"this dystopian era" -

"..how hopelessness and fear
can easily be manipulated by governments to create cults of personality
and fragmented communities filled with distrust
of each other.
From there, it’s a small step toward violence and even genocide. (..)

..undoubtedly a staggeringly fragmented society in which dissent
against your ideological “team” is not tolerated --
and “truth”, as R.Giuliani said, is not “truth”
if it doesn’t subscribe to your world view. ...

..a slow decline over the last 40 years which are now bearing fruit
in our discourse and our culture.

..look at the chapter headings to see where Hedges believes this
decline is manifesting itself --
“Decay”, “Heroin”, “Work”, “Sadism”, “Hate”, “Gambling”,
and “Freedom”

all look at individual areas of American society where despair
and economic inequality have created bleak landscapes
that leave people feeling without agency in their lives.

This breeds a kind of nihilism
where people feel their lives cease to matter,
becoming unmoored from the sense of community
that holds societies together.

It’s a nihilism based primarily in a lack of being invested in
a community

and in the need to feel something, anything, regardless of whether
it is based in fact - or will negatively impact those around us.

Be it through drugs, gambling, kinship with nationalist or racial
groups, hate groups, or sadomasochism,
in a world that feels empty, these things make us “feel”,

even as we know it will result in our destruction.

Hedges believes that we do this to ourselves primarily because of
economic exploitation. Struggling to feed your family or
living in poverty is not as some would have us believe, the result
of moral weakness and laziness. Rather, .. inequality is ensconced in
America’s very system of government
which depends on those with power, maintaining it any cost
through the exploitation of the poor.

America’s history is littered of examples of the disenfranchised
(Suffragists, Black Americans, Native Americans, workers,
to name but a few) taken to a breaking point
at which they refuse to accept their fate and rise up.
Often after bloody struggle, cosmetic changes are conceded
by the wealthy who are afraid of losing it all ...

..men who have given up the pretense of even giving scraps back
to the exploited in society:
What was once a fear of unrest among the poor is now open
rapaciousness and contempt. Hedges argues that this represents
for most societies its last days.
It is Nero playing his fiddle. It is Russia invading Afghanistan.
It is the French in Vietnam and Algeria. (..)

..Increasing violence in our streets as frustration boils over?
An overburdened social safety net
unable to contain the exploding health crisis as more people
medicate themselves numb?
A collapse of democracy itself into a kind of Chinese style
authoritarian/capitalist hybrid?

..options seem frightening but can we say they seem impossible?
After touring the American prison system, talking to its prostitutes,
sharing stories with its opioid addicts, its gamblers and conspiracy
theorists, Hedges believes that ... it is the most likely ending
to America’s story."


.."[newspeak concept] Freedom, is self-mocking:
when a government watches you 24 hours day, you cannot use the word
“liberty”, he says:
The “toxic brew” of American exceptionalism means all our institutions
are corrupt and cannot be relied on for anything that doesn’t fit the
corporate agenda.

The solutions are hard. We need to build our own service/protest groups,
open up to our communities,
stay away from government and corporate grants,
and keep actively building resistance.

But not resistance for the sake of resistance; there must be a goal.
..Prison strikes for better working conditions can succeed because of
all the contracts states have with corporations
to deliver goods and services. Hedges says:
“As long as personal violent catharsis masquerades as acts of resistance,
the corporate state is secure.
Indeed, the corporate state welcomes this violence,
because violence is a language it can speak with a proficiency and
ruthlessness that none of these groups can match.” -
Hedges gives sickening examples of the state putting plants
[provokatører] in protests
to start the violence that will allow for live fire
by the militarized police. "

( klipp fra anmelderinnlegg )

"the U.S. government, subservient to corporate power,
has become a burlesque.
The last vestiges of the rule of law are evaporating.
The kleptocrats openly pillage and loot.

Programs instituted to protect the common good — public education,
welfare and environmental regulations — are being dismantled.
The bloated military, sucking the marrow out of the nation,
is unassailable.
Poverty is a nightmare for half the population.

Poor people of color are gunned down with impunity in the streets.
Our prison system, the world's largest, is filled with the destitute.

There is no shortage of artists, intellectuals and writers,
from Martin Buber and George Orwell to James Baldwin, who warned us
that this dystopian era was fast approaching.

