
Ho hadde ikkje vore seg sjølv
sidan bokbadet.

Havarikommisjonens konklusjon
kom, men for seint.

Kulturmenn burde komme med

Godt sagt! (4) Varsle Svar

"Alarm nå igjen?"

En kan nevne en rimelig fyldig og saklig omtale hos
Australias 'Defence College' (pdf) ,

og også til nå ganske lesverdige omtaler hos Goodreads ,
hvis en vil peile etter om dette er 'må lese'
eller 'ikke vekk meg!"

..en hadde vel tidligere inntrykk av at kretsen her på forumet
var noe blankt indifferente til hvor heftig utspionerte
de faktisk var, ved listig teknologi --
så blanke som nærings- og tæringsliv mfl. kunne ønske seg?

"luringene kan være ganske lure",
som også reven bemerket da han ble flådd.
Men han har nå gitt akt på forslaget om å våkne opp litt.

(br)anmeldere antyder at 'how IT owns us'-avsnittet ikke går
for langt utpå dypere vann ?

"I discovered I had cookies for over 4,000 websites
contributing to this hidden eco-structure - I've now deleted
them all and I take the time to check what I'm saying Yes to."

Reklame er noe en iblant kan få betale seg fri fra.
De som "lever av å levere", må vel nå ha et tynnslitt selvbilde
som filantroper? De vet at de leverer en plage.
Men kalkulerte, subtile bivirkninger er vel så betenkelige.

Vil en utsette seg for mer omfattende kritikk av
den akselererende Orwelliseringen av teknikk og samfunn,
så ta en rosa tablett og nyt en liten 'tvangs-forestilling' .

Bindeleddet du hadde oversett, kan befinne seg i den.

En omtaler nevner:
"published as 'The Tangled Web We Weave' in the US and
'The System' in the UK"
(da sistnevnte term er Ukorrekt /assosiasjontvilsomt in the US ?)

"Who controls the past controls the future.
Who controls the present controls the past."

"The most effective way to destroy people
is to deny and obliterate their own understanding
of their history."

"In a time of deceit, telling the truth is
a revolutionary act."

[ 3x George Orwell ]

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Kva tid las eg sist ein morosam roman? Så snart eg aner at ei bok skal vera morosam, blir eg fort litt skeptisk – det vil seia usikker, på om eg vil forstå kva som er morosamt. Så forstod eg ikkje umiddelbart at denne boka skulle vera artig heller, då eg plukka henne opp. Eg såg berre namnet til ein favorittforfattar og lånte boka utan å ha bladd i henne eingong. Utgjevinga frå 2018 hadde gått meg hus forbi, og enda er det som om det var i går at eg sat og venta på den førre, som kom ut i 2015.

Les heile bokmeldinga på bjoerkhaug.fludal.no

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

Den originale Star Wars-trilogien, 1977-1983, var ein gullalder; Star Wars-antikken. Så kom renessansen, i form av prequel-trilogien, 1999-2005; Teknisk nyskapande, men tilbakeskodande. I moderne tid har me òg fått ein oppfølgar-trilogi, 2015-2019. Mindre kjent blant andre enn ihuga fans, er derimot boktrilogien av Timothy Zahn som kom ut i 1991-1993, den mørke mellomalderen i Star Wars-universet.

Les heile bokmeldinga på bjoerkhaug.fludal.no

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Avd. våkenhet: jeg foreslår at vi frigir den eminente
boktitelen 'Jeg foreslår at vi våkner',
forfremmer den til ny åndsretning for vår tid.

Dette riktignok importerte protestdikt foreslås
å få opphold under samme tak, titel:


I’m sick of the skewing and twisting and trashing
Of words to the point of the harshest tongue-lashing
From government hijacking straightforward meaning
To hold up our speech to political screening.

Now shading the truth is alternative fact
Emotional rape has replaced lack of tact
Plain person is used—never female or fella
A poor homeless soul is an alfresco dweller
A streetwalking strumpet’s a sex care provider
A sponsor of ALL lives—a racial divider
A cop-killing thug is a top freedom fighter
And peaceful protester has overthrown rioter.

Since Judge Coney Barrett has opened her mouth
The skewing of language has slipped further south.
Her crime was to mention the term sexual preference—
Considered so bad, now the lexicon’s reference
Informs us those words are no longer PC
(They’re banned by tyrannical powers that be)
For nobody’s drawn to a partner through choice—
In matters of mating, we don’t have a voice.
It’s futile to argue, no need to get nettled,
We don’t pick our lovers—the science is settled…
Though only for those with whom THEY disagree—
A mind of one’s own is now called bigotry.

