Anna har truffet en mann
hun er så forelsket at hun gråter
venter på telefon
når han endelig ringer
gråter hun enda mer
han liker også å reise og å slappe av på sofaen
The sky spun again as Marco turned the ship so that 'down' was where long tradition had always put it, in the region of the feet.
"I perceive a possibility of an immediate chronological sequence of events which includes a violence," said Three. He stepped back, "I express preference for a chronological sequence of events which precludes a violence."
I was raised thinking that moral and ethical standards are universals that apply equally to everyone. And these values aren't easily compatible with the kind of religion that posits a Creator. To my way of thinking, an omnipotent being who sets up a universe in which thinking beings proliferate, grow old, and die (usually in agony, alone, and in fear) is a cosmic sadist.
I knew I had an ugly life. I knew I was lonely and I was scared. I thought something might be wrong with my father, wrong in the worst possible way. I believed he might contain a pathology of the mind--an emptiness--a knocking hollow where his soul should have been. But I also knew that one day, I would grow up. One day, I would be twenty, or thirty, or forty, even fifty and sixty and seventy and eighty and maybe even one hundred years old. And all those years were mine, they belonged to nobody but me. So even if I was unhappy now, it could all change tomorrow. Maybe I didn't even need to jump off the cliff to experience that kind of freedom. Maybe the fact that I knew such a freedom existed in the world meant that I could someday find it.
Maybe, I thought, I don't need a father to be happy. Maybe, what you get from a father you can get somewhere else, from somebody else, later. Or maybe you can just work around what's missing, build the house of your life over the hole that is there and always will be.
"Is that you?" said a female voice. It wasn't exactly an unpleasant one, but it had a sharp penetrating quality. It seemed to be saying that if you weren't you, then it was your fault. Johnny recognized it instantly. It was the voice of someone who dialled the wrong numbers and then complained that the phone was answered by people she didn't want to speak to.
"You're not allowed to call them dinosaurs anymore." said Yo-less. "It's speciesist. You have to call them pre-petroleum persons."
Trist at det må være sånn fortsatt, at kvinnelige sf-forfattere oppfordres til å bruke psevdonym. Takker for tips til forfattere forøvrig, flere der jeg ikke kjente til, skal undersøke disse nærmere ved anledning :)
Wobbler had written an actual computer game like this once. It was called "Journey to Alpha Centauri". It was a screen with some dots on it. Because, he said, it happened in real time, which no-one had ever heard of until computers. He'd seen on TV that it took three thousand years to get to Alpha Centauri. He had written it so that if anyone kept their computer on for three thousand years, they'd be rewarded by a little dot appearing in the middle of the screen, and then a message saying, "Welcome to Alpha Centauri. Now go home."
"I saw a film where there was an alien crawling around inside a spaceship's air ducts and it could come out wherever it liked," said Johnny reproachfully. "Doubtless it had a map," said the Captain.
For min del handler det mer om genre enn kjønn på forfatter. Skjønnlitterært er det science fiction og fantasy med alle sine undergenrer som fascinerer meg. Jeg har lest en del av bla. Ursula K. LeGuin som utfordret mannsdominansen innenfor sci-fi, regner med at hun måtte kjempe mot ymse oppfatninger om at "kvinner skriver ikke sånt" den gangen. Har også lest noe mer "militær" sci-fi av en av Anne McCaffreys "elever". Det var godt skrevet og interessant handling, jeg ga blaffen i at hovedpersonen var en kvinne. Men det kan virke som om det fortsatt er slik at selv innenfor fantastisk litteratur, fabelprosa, er science fiction forbeholdt menn, mens kvinner dyttes inn i fantasy fordi de her kan skrive mer om følelser og sånn. Sånt vil ikke lesere av hard sci-fi ha kan det virke som om forlagene tenker.
Jeg leste Harry Potter etter at det ble kjent at forfatteren var en kvinne, det ødela absolutt ingenting av lesegleden for meg :)
Men fantastisk litteratur er tildels fortsatt for smalt kanskje? Ellers så har jeg ikke lest så mye ny sci-fi de par siste åra, så om noen har noen tips til kvinnelige sci-fi forfattere tar jeg i mot med åpne armer jeg. Nye bekjentskap innen genrene mine er alltid av interesse.
"Are you a physicist?" "Me? I don't know anything about science!" "Marvellous! Ideal qualification!"
“She had heard it said that, before you could understand anybody, you needed to walk a mile in their shoes, which did not make a whole lot of sense, because probably AFTER you had walked a mile in their shoes, you would understand that they were chasing you and accusing you of the theft of a pair of shoes--although, of course, you could probably outrun them, owing to their lack of footwear.”
Mrs. Earwig (pronounced Ar-wige, at least by Mrs. Earwig) believed in shiny wands, and magical amulets and mystic runes and the power of the stars, while Granny Weatherwax in cups of tea, dry biscuits, washing every morning in cold water and, well...mostly she believed in Granny Weatherwax.
I dinna trust him, said Slightly Mad Angus. He reads books an' such.
Vet ikke hvordan Victor Hugo ville ha reagert på musikalversjon(er) av sine verk egentlig. Men rent personlig liker jeg det ikke :) Altså som forfatter har man jobbet langt og lenge med å få dette ned på papiret og så istedenfor film/skuespill, gjøres boken til en musikal, hvor alle bryter ut i sang i tide og utide istedenfor å snakke? :D
He, he, artig sak :) Sånn ellers litt off-topic, men hvorfor skal man lage musicals av alt mulig rart?! Tror ikke hr Hugo så for seg dette som en musical? :)
Navn er viktig, f.eks. bruker Jim Butcher mye dypere betydende navn i Dresden Files. Jeg vet jeg har lest flere bøker med "rare" og interessante navn, men i farten står det stille utenom Harry Dresden og hans verden :D
Hva som helst så lenge det er musikk jeg liker :) Så for min del går det i VNV Nation, Depeche Mode, Rammstein, Nine Inch Nails, Colony 5, Icon of Coil, Lætherstrip, Natacha Atlas, Diorama, De/Vision mfl. :)
Til å begynne med Bobseybarna og Hardyguttene. Så fikk jeg lånekort på biblioteket og oppdaget bla. Alexandriabøkene til Jon Bing samt noe "voksen" sci-fi som hadde forvillet seg gjennom nåløyet på skolebiblioteket. Når de da bygde nytt bibliotek her i kommunen, med voksen og barneavdeling i samme bygg og egen sci-fi hylle, var veien videre i grunnen staket opp:-)