But in our disneyfied world of intoxicating and endless images,
cult of the self and willful illiteracy,
we did not listen.
We will pay for our negligence."

"..take away a person's dignity, agency, and self-esteem
and this is what you get :
As political power devolved into a more naked form of corporate
as unemployment and underemployment expand,
so will extremist groups.

They will attract more sympathy and support as the wide population
realizes, correctly,
that americans have been stripped of all ability to influence
the decisions that affect their lives —
lives that are getting steadily worse.


"They blamed it on globalism, but that was the result, not the cause.
Gone are the days of any corporate sense of responsibility
to the employees, the collective good,
or the communities in which they operate
and whose many services they enjoy.

It is the corporate and financial elite, and they are now one
and the same, who have defined the “me” world in which we now live.

/ / /

Fr.Schaeffer sr. analyserte vår moderne tids 'despair'
i skrifter fra tidlig på 1970-tallet

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar


I Haag, Nederland og i Newcastle har man sett at fugler faller døde
om og forsvinner. Det hele startet med testingen av 5G-mobilnett.
Og man har sett at insektene blir borte.
Man finner ingen virus, man finner ingen andre årsaker - ..

Selv om de vitenskapelig sikre bevisene så langt mangler i forbindelse med
5G, har vi flust av belegg for at fugler plages, forvirres
og fordrives av tidligere generasjoner mobilkommunikasjon (2G, 3G, 4G).

Boka 'Den usynlige regnbuen' gir deg en omfattende gjennomgang.
Når du søker på fugl på min blogg, finner du omtaler av en rekke
forskningsartikler om hvordan mikrobølget stråling fordriver og forvirrer
fugl og en del av maten de spiser: insekter.

( mer her, einarflydal.com )

"arter forsvinner i et alarmerende tempo ">

" particularly harmful waveforms ">

Godt sagt! (3) Varsle Svar

Du har nok øksa til flere lyrer enn jeg, Børli -

har en hjerte for hjortedyr, kan en iblant fornemme å
kanskje kjenne på seg hva elgen kjenner på seg, når vi
suger inn samme sunne og litt oppbruddsvemodige høstluft
med frostdrag som drar inn -

trolig at de fornemmer ett og annet om 'rovdyr' enda de
ikke så ofte setter seg på Deichman for å drøvtygge
dyrepsykologien. Ved hytta mi tror jeg de tygger litt på
konsepter jeg kan ha lagt igjen - noe gemytt deler vi,
om ikke alltid gevir.

Snuser de en egen eim av verre uro fra de tobente rovdyra,
som har så mye forbannskap i de argordfulle krigspresise
at de jakter hjerterått på hverandre
med åpen jaktsesong
omlag hele året, alle år
siden Nimrod, den mektige jeger
og første storhersker på jorden

Velge elgen til fredsdommer?
Det måtte han nok tygge endel på

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

To better understand Islam, one must appreciate the thoroughly
legalistic nature of the religion. (..)

"Common sense" or "universal opinion" has little to do with Islam's
notions of right and wrong.
Only what Allah (through the Quran) and his prophet Muhammad
(through the Hadith) have to say about any given issue matters;
and how Islam's greatest theologians and jurists – collectively
known as the ulema, literally, "they who know" –
have articulated it.

According to sharia, in certain situations, deception –
also known as 'taqiyya', based on Quranic terminology, –
is not only permitted
but sometimes obligatory.
For instance, contrary to early Christian history, Muslims who must
choose between either recanting Islam or being put to death
are not only permitted to lie by pretending to have apostatised,
but many jurists have decreed that, according to Quran 4:29,
Muslims are obligated to lie in such instances.

As a doctrine, taqiyya was first codified by Shia Muslims,
primarily as a result of their historical experience.
Long insisting that the caliphate rightly belonged to the prophet
Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law, Ali
(and subsequently his descendents), the Shia were
a vocal and powerful branch of Islam that emerged following
Muhammad's death.
After the internal Islamic Fitna wars from the years 656 AD to
661 AD, however, the Shia became a minority branch,
persecuted by mainstream Muslims or Sunnis – so-called because
they follow the example or 'sunna' of Muhammad and his companions.
Taqiyya became pivotal to Shia survival. (..)