( funnsted )
( lå en liten lapp nederst i posen )

Godt sagt! (4) Varsle Svar

Jeg har har opplevd byttet som positivt. Kjører Bookbites på androidtelefon (Xiaomi A2 - Android 10) og på en gammel iPad. Derimot så må jeg si at min erfaring med eBokBib som androidbruker var langt fra frisksjonsfritt. Appen var notorisk på å hoppe tilbake til start av boka, og når det ikke var mulig å sette bokmerker, samt at den ofte nok ombestemte seg på hvor mange sider det var i boka, kunne det fort bli en frustrerende leseopplevelse.

BookBites har jeg en bedre opplevelse av, og har ikke opplevd særlige utfordringer der i fra. Det er kanskje noe farget av at jeg uten helt å forstå hvordan, er blitt koblet opp mot to distriktsbibliotek og dermed har bortimot ingen kø når jeg skal låne også nyere bøker.

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

Nurse who has a Indian herbal remedy for cancer.

"If you want to read about an amazing woman who just wanted to
help people, this is the book to read.
If you want to see how political the medical establishment is
when it comes to natural treatments, this is the book to read.

This kind of thing has been going on A LONG TIME.
It seems the medical establishment would rather people die using
their treatments, than live using a natural treatment."

For more than 50 years, Rene Caisse, a nurse in Canada,
successfully treated thousands of cancer patients

with a simple herbal formula
that was discovered and first used long ago
by the Indians. Rene Caisse brewed the herbs into a tea
that she called Essiac

"If you are interested in alternative medicines this is a
must read.
The story of a nurse who has a Indian herbal remedy for cancer.
The struggles she goes thru trying to get the medicine approved

and how she can not treat people who need it.
This is the treatment I would use."

( Fra omtaler )
( - mer her - )

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

'Det osynliga barnet'

er vart og våkent portrettert av Tove Jansson
i 1962,   her hos -- YLE.fi -- kan vi høre Tove lese berättelsen.

Seks år senere var den farlige 68er-tida brutt løs, alt folket var
folkeopplyst i det psykopjattiske fag og gnistrende bevisstgjort,
mer enn noengang ellers.
Å lære 'å bli sinna' var blitt så forløsende frigjørende.

Men hvem gjaldt det å bli korrektivt og faglig forløsende vred på?
Bare å få utladet seg for kaos-energi, som TOR og været hans forstår?
som i fysikken, går utladninger gjerne på en eller annen måte til
'nære omgivelser'.
Ikke sikkert om disse var konfliktens saksbestemte årsak eller dens
arkitekter, om det gjaldt å bry seg om fakta og sånt. Men det
gjaldt ikke: Det var alltid et rettelig og sanitært Vesen som
bestyrte de fakta som skulle 'hensyn-tas', i gjeldende mytologi.
'vanlig folk' trengte ikke bebyrdes med fakta.
og slett ikke sinnsvare, optisk kontursvake unge?
Dog TORs spontane utladevangelium kan de unge få ta del i.

vi oppdaget just en tanke vekkende betraktning om litt usaklig
fokuserte vredesobjekter:
om Korona-utladninger, nemlig i vår nære atmosfære. --- les her --

folkeopplæring i det nære vredestema: "Grip Overtrederen!"

Blir det mye vredesutladning som det kronisk-kyniske Kina løper
risiko for? - de har så stor folkemasse å jordlede seg i ?

Enda så jordkontakt det ledende skikt mangler.

herom, - detaljer her - - - 'Redd de optisk kontursvake barna!'

"når grenser krenkes" - indeed Sir.

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

Avfolkning - lenge kurant storpolitikk

og befolkninger blir vanlig industri-eiendom :

Sykdom Avslørt som patentert Krigsvåpen:

Li-Meng Yan, the Chinese virologist who was censored off various
social media platforms, has published a second co-authored
report warning that SARS-CoV-2 is an “unrestricted bio-weapon”
that was not only created in a Wuhan lab, but was also
released INTENTIONALLY by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Li-Meng Yan worked undercover at the University of Hong Kong
and in a reference lab for the World Health Organization
before coming clean about the scientific fraud behind Chinas
bio-weapon release.

Gen-sløyd Panikk-vaksine kan gjøre DEG til patentbundet

Hva om du blir en juridisk påheftet Genetisk Modifisert Kultur ?

