“We only need to be one person.
We only need to feel one existence.
We don't have to do everything in order to be everything, because we are already infinite. While we are alive we always contain a future of multifarious possibility.”
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The Vanishing at Loxby Manor is the standalone by Abigail Wilson, published by Thomas Nelson. The story is set in Kent, England 1816, and is about gentlewoman Charity Halliwell who has returned from Ceylon to stay as the Cavanagh family’s guest. She finds them terribly distraught because their daughter has misbehaved and disappeared and keeps seeing lights from the nearby Abbey. Locals are scared and keep away from it while some mysterious activity seems to be going on. She gets help from her close friend and heir to the Manor, Piers Cavanagh, to investigate what has happened to his sister and if the disappearance is part of a lager mystery.
Main character is gentlewoman Charity Halliwell seems a vulnerable woman who has suffered a blow to her selfworth she tries to keep secret. She is relatable and I feel for her, but she also frustrates me as she keeps things hidden and gets in her own way. She seems a well developed character who is easy to like and is my favorite of this story.
Supporting character is heir to the Manor Piers Cavanagh who is a botanist. Having been ostracized from Society following rumors of cowardice, he seems a really good person. Circumstances have not been on his side and he has suffered the harsh, unfair judgment of The Ton.
Main dramatic element of this story is the mysterious disappearance which makes Charity and Piers investigate local matters left alone for years. Rigging of horse races is an interesting element I have not read about before.
The writing has a deliciously dark and mysterious vibe which I love to read this time of year. Charity lands in kind of an investigator role. A“Miss Marple Light” if you will.
Charity and Piers have strong feelings from five years ago before Charity went to Ceylon. I enjoyed the process as complications in their relationship get a chance to be straightened out and feelings rekindled. This is my favorite part of the story.
The faith element is weaved into the last part of the plot as Charity and Piers have to trust God to help them with their struggles.
The ending to this story deserves a few sentences of its own as it was surprising beyond belief. I had my eye on several of the characters, but never the actual culprit. I really loved that.
This is the second book I have read by Abigail Wilson and I have loved them both. She is firmly on my radar now and I am eagerly awaiting what she comes up with next. Readers of Historical romance and Historical mystery I’m sure will enjoy The Vanishing at Loxby Manor. Fans of Abigail Wilson will definitely love it.
Similar authors to explore might be Sarah E. Ladd or Michelle Griep.
Thank you to Thomas Nelson and NetGalley for this opportunity to share my honest review. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
Conclusion: The Vanishing at Loxby Manor is the intriguingly mysterious historical which includes disappearance, murder and the rekindling of lost love. All tied together in an enjoyably unexpected ending.
Hei! Det er smart at du registrerer og sorterer bøkene i barnehagen - men er det mulig for deg å sette antall eksemplarer av bøkene et annet sted enn under bokomtaler?
For oss som ser på forsiden etter bokomtaler er det uinteressant med 2ex ... :)
Fint om du kan ordne det. Takk!
Jepp, jeg tror det var akkurat slik Wojnarowicz følte det. Like a deer caught in the headlights ... Det tok ikke mange år fra han skrev setningen til han døde av AIDS
My eyes have always been advertisements for an early death
We're so often told that art can't really change anything. But I think it can. It shapes our ethical landscapes; it opens us to the interior lives of others. It is a training ground for possibility. It makes plain inequalities, and it offers other ways of living.
Anbefales! Laing skriver om kunst og litteratur med varme og vidd. Det er personlig og politisk - og helt perfekt.
When crime photographer and news reporter Sarah Bain gets married to
Detective Sergeant Thomas Barrett, the ceremony gets interrupted by a murder. The victim is a photographer specializing in taking scam photos of ghosts. Sarah investigates the technology and tricks used to con grieving people.
A Portrait of Peril is book 5 in the Victorian Mystery series by Laura Joh Rowland, published by Crooked Lane Books. The setting is London 1890 and we follow newspaper photographer Sarah Bain, her police husband and her news photography/reporter team as they investigate how some members of the spiritualist community use a combination of new technology and tricks to con grieving people. Sarah and Thomas’ wedding ceremony is interrupted when
a scam photographer is found murdered in the church crypt. Later his publisher is found dead too. A member of Sarah’s team is standing over the body with blood on his hands and he ends up in jail charged with the murder. Besides investigating the two murders, Sarah secretly looks into the murder case relating to her own family.
Main character is crime photographer and reporter Sarah Bain. She is very self sufficient and has a hard time controlling her temper and struggles with the relationship with her late mother. She seems a complex and believable character who is my favorite of this story.
