Mrs. Garth, with her sleeves turned above her elbows, deftly handling her pastry — applying her rolling-pin and giving ornamental pinches, while she expounded with grammatical fervor what were the right views about the concord of verbs and pronouns with "nouns of multitude or signifying many," was a sight agreeably amusing. She was of the same curly-haired, square-faced type as Mary, but handsomer, with more delicacy of feature, a pale skin, a solid matronly figure, and a remarkable firmness of glance. In her snowy-frilled cap she reminded one of that delightful Frenchwoman whom we have all seen marketing, basket on arm. Looking at the mother, you might hope that the daughter would become like her, which is a prospective advantage equal to a dowry — the mother too often standing behind the daughter like a malignant prophecy — "Such as I am, she will shortly be."
"Now let us go through that once more," said Mrs. Garth, pinching an apple-puff which seemed to distract Ben, an energetic young male with a heavy brow, from due attention to the lesson. "'Not without regard to the import of the word as conveying unity or plurality of idea' — tell me again what that means, Ben."
(Mrs. Garth, like more celebrated educators, had her favorite ancient paths, and in a general wreck of society would have tried to hold her "Lindley Murray" above the waves.)
"Oh — it means — you must think what you mean," said Ben, rather peevishly. "I hate grammar. What's the use of it?"
"To teach you to speak and write correctly, so that you can be understood," said Mrs. Garth, with severe precision. "Should you like to speak as old Job does?"
"Yes," said Ben, stoutly; "it's funnier. He says, 'Yo goo' — that's just as good as 'You go.'"
"But he says, 'A ship's in the garden,' instead of 'a sheep,'" said Letty, with an air of superiority. "You might think he meant a ship off the sea."
"No, you mightn't, if you weren't silly," said Ben. "How could a ship off the sea come there?"
"These things belong only to pronunciation, which is the least part of grammar," said Mrs. Garth. "That apple-peel is to be eaten by the pigs, Ben; if you eat it, I must give them your piece of pasty. Job has only to speak about very plain things. How do you think you would write or speak about anything more difficult, if you knew no more of grammar than he does? You would use wrong words, and put words in the wrong places, and instead of making people understand you, they would turn away from you as a tiresome person. What would you do then?"
"I shouldn't care, I should leave off," said Ben, with a sense that this was an agreeable issue where grammar was concerned.
"I see you are getting tired and stupid, Ben," said Mrs. Garth, accustomed to these obstructive arguments from her male offspring. Having finished her pies, she moved towards the clothes-horse, and said, "Come here and tell me the story I told you on Wednesday, about Cincinnatus."
[...] just as when a youthful nobleman steals jewellery we call the act kleptomania, speak of it with a philosophical smile, and never think of his being sent to the house of correction as if he were a ragged boy who had stolen turnips.
'But I am more than a lad,' said Bradley, with his clutching hand, 'and I WILL be heard, sir.'
'As a schoolmaster,' said Eugene, 'you are always being heard. That ought to content you.'
Will vented those adjuring interjections which imply that admiration is too strong for syntax; [...].
Knurr... bestilte den fra Haugen bok litt tidligere i dag til den dobbelte prisen (gratis frakt). Litt usikker på hvor lang leveringstiden er. Uansett får jeg tidligst begynt å lese tirsdag 4., er på reise. Kanskje kunne vi utvide leseperioden litt. Jeg vet ikke hvor lang boken er, men har oppfattet at den krever konsentrasjon og tid.
Gleder meg! Slutter meg til alle takksigelsene til deg, Kjell.
But the door-sill of marriage once crossed, expectation is concentrated on the present. Having once embarked on your marital voyage, it is impossible not to be aware that you make no way and that the sea is not within sight--that, in fact, you are exploring an enclosed basin.
Dette er rene trilleren!
Nå har jeg bestilt Himmelrike og helvete. Blir spennende å se om den lever opp til forventningene. Lasso rundt fru Luna har jeg i hyllene. Jeg har bestemt meg for å lese lesesirkelens bøker; det er nettopp noe av hensikten med å være med.
Nå i innspurten heier jeg nå på vår islending!
En god begrunnelse som jeg støtter fullt ut!