Også frihets-filosofi og teologi blir berørt, og rørt rundt

"A person’s DNA will literally become a unique cell line that
can be patented by corporations.
Once injected, human cell lines will become patentable property
owned by the biotechnology companies.
This is the ultimate form of human slavery,
and it is currently being mandated through fear and coercion."

Lenge foretrukket 'Avfolknings'-våpen: Vaksiner

"1974 was the year of the first World Population Conference,
and Henry Kissinger's infamous National Security Study
Memorandum 200, which reported uncontrolled growth
in third world countries, with a potential risk to U.S.
national security."

Those [blacklisted] countries included India, Bangladesh,
Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines,
Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia and Colombia.

"Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy
towards the third world,
because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts
of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed
countries," Kissinger stated.
_ _

People disguised as inoculation teams showed up at Mexican schools
and started giving a "rare vaccine" to children –
specifically poor kids – against the will of their parents.
The "rare vaccine" was nothing more than a shot to sterilize
children and control world population.

Parents began hiding their children and stormed schools in
Mexico City to take them home.
These actions forced health authorities to stop the inoculations.

Only one year before, in 1973, a study was published in the
journal Obstetrics and Gynecology which reported work on an
anti-fertility vaccine that made women's bodies attack
hormones needed for a viable pregnancy.

Ever since then, numerous studies have been conducted on the
use of antibodies, especially immunization with the human
Chorionic Gonadotrophin or hCG antibody,
to regulate fertility.
These have been silently funded by the Rockefeller Foundation
(which is involved in the United Nation's World Health
Organization (WHO), too).

..Ever since, vaccines have been used to help depopulate
the world.

In the 1990s the UN's WHO launched a campaign to vaccinate women
in Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines between the ages of
15 to 45, to protect them against Tetanus (or Lockjaw).

Strangely enough, the vaccine was not given to boys or men
who are more prone to get wounds from cuts and rusty nails.

The Comite Pro Vida de Mexico, Roman Catholic lay organization,
became suspicious and tested some of the vaccines.
They came to the horrible conclusion that women of childbearing
age were being inoculated with hCG-laced vaccines,
making them incapable of maintaining pregnancy.

In 2004, a UNICEF campaign to vaccinate Nigerians with an oral
polio vaccine also appeared to serve another agenda.

Dr. Haruna Kaita, a pharmaceutical scientist and Dean of the
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ahmadu Bello University
in Zaria, analyzed some samples
and found the vaccine to be harmful and toxic with direct
effects on the human reproductive system.

These are not the only examples, and it definitely raises
questions regarding more recent outbreaks

( "uro i legfolket"? Sensur må til! )

( NaturalNews )


YouTube recently agreed to limit the spread of covid-19 related
information that defies the position of the WHO.
YouTube is in the process of removing videos that question covid-
19 vaccines.
YouTube is currently banning channels and any videos that point
out the limitations of these vaccines and
their potential to cause great harm.

YouTube is already working with the WHO to remove videos
that dispute the “supreme authority” guidance provided
by public health authorities.
Since February, YouTube has removed over 200,000 videos
questioning the covid-19 status quo.

No one can post content that tells the truth about junky,
non-specific coronavirus tests.

No one can post videos about the absurdities of contact tracing
of healthy people
and the constant shutting down of society over virus fears.
No one can question the worthlessness of social distancing
and the mass mental illness of expecting people to follow
arrows on the floor.
No one can dispute mandatory masking, or speak out about
the negative psychological effects that these mass medical
edicts have on everyone.

To make matters worse, no one can question vaccines at all,
even though they are being rushed into existence,
with numerous accounts of vaccine recipients suffering
from adverse events, both mild and severe.

The WHO controls world democracy now, punishing thought,
mocking scientific integrity and progress
by infiltrating the internet
with their Big Vaccine propaganda
and censoring out the truth.

It’s a medical fascist takeover and the casualties will
continue to mount, as important information is buried,
smart people silenced.


Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

En 'moderne teateropplevelse' med en viss samfunnssatire, videogram.

Litt absurd teater i starten, men med linje og helhet,
"som det siger frem".

se Youtube-film:

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

What really happened?

Were homosexuals deliberately targeted for AIDS experiments?

Consider this: In 1969, a certain Dr. W. Szmuness was admitted to the
U.S. by the Immigration and Naturalization Service. A Polish citizen,
he was educated in the Soviet Union and had been serving as an advisor
to the World Health Organization in Poland.