Several of Saudi Arabia's highest clerics have even issued fatwas
sanctioning the killing of Shias.
As a result, figures on the Arabian kingdom's Shia population vary
wildly from as low as 1 per cent to nearly 20 per cent.
Many Shias living there obviously choose to conceal their religious
identity. As a result of some 1,400 years of Shia taqiyya,
the Sunnis often accuse the Shias of being habitual liars,
insisting that taqiyya is ingrained in Shia culture.

Conversely, the Sunnis have historically had little reason to
dissemble or conceal any aspect of their faith,
which would have been deemed dishonorable, especially when dealing
with their historic competitors and enemies, the Christians.
From the start, Islam burst out of Arabia subjugating much of
the known world,
and, throughout the Middle Ages, threatened to engulf all of
In a world where might made right, the Sunnis had nothing to
apologise for, much less to hide from the 'infidel'.

Paradoxically, however, today many Sunnis are finding themselves
in the Shias' place: living as minorities in Western countries
surrounded and governed by their traditional foes.
The primary difference is that, extremist Sunnis and Shia tend to
reject each other outright,
as evidenced by the ongoing Sunni-Shia struggle in Iraq,
whereas, in the West, where freedom of religion is guaranteed,
Sunnis need only dissemble over a few aspects of their faith.

/ / /

Following the terrorist attacks on the United States of 11 September
2001, a group of prominent Muslims wrote a letter to Americans
saying that Islam is a tolerant religion that seeks to coexist
with others.

Bin Laden castigated them, saying:

"As to the relationship between Muslims and infidels, this is
summarised by the Most High's Word:
'We renounce you. Enmity and hate shall forever reign between us –
till you believe in Allah alone'

[Quran 60:4].

So there is an enmity, evidenced by fierce hostility from the heart.
And this fierce hostility – that is battle – ceases only if
the infidel submits to the authority of Islam,

or if his blood is forbidden from being shed [a dhimmi –
a non-Muslim subject living as a "second-class" citizen in an
Islamic state in accordance to Quran 9:29],
or if Muslims are at that point in time weak and incapable
[a circumstance under which taqiyya applies].

But if the hate at any time extinguishes from the heart, this is
great apostasy!
Such, then, is the basis and foundation of the relationship between
the infidel and the Muslim.
Battle, animosity and hatred, directed from the Muslim to the infidel,
is the foundation of our religion.
And we consider this a justice and kindness to them."

This hostile world view is traceable to Islam's schools of
When addressing Western audiences, however, Bin Laden's tone
significantly changes.

/ /

( fra -- forelesninger -- av Raymond Ibrahim )

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Often translated as "Islamic law", Sharia simply means the
"Islamic way" of doing things.

Christians are suffering under the return of Sharia,
from one end of the Muslim world to the other.

According to the "Islamic Way", wherever and whenever Muslims
are in power or getting more power, churches are outlawed,
burned and bombed,
while Bibles are confiscated and destroyed.

Freedom of speech - to speak positively of Christianity or
critically of Islam - is denied, often on pain of death.

Born Muslims who wish to convert to Christianity out of sincere
religious conviction are denied this basic freedom,
also on pain of death.

Christians are deemed to be less than second-class citizens by
many Muslim governments and Muslim populations. They cannot
get justice against their Muslim oppressors. Christian women
are routinely abducted, raped, and forced to convert to islam.

Increasingly, Christians are able to justify their very existence
only by paying large amounts of ransom -- money extorted in the
name of Jihad, Islam's "holy war" to subjugate or eliminate

Although Muslim persecution of Christians is one of the most
dramatic stories of our times, it is also one of the least known
in the West.
Such ignorance was not always the case. Ironically, much of the
material in this book that may be new to Western readers would
have been old news to their European ancestors of centuries past.
The exact patterns we see today in the Muslim persecution of
Christians were quite familiar to Christians who lived in contact
with the Muslim world in past centuries ...

In just the first few decades of its existence, Islam had already
conquered half of the Christian world's lands --
including regions that were the backbone of early Christianity,
such as Syria and Egypt --
while Europe was continually besieged ...

"the classic tradition was shattered," writes historian Henri
Pirenne, "because Islam had destroyed the ancient unity of the

For centuries European Christians lived perpetually under threat
of the Islamic conquest that had already forever changed the
Middle East historian Bernard Lewis writes,

For more than a thousand years, Europe - that is to say
'Christendom' - was under constant threat of Islamic attack and
conquest. If the Muslims were repelled in one region, they
appeared in greater strength in another. As far away as
Iceland, Christians still prayed in their churches for God to
save them from the "terror of the Turk".
These fears were not unfounded, as in 1627 Muslim corsairs
from North Africa raided their coasts and carried off
four hundred captives, for sale in the slave market of Algiers.

