He made her feel as if she'd only been half-alive before they'd met.
“She won’t ever get better until you die,” he repeats and I’d had it.
“Clue in, asshole, she boarded the rail to crazy train a long fucking time ago and you purchased the ticket.”
This was not the type of unfinished business I would settle for with an arrest. This was the type of unfinished business that ended with a burial.
Grabbing his face, I assault his mouth intending to shut him up. Wanting to show him I wasn’t sweet anymore, I wasn’t tame and I sure as fuck wasn’t his. But the opposite happened because when he gave it right back to me, I forgot my intentions.
“You kiss with your heart and soul,” he said nipping my bottom lip. “You kiss me with everything that you’ve got. A man doesn’t forget that. I’m the man that needs that right now, Drew.”
Axle’s appearance back into my life was either fate or a cruel prank and I didn’t know which.
And because I didn’t have previous experience with relationships, I ran away instead of demanding an explanation. In the end, I broke my own heart.
“Fuck you,” he says spitting again. “I don’t answer to you, bitch.”
“True,” I say in agreement then twirl my backup. “But you will answer to Woody.”
“Oh yeah?” he laughs and I’ll note he was the only one. “Who’s Woody?” Shrugging easily, I twirl him once, twice, and then I line up. “Oh, just my bat.”
That grin meant the world to me because I was the only one who was on the receiving end of it.
Graham doesn't fill a hole inside me. He doesn't fix what is broken. He just makes everything brighter.
My view on my body is this: it is what it is. I am not embarrassed of the curves or lack of curves I have, nor ashamed, and really, my body isn't going to substantially change no matter what I do or don't, so I might as well be confident about it. Shyness has no role in my world.
A good thing about being so close to someone is that they know you so well. A bad thing about being so close to someone is that they know you so well.
Wet with booze, looking like a wilted flower, she beams and somehow manages to come off angelic. I scrunch my nose up. I hate people that look cute even when they shouldn't.
I remember I used to think Bentley was really cute. Nowadays, every single guy seemed to pale in comparison to Elec on the physical attraction meter. I wanted to crush that meter with a sledgehammer.
Knowing what his lips felt like on mine and how he’d tasted wasn’t a memory that could so easily be erased.
Randy stormed toward the stairs pointing his finger. “Cut the shit, Elec. You say hello to Sarah in a decent way.” “Hello to Sarah in a decent way,” Elec repeated in a monotone voice as he walked up the stairs.
His lips were perfect—too perfect—for the filth I was sure came out of them.
Dette er en liste over bøker jeg har lyst til å lese. Jeg skrev opp navn på alle bøkene jeg har som jeg ikke har lest og trakk 5 til å begynne med så legger jeg inn flere etterhvert tenker jeg.