British intelligence suspected him of being a KGB agent.
And yet, he was admitted to the U.S. and immediately given the top job
at the New York City Blood Bank.

In 1969, suspected KGB agents were not routinely welcomed into America
and given high-level scientific jobs.

The Justice Department would know the answer to that question, but
they decline comment on Dr. Szmuness.

Once installed at the Blood Bank, Dr. Szmuness set up a major study of
a Hepatitis B vaccine.
But here's the weird part:

Only sexually active male homosexuals between the ages of twenty and
forty were allowed to participate.

There was certainly no valid reason why a legitimate vaccine test
should be limited to promiscuous young homosexuals.

And yet it was.

And the introduction of the hepatitis vaccine exhibited the exact
symptoms and epidemiology of AIDS.

Even chronic intestinal lymphoid pneumonia began appearing in the
homosexuals who participated in the Hepatitis B study.

When the AIDS epidemic first appeared,
the Center for Disease Control claimed that only four percent of
those in Dr. Szmuness' program had contracted AIDS.

Four years later, the CDC admitted that the number was sixty percent.

And then the CDC stopped giving numbers.
Why? Because, intelligence sources told us, the number had reached
one-hundred percent.

Every single man who received Dr. Szmuness' Hepatitis B vaccine
contracted the AIDS virus.

Intelligence sources have confirmed that Dr. Szmuness' Hepatitis B
vaccine was deliberately contaminated with the HIV virus

to introduce AIDS massively and exclusively into the homosexual
community in America's largest city.

( fulltekst )       ( mistenkte )

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

“We are mixing animal and human tissue in laboratory cultures,
then injecting them into human beings in a way that bypasses
their traditional defenses, such as stomach acid breaking down
Antibiotics, which we give with alarming regularity, are known
to dysregulate the bacteria in our digestive system,
and there’s strong evidence of harm from many of the chemicals
used in vaccines.”

“If a scientist uncovers troubling information that affects
the lives of millions, that information will simply be locked
away, while perpetrators of scientific fraud and crimes
against humanity are rewarded with millions of dollars?
It’s almost like 1934 in Los Angeles with the sick medical
staff all over again.”

“In 1996, government researchers identified SV-40 in 23
percent of the blood specimens and 45 percent of the sperm
specimens collected from healthy adults.
Six percent of the children born between 1980 and 1995 are
Public health officials gave millions of people the vaccine
for years after they knew it was infected.
They contaminated humanity with a monkey virus and refused
to admit what they’d done.”

“The fact is we do not know the long-term consequences of
injecting human DNA into the bloodstream of young children
(or adults, for that matter).
If the human DNA also contains or activates latent retro
viruses, these can also generate reverse transcriptase,
which will allow for genetic rearrangement, which we know
promotes the development of cancer.”

“FDA used the same playbook in 2002 to isolate, silence,
and drive from government service its star epidemiologist,
Dr. Bart Classen,
when his massive epidemiologic studies, the largest ever
performed, linked Hib vaccines to the juvenile diabetes
FDA ordered Dr. Classen to refrain from publishing the
government-funded studies, forbade him from talking publicly
about the alarming outbreak, and eventually forced him out
of government service.”

“The vaccines contain human cells, specifically MRC5 and
WI-38 cells, from aborted babies.”

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Å befinne seg i et hull, på bunnen av et hull, i en nesten total ensomhet, og oppdage at det kun er skrivingen som kan redde en. Å ikke ha noe som helst tema for en bok, ingen ide til en bok, det er å befinne seg, nok en gang, foran en bok. En enorm tomhet. En mulig bok.

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

Litt oppfølg på vitaminer = sunn mat,

Vi ble kjent med lege Ekberg i en næringstips-video
'Spis Aldri Dette:'

som følger opp NC Geelmuydens industri-kritiske matforskning
pro etikk og rimelig sans & Samling, 'Sannheten på bordet'.

Den vloggende idrettslege og sunn-mat forsker Sten Ekberg
klarte å heve øyenbryn og innsiktsnivåer noe her,
Vitamin C oppklaringer :

vi hadde nærmest lært i kjemien at askorbinsyre var eksakt
sammme sak som C-vitamin, tryggeste identitet på hele kjøkkenet -
slik himalayasalt trolig var identisk likt natriumklorid ?
enda fargen er forskjellig.
Så enkelt var det ikke...

Men 'Høydose C -vitamin' til tidsbegrenset kur mot farlige
tilstander som kreft og Covid, er tydelig en ganske annen idrett
enn vitaminrik mat til daglig kosthold.

