At the time of the Monica Lewinsky scandal in 1998, CBS News aired a lighthearted report on the French and their attitude toward infidelity.
D'ORMESSON: The whole French culture has love at its center, and perhaps cheating.
CBS REPORTER: Cheating is that important?
D'ORMESSON: Ah, cheating, cheating - let us say "looking elsewhere."............
Each time you cheat, you marry the new woman in America. And we keep the same wife and we have several mistresses. Roughly speaking, that's the position between your culture and ours...........
When you are well brought up, you try to cheat without too much harm, perhaps......... We cheat in so many, many, many hundred years that now you know how to manage. Don't try. It's very difficult, you know?
CBS REPORTER: You have to be French?
D'ORMESSON: You have to be French.
CBS REPORTER: Are you serious?
"You can say everything in one look, and yet you can always deny the look, for it cannot be quoted word for word."
Jeg startet med Fante og Bukowski som 15 -16 åring, idag nesten to kvinnealdre senere leses de fortsatt. ;)
The boy helps with cleaning up after the meeting of the Craftmen's Association, which went smoothly. Only two who vomited, only one who passed out, and one other who went home with a broken nose; important meetings, said the chairman to Helga, they brings us together, it's the solidarity that counts, otherwise the nobs march over us and trample us into the shit.
The struggle for life and dreams don't go together, poetry and salt fich are irreconciable, and no-one eats his own dreams.
Det var det jeg visste! :)
He tried to give his wife pleasure in little ways, because he had come to realize, after nearly two decades together, how often he disappointed her in big things. It was never intentional. They simply had very different notions of what ought to take up most space in life.
Hell is to be dead and to realize that you did not care for life while you had the chance to do so.
The hours are numerous and the clock seldom measures the time that passes inside us, the real lifetime, and because of this many days can fit into a few hours, and vica versa, and numbers of years can be an imprecise measure of a man's lifetime, he who dies at forty has perhaps actually lived much longer than he who dies at ninety.
We might not need words to survive; on the other hand, we do need words to live.
..........the sea captain and his hoarse voice, his cutting words and those dead eyes beneath his high, wrinkled forehead that contains remarkable thoughts, or should have done, must do, because he owns at least four hundred books, .........
He and Petur are likely the only ones whom Einar respects in this world, sometimes Jesus, but that respect was not as unconditional, a man who offers his other cheek wouldn't last long in the mountains here.
"Classic - a book which people praise and don't read", er Mark Twain's (kanskje) mest kjente munnhell, men Ernest Hemingway var jo også en beundrer av Twain - så da så! ;)
Hyggelighyggelig - takk skal du ha! :)
What makes lovemaking and reading resemble each other most is that within both of them times and spaces open, different from measurable time and space.
"Reading", he says, " is always this: there is a thing that is there, a thing made of writing, a solid, material object, which cannot be changed, and through this thing we measure ourselves against something else that is not present, something else that belongs to the immaterial, invisible world, because it can only be thought, imagined, or because it was once and is no longer, past, lost, unattainable, in the land of the dead....."
I like to know that books exist that I will still be able to read......
Do you want to demonstrate that the living also have a wordless language, with which books cannot be written but which can only be lived, second by second, which cannot be recorded or remembered?
Jeg registrerer at lesingen av Middlemarch er ved veis ende hos bokelskerne, men her er allikevel en artikkel om Rebecca Mead og hennes forhold til George Eliot og Middlemarch.