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

enda merkeligere: Drepe folk man kjenner, eller tilintetgjøre
en motstander man ikke har noen forestilling om,
muligens ikke engang en gal forestilling?

For besetningene på bombeflyene i den 2.verdenskrig var
motstanderen en ren abstraksjon ;

og mannskapene som idag sitter i sine rakettbunkere og
venter på avfyringsordre, er hermetisk isolert fra
enhver opplevelse av de virkninger som utløses når de trykker
på knappen --
en så pervers situasjon at den mest absurde borgerkrig
til sammenligning virker nesten normal. ..

Mellom nær- og fremmedhat eksisterer det en uoppklart sammenheng.

Den avskydde andre er vel opprinnelig alltid naboen,
og først når det har dannet seg større 'fellesskap' blir den
fremmede på den andre siden av grensen erklært som fiende.

( tekst hos nb.no )

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

"In the end, we will remember
not the words of our enemies

but the silence of our friends"

( Martin Luther jr. )

Godt sagt! (3) Varsle Svar

"Gode nordmenn"- kan det være typisk norsk å være ond?

Marta Steinsvik meldte seg aldri inn i Quislings parti NS ,
enda hun tidlig fant enkelte avgrensede saker der hun oppfattet
dets standpunkter som sunne - i turbulente tider.
Andre litt mer impulsive nordmenn lot seg lokke.

Gjennom noen måneder etter at "freden kom", ble flere av Gestapos
gamle straffesteder overtatt av sterkt hevngjerrige, riktig gode
Nordmenn - og nazismens gamle rutiner med rå pryl og tortur rettfrem
overtatt, nå til skade for landssvikere i 'varetekt'.

Også omtalt i bøker av Kjell Fjørtoft og andre..

En uoverveid innmelding kan ha vært hele sviket, for mange av dem
som det ikke hadde hastet sterkt med å skyte.
Og var nå dødsstraffen gjeninnført på lovlig måte?

Det offisielle Norge fikk travelt med å spa jord over denne
biten av 'rettsoppgjøret', den mørkebrune omsorgsovertagelse..

herom ytrer Marta seg frimodig i dette skriftet, slik Grunnloven tillater.

det kan leses hos nasjonalbiblioteket > [ stygge scener kan forekomme ]

Sydspissen fangeleir? - - - - M Steinsvik

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

Long gone are the days when the West, confident in its own
ways, attracted Muslims to its civilizational achievements.

Now, apologizing for its 'sins' and demonizing its own
Christian heritage while whitewashing (..) others,
the West only pushes Muslims back to reclaiming their
Islamic heritage. ..

In the 19th century, when the West was unapologetically
hegemonic, Muslims not only respected the West but also
tried to emulate it. The reason for this admiration is
Islam, quintessential religion of 'Might makes Right'
focuses respect for power .. such emulation .. explains why
much of the muslim world Westernized and secularized,
leading to a Golden age of tolerance for Christian minorities.

When the West, at least popular culture in the West, became
spiritually bankrupt and began apologizing for itself,
Muslims disgusted turned back to Islam and its 'way' the Sharia -

all, of course, to Western approval and encouragement.

And now the myopic West cannot comprehend that muslims have
gone back to treating Christians in the exact same ways
Muslims treated Christians before muslims began to emulate
the West. This history is allbut lost.

..the cognitive dissonance between what the multiculturalists
in the West believe about the benign and even superior culture
of Islam,
and what is reported as actually taking place in the Muslim
world, is so great
that much of the Western world simply cannot take in the facts.

But the reality is (..) that as the Muslim world reclaims its
Islamic identity, distinctly Islamic practices from centuries past
are returning, including Muslim persecution of Christians. ...

.."the proliferation of the hijab is strongly correlated with
increased terrorism" ...

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

For de dumme står intelligens som dumhet. ( H Børli )

Respektabel frimodig ytring av nevefast tømmerhøgger

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

eller hva med å sitte iført rød hette,
og bli hjertelig lest for av sTor Ulven <3

Børli sitter helst på trammen,
for det skal rime på 'sammen'.