I dagligkost foretrekkes nok ekte spiselige planter fremfor
de syntetiske piller, om vi orker å lage til maten selv
og slutter å overtro på den mektige Industrien?

Hva som er 'høydose' C-vitamin, lærer dyra oss:
Mennesket er ett av ganske få pattedyr som ikke (lenger?)
kan produsere eget C-vitamin etter behov.
Hadde vi hatt evnen, så ville vår dagsproduksjon ligget på
ca 6 gram, og typ 2..3 ganger så mye ved sykdom.
Sammenligningsvis pr. kroppsvekt med hund, katt etc..


'vitaminrevolusjonen', merk dr Andrew Saul
og hans betydelige manus-bibliotek.
Venstremargen hans kan tjene som diagnose-register.

'Viktig info til den diagnose-nedslåtte' ( A.Saul )
"should my elderly family member be denied treatment that an animal
would be granted?"

En liten bunt andre Ekberg-filmer:

5 Misconceptions About Vitamin C - Dr. Sten Ekberg

D-vitamin, Viktige matkilder

Kan Salt være sunt ?

Immune Boosting Foods

noe hjelp i vaksinering ?

Sten er visstnok ikke i slekt med Anita, forresten.

Det interessante ved Ekbergs smitteberegninger er hvor
konvensjonelle og Uoppfinnsomme de er av metode:
Ligger midt i fagkonsensus i regnemetoder såvel som tallmateriale,
uten kritikk mot hva som antas å komme fra 'offisielle kilder'
(som aldri jukser eller 'doktorerer' informasjon i iver for saken..)

Likevel kommer han til at vaksinasjon blir noe marginalt som ikke
vil kunne innvirke vesentlig på det kommende helhetsbildet --
selv om det snart skulle bli masseprodusert en rimelig effektiv og
formodet også på sikt lav-dødelig vaksine.
Du måtte være ganske sårbar og sykelig for statistisk sett å kunne
vente noe videre utbytte -- men statistikken vil enda ikke kunne
avsløre om vaksinen hjalp deg å dø, i samarbeid med din utsatte
helhetsstatus - (Skadevirkninger testes ut på hele befolkningen) !

Som svenskfødt kan han detaljert frikjenne Sveriges helsepolitikk,
resultatene forsvarer seg godt i sammenligning med småstats-Europa
ellers.. og befolkningen er ikke utsatt for mer kyniske forsøk
enn noen forent-TVANGsinerte stater vil få på bordet.

Ekberg gir grundig faglig underlag for om lag alt han sier.


At global-regjerende Helsestoresøster $Bill Gates sitter på
betydelig eierskap i utvikling av såvel krigsvirus som vaksine,
spiller vel heller ikke noen statistisk rolle -- ?
så sterkt uttrykkelig $Gates har gått inn for sterk nedskjæring
av klodens befolkning, for å sikre fremskritt og planlagt idyll.
Faget heter evgenikk, eugenics -- slå det opp !

“The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's heading up to about
nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines,
health care & reproductive health services,
we could LOWER that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”

[ ― Bill Gates ]

"Five years ago, he warned us against a global pandemic."


hva er det klokt å sprøyte inn i en babys blod?

"a really great job" . . . (-- 2 --)


Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Alt jeg sa gikk meg hus forbi.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Døden er uansett personlig rekord, samme hvor langt eller kort man kommer.

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

Denne utrolig sterke dystopien om en ung, navnløs jente som kanskje er det siste menneske på jorden, er virkelig god! Det var sårt å lese om ensomheten, overlevelsestrangen og at språket sakte, men sikkert mister sin betydning for henne. Romanen var en nytelse å lytte til – forfatteren leker med språket – og et underliggende spørsmål om hvilket behov man har for språk når man er helt alene i verden går som en rød tråd gjennom handlingen. En særdeles sterk femmer, dette.

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

Likte godt den første romanen, The Book of the Unnamed Midwife, i den dystoptiske serien The Road to Nowhere. Spennende handling og interessante karakterer. Ga den en sterk femmer. I bok to, The Book of Etta, synes jeg historien ble tynnere og karakterene flater. Trillet er firer for denne. The Book of Flora, som altså er den tredje i serien, var det egentlig bare greit å pløye igjennom og bli ferdig med, og jeg landet på en treer. Dessverre

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

86 per cent of whooping cough today
is found in vaccinated children.

