Tiene el señor presidente
Un jardín con una fuente,
Y un tesoro en oro y trigo:
Tengo más, tengo un amigo

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

'But the umblest persons, Master Copperfield,' he presently resumed, 'may be the instruments of good. I am glad to think I have been the instrument of good to Mr. Wickfield, and that I may be more so. Oh what a worthy man he is, Mister Copperfield, but how imprudent he has been!'

'I am sorry to hear it,' said I. I could not help adding, rather pointedly, 'on all accounts.'

'Decidedly so, Mister Copperfield,' replied Uriah. 'On all accounts. Miss Agnes's above all! You don't remember your own eloquent expressions, Master Copperfield; but I remember how you said one day that everybody must admire her, and how I thanked you for it! You have forgot that, I have no doubt, Master Copperfield?'

'No,' said I, drily.

'Oh how glad I am you have not!' exclaimed Uriah. 'To think that you should be the first to kindle the sparks of ambition in my umble breast, and that you've not forgot it! Oh! - Would you excuse me asking for a cup more coffee?'

Something in the emphasis he laid upon the kindling of those sparks, and something in the glance he directed at me as he said it, had made me start as if I had seen him illuminated by a blaze of light. Recalled by his request, preferred in quite another tone of voice, I did the honours of the shaving-pot; but I did them with an unsteadiness of hand, a sudden sense of being no match for him, and a perplexed suspicious anxiety as to what he might be going to say next, which I felt could not escape his observation.

He said nothing at all. He stirred his coffee round and round, he sipped it, he felt his chin softly with his grisly hand, he looked at the fire, he looked about the room, he gasped rather than smiled at me, he writhed and undulated about, in his deferential servility, he stirred and sipped again, but he left the renewal of the conversation to me.

'So, Mr. Wickfield,' said I, at last, 'who is worth five hundred of you - or me'; for my life, I think, I could not have help ed dividing that part of the sentence with an awkward jerk; 'has been imprudent, has he, Mr. Heep?'

'Oh, very imprudent indeed, Master Copperfield,' returned Uriah, sighing modestly. 'Oh, very much so! But I wish you'd call me Uriah, if you please. It's like old times.'

'Well! Uriah,' said I, bolting it out with some difficulty.

'Thank you,' he returned, with fervour. 'Thank you, Master Copperfield! It's like the blowing of old breezes or the ringing of old bellses to hear YOU say Uriah. I beg your pardon. Was I making any observation?'

'About Mr. Wickfield,' I suggested.

'Oh! Yes, truly,' said Uriah. 'Ah! Great imprudence, Master Copperfield. It's a topic that I wouldn't touch upon, to any soul but you. Even to you I can only touch upon it, and no more. If anyone else had been in my place during the last few years, by this time he would have had Mr. Wickfield (oh, what a worthy man he is, Master Copperfield, too!) under his thumb. Un--der--his thumb,' said Uriah, very slowly, as he stretched out his cruel-looking hand above my table, and pressed his own thumb upon it, until it shook, and shook the room.

If I had been obliged to look at him with him splay foot on Mr. Wickfield's head, I think I could scarcely have hated him more.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

'Oh, really, Master Copperfield, - I mean Mister Copperfield,' said Uriah, 'to see you waiting upon me is what I never could have expected! But, one way and another, so many things happen to me which I never could have expected, I am sure, in my umble station, that it seems to rain blessings on my ed. You have heard something, I des-say, of a change in my expectations, Master Copperfield, - I should say, Mister Copperfield?'

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

Denne helgen leser jeg «American Pastorale» av Philip Roth. Har også så vidt begynt å bla i «Fuglane» av Tarjei Vesaas.

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

No volveré a ser joven

Que la vida iba en serio
uno lo empieza a comprender más tarde
-como todos los jóvenes, yo vine
a llevarme la vida por delante.

Dejar huella quería
y marcharme entre aplausos
-envejecer, morir, eran tan sólo
las dimensiones del teatro.

Pero ha pasado el tiempo
y la verdad desagradable asoma:
envejecer, morir,
es el único argumento de la obra.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

De la vida me acuerdo, pero dõnde está.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

'I wouldn't ask too much of her,' I ventured. 'You can't repeat the past.'

'Can't repeat the past?' he cried incredously. 'Why of course you can!'

He looked around him wildly, as if the past were lurking here in the shadow of his house, just out of reach of his hand.

Godt sagt! (5) Varsle Svar

Apología y petición

Y qué decir de nuestra madre España,
este país de todos los demonios
en donde el mal gobierno, la pobreza
no son, sin más, pobreza y mal gobierno
sino un estado místico del hombre,
la absolución final de nuestra historia?

