the trees and their branches were bare against the wind and the cold, wintery light. But you knew there would always be the spring, as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person died for no reason.
«Jeg tænker paa kvelder som denne, jeg ikke faa lov til at leve —
paa modne marker, som bruser af korn, uten mig!
Paa rørende, lette smaating: Aks, som knækkes,
veier i sjøen, bleke seil derute,
bølger, som strømmer mot stranden uten mig!
Hverdagen, ven, som mildt blir ved bak graven,
tænker jeg paa, og alle de dype, blaa,
kommende kvelder her i sommerhaven,
uten mit sind mot dit, tænker jeg paa!
Inni er øynene dine vinduer
mot et land der jeg står i klarhet.
Ingen elsker meg og ingen har
svingt lampen over mitt lik.
It's all good, I would say, It's all fucked. And then I would breathe. And then, again, it's all good, it's all fucked. Again, breathe. And then, it's all good, it's all fucked. Breathe again. I might do this while walking. Or while driving in the car. Or while lying down, before taking a nap.
Skallen, det hemmelige hjertet,
blodets baner, som jeg ikke ser
drømmens, denne Proteus' tunneler,
innvollene, nakken, skjelettet.
Jeg er disse ting. Utrolig nok
er jeg også minnet om et sverd
og om en ensom sol lavt i vest
som spres til gull, til skygge, til intet.
Jeg er den som fra havnen ser stevner;
jeg er de sjeldne bøker, de sjeldne
gravyrer slitt ned av tiden;
jeg er den som misunner de som alt er døde.
Merkeligst å være mannen som fletter
ord i et rom i et hus.
Elva er som min smerte
Den renner og tørker ikke ut
Og når er uka ferdig?
I love you. I love you,
but I’m turning to my verses
and my heart is closing
like a fist.
Words! be
sick as I am sick, swoon,
roll back your eyes, a pool,
and I’ll stare down
at my wounded beauty
which at best is only a talent
for poetry.
Cannot please, cannot charm or win
what a poet!
and the clear water is thick
with bloody blows on its head.
I embrace a cloud,
but when I soared
it rained.
Come, my songs, let us speak of perfection –
We shall get ourselves rather disliked.
One can only believe entirely, perhaps, in what one cannot see.
Vain trifles as they seem, clothes have, they say, more important offices than merely to keep us warm. They change our view of the world and the world's view of us. For example, when Captain Bartolus saw Orlando's skirt, he had an awning stretched for her immediately, pressed her to take another slice of beef, and invited her to go ashore with him in the longboat. These compliments would certainly not have been paid her had her skirts, instead of flowing, been cut tight to her legs in the fashion of breeches. And when we are paid compliments, it behoves us to make some return. Orlando courtseyed; she complied; she flattered the good man's humours as she would not have done had his neat breeches been a woman's skirts, and his braided coat a woman's satin bodice. Thus, there is much to support the view that it is clothes that wear us and not we them; we may make them take the mould of arm or breast, but they mould our hearts, our brains, our tongues to their liking.
A man who wanted to look better
But not younger is red
Swells of raw.
Later they will remove the staples.
Ten weeks later
They are younger.
They pull over
Their head a sock of skin.
The white cannibals in cowboy boots
Return to the bush
And the darkness of the brutes.
Meat-eating seagulls shout their little cries myanmar myanmar above the airport,
Dropping razor clams on the runway to break them open.
Hard is soft inside.
The big jet has soft people inside for the ride.
Le fleuve est pareil à ma peine
Il s'écoule et ne tarit pas
Quand donc finira la semaine