I looked at whooping cough, found all kinds of problems:

today we see 86 per cent of the children
who are vaccinated for whooping cough,
are the ones who are getting it.


[ In our book we looked at: ]
what people were doing 200 years ago,
like taking [true] cinnamon,
vinegar, onions and all the natural ways that
were shown to have a huge impact on the virulence
of the disease
and people's susceptibility of smallpox,

we talk about Vitamin C and other natural remedies.

We debunk a lot of the methodology that is propagated
throughout the medical system and throut the main stream

so - since then I have continued full time doing research:
I study between 6 and 12 hours every day, seven days a week
and I've done this for approximately two and a half years
with this schedule,
because at this point I cannot stop myself -

I feel so called to do this and to share with you
this information that is in our medical journals,
to share with you the facts, that we have never had
any kind of research looking at vaccinated
populations versus not-vaccinated populations
for some of the diseases that are plagueing our world today
like cancer, heart disease and diabetes and autism
and attention deficit disorders --

all of these things that I personally now believe
DO have an impact from vaccination.

There has never been studies to look adequately at it,
on a large population level:
there has been active resistance to doing such a study :
I find this to be a major problem.

I find it also to be a problem that mainstream media
will not report,
not invite me to talk,
usually they have a pro-vaccine doctor vs. mother debate.

But the good news is that mother often wins -
because parents today have become so well educated
that they actually have a graduate level knowledge
on these vaccine problems --
because they now understand
that they are the first line of defence for their children,

that they cannot trust the government policy,
cannot trust what they hear in the mainstream media

and they gone and done their own research
and they now understand more than their doctors,

which offends doctors terribly -
as many of you may already know.

So that is how I came to be where I am today.
[invites questions from audience]

Question; Are all vaccines sh*t?

In the beginning I kept thinking for myself that there must
still be some good vaccines?
but the more I researched the more I believed .. well,
the first polio vaccine was made from actual shit.
That should give you some kind of an answer.
It was made from the stool of two children in Minnesota.

(...) The healthiest children I see, are the un-vaccinated.
All vaccines are potentially dangerous.
There are reports of all of them, on adverse effects.
Nobody are going to look much at what will happen from those

I was introduced into a population of Steiner educated
children seven years ago,
they basically have a philosophy of biodynamic gardening and
farming, recycling and eating healthfully and probiotic
and ferment, and non-vaccinating.
( . . )

( Utskrift etter Dr Suzanne Humphries 2019-film i Göteborg )

(oj da, visste vi hvordan vaksiner stadig lages ? se kutt e.19min )

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

Did you know that 400 medical doctors commit suicide
each year in the USA?

That is about the size of two whole medical school classes.

This autobiography tells the intricate and personal story:
one doctor's path through medical school and out into academia,
specialty medicine, and hospital practice,
having to conform to the system's standards.


Like many doctors, she was on the way to becoming one of the
walking dead.
One day she realized that policy was harming her patients, and
she took a stand.
This resulted in hostility and ostracism [utstøtelse] by the authorities
and her peers in the system.

In 2011, depressed and deflated, life was difficult in all directions ..
until she found peace through an unexpected path and a new friend.

The co-author of Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines,
and the Forgotten History
brings you her entertaining autobiography, which will
surprise you and have you wondering if your own doctor could be
inadvertently threatening your health.

-dissolving cover-

Dr Suzanne Humphries gav et nytt overblikk i filmforelesning,
holdt i Sverige juni 2019:

Vaccination: Are we being told the truth?

Om det gjelder i selvbiografi eller faglig og historisk etterforskning,
er Dr Suzanne rett på sak og kompromissløst ærlig,

og kan forberede oss på ærlige møter med faglige pavevesener -
hvis høyeste sakrament er å sprøyte gift og urenheter inn i
våre blodomløp: Vi får alle hete Judas om vi er litt i tvil.

Ikke altfor tidlig å sette seg inn i de mer katharianske meninger,
så høylydt det nå skal skramles med KANONiserte tvangssprøyter --

i STRID med overnasjonal grunnlov og annet myndig, som det kan ligne
mafiaen å bare forakte.

Også i Youtube:

Dissolving Illusions: The Information You Wish You Had Known Before

Historien er viktig i dette, men å sjekke ut hva dagens vaksiner
inneholder, fremkommer lett for granskning -- for den modige.

Hvordan ble sykdom utviklet til krigsvåpen, i arv etter Hitler- veldet
og Auschwitz fagbetjening? Gransk rapporten FULL DISCLOSURE
som dekker endel pensum der.

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