De todas las historias de la Historia
sin duda la más triste es la de España,
porque termina mal. Como si el hombre
harto ya de luchar con sus demonios,
decidiese encargarles el gobierno
y la administración de su pobreza.

Nuestra famosa inmemorial pobreza,
cuyo origen se pierde en las historias
que dicen que no es culpa del gobierno
sino terrible maldición de España,
triste precio pagado a los demonios
con hambre y con trabajo de sus hombres.

A menudo he pensado en esos hombres,
a menudo ha pensado en la pobreza
de este país de todos los demonios.
Y a menudo he pensado en otra historia
distinta y menos simple, en otra España
en donde si que importa un mal gobierno.

Quiero creer que nuestro mal gobierno
es un vulgar negocio de los hombres
y no una metafísica, que España
debe y puede salir de la pobreza,
que es tiempo, aún para cambiar su historia
antes que se la llevan los demonios.

Porque quiero creer que no hay demonios.
Son hombres los que pagan al gobierno,
los empresarios de la falsa historia,
son hombres quienes han vendido al hombre,
los que han convertido a la pobreza
y secuestrado la salud de España.

Pido que España expulse a esos demonios.
Que la pobreza suba hasta el gobierno.
Que sea del hombre el dueño de su historia.

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

La poesía es sagrada.

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

Somebody was leaning out of my bedroom window, refreshing his forehead against the cool stone of the parapet, and feeling the air upon his face. It was myself. I was addressing myself as 'Copperfield', and saying, 'Why did you try to smoke? You might have known you couldn't do it.' Now, somebody was unsteadily contemplating his features in the looking-glass. That was I too. I was very pale in the looking-glass; my eyes had a vacant appearance; and my hair — only my hair, nothing else — looked drunk.

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

Det er det som er problemet med unge mennesker i dag. Dere vet ikke å sette pris på dårlig vær.

Godt sagt! (4) Varsle Svar

Dos patrias tengo yo: Cuba y la noche.

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

Blinking over a little desk like a pulpit-desk, in the curve of the horse-shoe, was an old gentleman, whom, if I had seen him in an aviary, I should certainly have taken for an owl, but who, I learned, was the presiding judge.

Godt sagt! (4) Varsle Svar

Por lo visto

Por lo visto es posible declararse hombre.
Por lo visto es posible decir no.
De una vez y en la calle, de una vez, por todos
y por todas las veces en que no pudimos.

Importa por lo visto el hecho de estar vivo.
Importa por lo visto que hasta la injusta fuerza
necesite, suponga nuestras vidas, estos actos mínimos
a diario cumplidos en la calle por todos.

Y será preciso no olvidar la lección:
saber, a cada instante, que en el gesto que hacemos
hay un arma escondida, saber que estamos vivos
aún. Y que la vida
todavía es posible, por lo visto.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Jeg ventet på ingenting. Og ingenting kom. En dyp is snek seg inn i hjertet.

Godt sagt! (6) Varsle Svar

Eg driv framleis og feirar Dickens. For tida les eg den uhorveleg lange Little Dorrit - og ser BBCs dramatisering, litt kvar sundag. Tre fulle cd-ar, og dette er nok den beste filmatiseringa av ein roman, i alle fall Dickens-roman, som eg har sett. Ikkje rart at denne innspelinga har fått sju Emmy-prisar: "Outstanding Miniseries", "Outstanding Director", "Outstanding Writing", "Outstanding Casting", "Outstanding Costume", "Outstanding Cinematography" og "Outstanding Art Direction". Ramifrå, alt saman. perfekte skifte mellom senene og topp skodespelarar - frå Claire Foy i hovudrolla til den misnte birolla. Det blir ein fin vår og sommar, dette, men *Little Dorrit" i både bokform og på skjermen ...

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Denne helgen tilbringes kveldene på sofaen med «Kaptein Blåbjørns 13 1/2 liv» av Walter Moers. :)

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

'Bob swore!' as the Englishman said for 'Good night', when he first learnt French, and thought it so like English.

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

Visst er det det! Må få den heilagdagen inn i kalenderen min med ein einaste gong! Og boka: Odysseen - for gresken min, for norsken min, for litteraturopplevinga, for reiselysta, ja - for heile den europeiske litteraturhistoria ...

Godt sagt! (5) Varsle Svar

Plutselig trengte ansiktet til en medfange – en chilener – seg på. ‘Det beste ved å reise er å ha et sted å komme hjem til,’ hadde han sagt, og så var det som noe hadde løsnet i halsen og lagt seg over stemmebåndene.» (Levi Henriksen: Snø vil falle over snø som har falt)

Godt sagt! (3) Varsle Svar

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