Supporting character is detective Sergeant Thomas Barrett. He seems a bit bland to me, and I struggle to connect with him. But I picked up on his deepest respect/fear for his mother. I wonder what that might mean for his relationship with fiercely independent Sarah.
I enjoyed how this story starts where similar reads have ended- with marriage. I found it strange and surprising that Sarah and Thomas didn’t find it terribly disturbing to have their wedding ceremony interrupted by a murder. They seemed to go on with things like on a normal day.
The plot contained details of previous stories which made it function as a standalone, but I would have preferred to read the series from the beginning to get to know the characters and follow their development through the series. As I jumped in at book 5, I felt I had missed out on this.
My favorite part of the story was descriptions of the living arrangements with Sarah’s group of unlikely friends and co-workers. The least favorite part was descriptions of an autopsy procedure.
Anyone who loves historical crime fiction will enjoy this. As will fans of Laura Joh Rowland. Similar authors to explore might be Anna Lee Huber or Erin Lindsey.
Thank you to Crooked Lane Books and NetGalley for this opportunity to share my honest review. All opinions are completely my own.
Conclusion: A Portrait of Peril is the interesting and entertaining story about a wedding ceremony interrupted by the murder of a photographer specializing in ghost photos to con grieving relatives.
Omhandler hekseprosessene i Finnmark på 1600-tallet. Anbefales
Å skrive er å skape setninger, flytte ordene fram og tilbake. På den måten oppstår det noe som i den tause samtalen mellom boken og leseren får en mening forfatteren adri vil kunne bli en del av
Da jeg endelig oppdaget litteraturen, fikk dette behovet for ensomhet en mening. I dag lar jeg meg stadig oftere innhente av følelsen av at det er utelukkende når jeg skriver, det vil si i det skrevne, eller når jeg leser, det vil si det leste, at mitt sanne jeg kommer til syne, eller til uttrykk. Det er bare da jeg greier å unnslippe opplevelsen av ikke å være i stand til å finne meg til rette, uansett hvor jeg måtte befinne meg. Mitt eget selskap oppleves som mindre påtrengende.
Rookie constable Jackson Forge’s first assignment is to find a missing cabby. To do that, he needs thief ringleader Kit Turner’s local knowledge and connections. In this unlikely alliance both have to trust each other with their lives as they unravel criminal activity with ties to City public office.
The Thief of Blackfriars Lane is the standalone novel written by Michelle Griep, published by Barbour Fiction. The plot is set in London 1885, and we follow fresh-out-of-training Constable Jackson Forge who is assigned to find the missing cab driver who is thief ringleader Kit Turner’s foster dad. With her extensive local knowledge and connections, Jackson gets to experience an underworld of dangerous cutthroats and cheats while orphan Kit has to learn to trust again. They deal with life threatening situations connected to criminal activity with ties to City public office.
Main character is rookie Constable Jackson Forge who seems to be a well rounded character from a relatively secure family background. He seems the voice of reason in this story and tries to keep Kit away from the worst of the life threatening madness she gets into.
Supporting character is thief ringleader and orphan Kit Turner who is a feisty, brave and very resourceful young woman hiding her loneliness and vulnerability. She is complex and struggles to trust, which makes her realistic and appealing character my favorite.
I loved how this plot was action packed and drew me into underworld London of 1800s. The stunning descriptions, particularly of the London underground (before tubes), made me feel a part the plot. I felt the characters were relatable and I enjoyed how Jackson and Kit kept meeting cynical, dangerous characters scheming to make big money and get one over on competition.
The excellent research built an exciting plot offering all my favorite elements of a story. One part mystery and one part romance all tied together in a historical setting. With the Dickensian feel, the amusing writing and dialogue made it one of the most entertaining reads in a very long time.
My favorite part was description of how the relationship between Jackson and Kit developed from the initial friendship to budding romance, as they faced mortal danger together. The descriptions of the extreme poverty, fear and despair of a woman who tries to support her children while suffering illness, was not my favorite. But I appreciate the dramatic effect. Michelle Griep is fast becoming one of my go-to-authors in historical romance, because I enjoy her action packed plots so much. I’ll be eagle-eying booksellers for her next release.
Anyone who enjoys action packed historical romance with a Dickensian twist would love this. As will fans of Michelle Griep’s other work. Similar authors to explore might be Abigail Wilson or Sarah E. Ladd. Thank you to Barbour Fiction and NetGalley for this opportunity to share my honest review. All opinions are completely my own.
Conclusion: The Thief of Blackfriars Lane is the packed and exiting story about rookie Constable Jackson Forge and thief ringleader Kit Turner who team up to find her foster dad. They get in life threatening situations while unraveling criminal activity with ties to City public office.