Så lenge ulven er < 3 kan du ha en sjanse,
men 3 eller flere er ... noe skremmende.

Hjertelig lørdag fra avd. for utredninger og viktige fakta!

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Religiøse satanister skadesaksøker filmweb for BLASFEMI ?

I alle fall for en slags rettighetskrenkelse, mot et slags
'beskyttet' varemerke -
men også 'skade på rykte og omdømme' er lagt inn i regningen,
ganske kloss innpå 'blasfemi' - -

Det skal koste 50 mill dollars, bare å ha kanskje feilfremstilt
de fromme religiøst fornærmede
( som du neppe ville møtt på en mørk gate? )

Nærmere om fornærmede hos wikipediatet >

Litt av en nettkonflix -

er det egentlig mulig å registrere offentlig beskyttelse av
en angivelig gudemakt, 'de-itet'?

Så ikke noen slemme hedninger kan komme og røve den bort,
eller rettfrem krenke de satanister som setter sitt livshåp til den.

Vi skal visstnok lære å respektere fromme rettigheter heretter?

Åddasat-meldt : -- usatoday ---- telegraph ----

Noe bredere leksikon- artikkel på video, >
det varsles for rel. sterke psykiske / uestetiske audivisuelle effekter
dog, underholdnings-flixeriet ville by på samme vare..

men den off. registrerte fromhetsforvaltningen > gikk først i svingdøra?

og originalvaren skal visstnok representere det skeptiske
tvesyn, tåler eierne selv slikt ettersyn ?

Fornærmede har visst alt vært i rettstvist tidligere >

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

"duty for all muslims to carry out Jihad
until Islam covers the entire globe."

"The motivating strategy behind [Jihad-krigen] .. is certainly controlled by well-
educated Jihadists, who are well versed in Islamic theology:
alAhzam for example, one of the inner leaders in the Jihadists movement
had a doctorate in Sharia.
So it's no good pretending that these people are ignorant of islamic

-The word Jihad itself is .. deeply rooted in the texts of Islam ..
Does this mean, in your opinion, that all muslims are bound by Koran to
accept holy war as part of their doctrine?

"If they are following it literally, indeed to be a good muslim, you
have to obey the Koran which is the literal word of allah
and it is a religious common duty for all muslims to carry out Jihad
until Islam covers the entire globe."

( Ibn Warraq på Youtube )
( mer interview med Ibn Warraq, tekst )

Fra norsk omtale av tidligere Warraq-bok > :

"Forfatteren er en tidligere muslim ...
Warraq beskylder den vestlige verden for å unnskylde islams overgrep
mot menneskeheten
og hevder at islam ikke kan kalles tolerant ...
Forfatteren analyserer islams tidlige historie, Koranens tilblivelse
og ideologiens aggressive framvekst."

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Men når du er framme ved det som rører deg
rører det deg ikkje

likevel er det alltid noe som vil
røre ved deg

I går stod du inneklemt i eit ord
nesten uten å kunne puste
I dag kan du kanskje seie det, og
i morgon vil det vere eit nesten umerkeleg
fargeskifte i alt som blei sagt

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Det ukjent mogelege i ditt liv
det kviler i deg
som ein positiv balanse du alltid
kan ta opp, og
utanfor stormaktene

det du snakkar mot, vil du likevel bli med
men på ein omvendt måte

og all bevegelse kan bli din eigen
om du går inn i den

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

3 Ligklædet i Torino

Billedet er blot en ganske svag gulnen af de allerøverste fibre
i trådene på partier av klædet, så svag at den er vanskelig at
skælne på nært hold.

-Aut. portrett Vår Frelser-

I tæknisk mindre fremskredne dage .. [bortlagte teorier, men] ..
billedet.. må skyldes en utladning av intens stråling som har
forårsaget en 'svidning' .. som fotografisk proces bl.a. blevet
sammenlignet med lysudladningen i en fotokopieringsmaskine og
visse billeddannende fænomener ved atombombeexplosionen i
Hiroshima, men .. ingen synes at huse noget reelt håb om at
frembringe noget tilsvarende experimentelt.

[videre høytekn. forskning nesten bortlagt da] ..man finder ikke
at kunne arbejde videnskabeligt med tanken om ukendt, voldsom
udladning af stråler i en grav.