Jeg har ikke lest noe av Stefanson selv, men er for tiden på besøk hos en lesehest som anbefaler hans Himmelrike og helvete varmt - "En ny og annerledes leseopplevelse, ulikt alt annet du har lest." Høres forlokkende! En bok jeg vil lese uansett, og veldig gjerne sammen med dere.
Desværre ligger det ikke indenfor min evne at kunne på ligefrem måde virke for arbejderstandens vel.
Men jeg beder Dem udtale for [arbejder]samfundets medlemmer at af alle stænder i vort land er det arbejderstanden, som står mit hjerte nærmest, og jeg beder Dem tilføje at i den fremtid, som jeg tror på og håber på, vil der være forbeholdt arbejderen livsvilkår og en samfundstilstand, som jeg med levende glæde ønsker velkommen.
2.oktober trykte Social-Demokraten i København ’Et besøg hos Henrik Ibsen’, basert på en samtale med Ibsen om hans tale i Stockholm om ’det tredje riget’ [...]. Artikkelforfatteren hadde spurt Ibsen om hans stilling til ’det sociale Spørgsmaal’. Først var Ibsen vag; ’Digteren udtalte kun, at han troede, Socialismen havde en uhyre stor Fremtid for sig, men at han ikke ret var inde i vort Partis Former og Fordringer her i Danmark, og hentydede til Forskelligheder i de tyske og franske Socialisters Opfattelse.’ Intervjueren viste til at Bjørnson klart og utvetydig hadde sagt at han var sosialist: ’Hvorledes stiller De Dem, Dr. Ibsen?’ ’Ja det turde jeg ogsaa være,’ lød Digterens klare Svar, og jeg forstod, hvor ’det tredje Riget’ laa.’
But Mr. Farebrother met him with the same friendliness as before. The character of the publican and sinner is not always practically incompatible with that of the modern Pharisee, for the majority of us scarcely see more distinctly the faultiness of our own conduct than the faultiness of our own arguments, or the dulness of our own jokes. But the Vicar of St. Botolph's had certainly escaped the slightest tincture of the Pharisee, and by dint of admitting to himself that he was too much as other men were, he had become remarkably unlike them in this — that he could excuse others for thinking slightly of him, and could judge impartially of their conduct even when it told against him.
At all events, it is certain that if any medical man had come to Middlemarch with the reputation of having very definite religious views, of being given to prayer, and of otherwise showing an active piety, there would have been a general presumption against his medical skill.
Da har jeg gjort min "borgerplikt". Uansett hvilken bok som vinner, har jeg fått flere gode tips om bøker jeg vil lese. Veldig artig dette, og all honnør til Kjell!
Perhaps she was conscious of being tempted to steal from those who had much that she might give to those who had nothing, and carried in her conscience the guilt of that repressed desire. One must be poor to know the luxury of giving!
Jeg har ikke fått fulgt med i denne diskusjonen om avstemningen, men la oss ikke gjøre det vanskeligere enn nødvendig. Kjell har mer enn nok å holde styr på. Du gjør en strålende innsats! Mitt forslag: to stemmer hver på hvilke bøker vi vil. (Om noen "jukser", dem om det. )
Vi tænker stærkt på, hvis alt går efter ønske, at tilbringe den kommende sommer oppe ved Skagen. Stedet har jo længe været søgt af malere og det store åbne hav drager os mægtigt. Helt op til Norge går i hvert fald jeg ikke. Forholdene, ånden og tonen deroppe, synes jeg, har lidet tiltrækkende ved sig. Det er højst pinligt at se med hvilken glubsk ivrighed de kaster sig over alskens småting, ret som om det var højvigtige sager.
Helst var jeg bleven hjemme; men efter de mange opfordringer, jeg har modtaget, kan jeg ikke godt undslå mig for at møde frem, især da 'Gengangere' er blevet et brændende literært og dramatisk spørsmål i Tyskland.
I Berlin er jeg forberedt på at møde adskillig modstand hos den konservative presse. Men også dette er for mig en medvirkende grund til at være tilstede.
Joa da, vi kan det. Det er jeg som hadde misforstått. Kjell oppklarer i sitt svar til meg.
Litt mye i hodet for øyeblikket :-)
Jeg har ikke hatt anledning til å følge så nøye med i det siste. Men hvis det er sånn at vi skal trykk "Godt sagt" på den boken vi stemmer på, betyr det jo at vi ikke kan stemme på vårt eget forslag.