“Suppose for a moment the claims about pain’s ineffability are historically specific and ideological, that pain is widely declared inarticulate for the reason that we are not supposed to share a language for how we really feel.”
Historien er ikke noe som tilhører fortiden.Historien finnes inne i vår bevissthet, og kanskje også i vår ubevissthet, det er den varme strømmen av levende blod som motstandsløst bringes videre fra en genreasjon til den neste.
Diktsamlingen Averno er en slags gjenfortelling av den greske myten om Persefone men kan også sees som en beretning om en ung kvinne av i dag.
Forholdet mellom foreldre og barn, og da særlig båndene mellom mor og datter står sterkt i disse diktene og er vel for en av temaene i boken å regne. Det samme er forholdet mellom liv og død. Men også menneskelig tap og forfall blir tatt opp i denne boken, og jeg vil også si at den såvidt er innom politiske spørsmål og klima for å nevne noe. Selv om vi får høre mye om Persefone og historien rundt henne kunne dette like godt ha vært en beretning om en ung kvinne av i dag og hennes erfaringer.
Absolutt en verdig nobelprisvinner!
Les gjerne hele omtalen min her.
Veldig spesiell, tror jeg må lese den igjen.
Nå har jeg lest den igjen (2023)! Denne gangen var jeg mer konsentrert om beskrivelser og skildringer, ikke noe rart at dette er bland det beste i litteratur. Fortellingen er fortsatt spesiell, en sjelden historie.
Ofte er det en enkeltsetning som slår meg i bakken. Det ande overser, kan være det vi legger merke til. Og omvendt. Som da du så meg i øynene og sa: Du kommer til å gjøre noen veldig lykkelig. Det tok meg et sekund å forstå hva den setningen betydde. At den betydde: noen - men ikke meg.
When Baronet’s daughter and amateur sleuth Rosalind Thorne is asked to investigate what appears to be a suicide, she finds nothing is as it seems. Among the upper crust of society she discovers motives for bad deeds fueled by financial greed and social ambition.
A Lady Compromised is book 4 in Rosalind Thorne Mysteries by Darcie Wild, published by Kensington Books. This is the very entertaining and intriguing story about amateur sleuth Rosalind Thorne as she is invited to help solve a mysterious case. The authorities have decided it was suicide, but the victim’s sister thinks he was shot as he was getting ready to duel. Rosalind’s investigation reveals a string of hidden secrets and cover-ups among upper class families. They consider themselves beyond reproach, which the investigation totally contradicts.
Main character is Baronet’s daughter and amateur sleuth Rosalind Thorne. Her family has fallen on hard times following her father’s forger activity. She tries to hide this while assisting friends in need using her investigation skills and connections. She travels to opulent English country estates not unlike Agatha Christie’s Poirot.
Dowager Lady Casselmaine is a well developed and interesting supporting character who seems to have chosen a reclusive life. Her character goes through a development process from rather standoffish into a more amiable person who tries to open herself up to the world and live a better life. For this reason she is my favorite of this story.
The fly-on-the-wall perspective of the upper class lifestyle I found thoroughly amusing. I can’t remember having read anything with similar detailed descriptions of how dinner parties might feel for guests. The characters came alive and felt both relatable and realistic in this setting. My favorite part was descriptions of the Dowager Countess’ journey and development through the story. I also loved following Rosalind’s somewhat complicated and interesting past with her host.
I didn’t know much beforehand about duels, which played an important role in the plot. I very much enjoyed the descriptions of the secrecy surrounding it. Bad attitudes against foreigners and a notion that some people have “superior genes” made the plot stand out, and added drama. I found this a unique, surprising element I have not read about before.
I read this as a standalone, which worked perfectly. The ending left me curious and opens up for the next book. While this is the first cozy mystery I have read by Darcie Wilde, I would very much like to start from the beginning and read the whole series.
Anyone who enjoys the affluent country environments reminiscent of Agatha Christie and Jane Austin would love this. Fans familiar with Darcie Wilde’s works would too.
Similar authors to explore might be Andrea Penrose and Rosemary Simpson.
Thank you to Kensington Books and NetGalley for this opportunity to share my honest review. All opinions are completely my own.
Conclusion: A Lady Compromised is the entertaining and intriguing new installment in Rosalind Thorne Mysteries series. Amateur sleuth Rosalind Thorne solves crimes in Jane Austin-like opulent English country environments. Somebody ends up dead in what appears to be a duel gone horribly wrong. Bad attitude against foreigners was a unique and surprising element adding drama to the story.