Men (..) inden for den bibelske virkelighedsbeskrivelse volder
det ingen vanskeligheder, ja er mere end nærliggende, at
forestille sig netop en sådan stråling ved Jesu opstandelse ..

man kan tænke på Forklarelsen på Bjerget, hvor "han blev
forvandlet for deres øjne, hans åsyn strålede som solen, og
hans klæder blev hvide som lyset" (Mt 17:2) [eller] engelen,
der væltede stenen fra graven, og hvis "udseende var som lynild,
hans klædning hvid som sne" (Mt 28:3)
Billedet på ligklædet viser i så fald Jesus sekundet før han
slår øjnene op.


grafisk overblikk >

Nyere prosjekt på 3dim-bildedata >

Skulpturert e. bildedata >

/ /


The dating of the Shroud

First of all, Professor Fanti supports the results of the 1986 studies
of Wilson and Miller regarding the dating of the Shroud: "This study
confirms the full authenticity of the sheet, datable to the first century
after [birth of] Christ".

Traces of blood on the Shroud
Furthermore, the study of blood traces has shown that: "some substances
present inside it such as creatinine, ferritin and biliverdin, can
confirm that the Shroud enveloped a long tortured man:
our body releases these only if in a state of particular suffering,
and it is unthinkable that they have been chemically added a posteriori
because the knowledge and study of these mechanisms are something recent.

(auto-oversatt fra Documentazione.info )

Prof.Giulio Fanti viewed from UK.> (overse uvedk. bildedryss )

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar
Denne teksten røper noe fra handlingen i en bok. Klikk for å vise teksten.
Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Six Months in Prison
for Posting a Photo of a Nazi and the Mufti on Facebook >

"He cannot 'win'. The process itself is the punishment."


this book grew out of a lecture on Islamic fascism that the author
gave in Cairo, resulting in a call for his death
by three prominent Egyptian clerics.

This polemic against Islamic extremism highlights the striking parallels
between contemporary Islamism and the 20th-century fascism
embodied by Hitler and Mussolini.
Like those infamous ideologies,
Islamism today touts imperialist dreams of world domination,
belief in its inherent superiority,
contempt for the rest of humanity,
and often a murderous agenda.

The author, born and raised in Egypt and now living in Germany,
not only explains the historical connections between early 20th-century
fascist movements in Europe and extremist factions in Islam,
he also traces the fascist tendencies in mainstream Islam
that have existed throughout its history.

Examining key individuals and episodes from centuries past,
the book shows the influence of Islam's earliest exploits on current
politics in the Islamic world.
The author's analysis exposes the fascist underpinnings of the Muslim
Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Shia regime in Iran, ISIS,
Salafi and Jihadist ideologies..

( e. bokus.com )



The prosecution had accused Stürzenberger of “inciting hatred towards Islam”
and “denigrating Islam” by publishing the photo:
A superficial onlooker, the prosecution argued, could not know
that this black and white photo in Stürzenberger’s timeline
was a historical document.

Heretter må nok ingen vise fram ett eneste bilde av politiske maktgubber,
for det vil såre et større antall 'troende' av en eller annen himmelretning

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

Dissenterloven var svært mislikt av de frikirkelige.
Å bli medlem i en frikirkelig forsamling var uavvendelig
et skritt nedover på den sosiale rangstigen.
En dissenter kunne verken bli lærer i skolen eller sykepleier.

Barratt hadde sett seg grundig lei på denne åpenbare diskrimineringen,
som han fant utålelig. Han skrev:
"(..) en har ikke villet gi dem samme frihet .. i samfunnet..
Så lenge det eksisterer en dissenterlov, som står som et skille
mellom folket, så er ikke Norge helt ut et fritt land."

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

"leading groups of scientists in 40 countries have warned that
the waveforms of 5G can be particularly harmful, not just to humans
but to all living species.
And I can tell you as a military man, that one of the waveforms from 5G is
incredibly close - in terms of electronic waveforms, really not much different
from the new microwave weapon called Active Denial, that is now in use for
'crowd control', to subdue and bring down crowds. And that is known or reputed
to cause visual disturbances, certainly neurological disturbances, heart
disturbances, etc. This can also be beamed from aircraft. Incredibly close to one
of the frequencies on 5G - it's mathematically complex, but makes a damn good
weapon. And we are now producing this- and handling it to toddlers! "

( Barrie Trower, em. forsvarsforsker ( You-video ) ( presentert ) )

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